Game of Thrones: Eastwatch

in #film8 years ago (edited)


Literally just finished this weeks episode of game of thrones and holy cow what an episode it was! Don't worry no spoilers here just a teasing blog! What a damn episode if you haven't watched it watch it asap! After spoils of war where we watched one of the best battles yet, this episode shakes up what the future of game of thrones holds! An excellent episode, the excitement continues and although the series feels slightly faster than all the other series it certainly is a genius plot that keeps us on the edge of our seats!

Don't worry if your worried once game of thrones is over we won't have anything to watch, Sir Duncan the Tall will be making an appearance in a Game of Thrones spin off aswell as others!


Can't get over the recent episode and again without revealing any spoilers the ending gives a very warm but worrying feel! Enjoy everyone and I cannot wait for next weeks episode!

@crypto-curt for more content


Just finished watching it. Was class, so far loving the new season

how many episodes are left this season?

2 I believe, then 6 for the last season that has been stolen 😂