Ready Player One Reviewed

in #film7 years ago (edited)

Interested in seeing a book to movie adaptation? Ready Player One is a good choice for you, then. I read the book months in advance, and I enjoyed it. Even if some parts were a little cringey/unbelievable. I came into this movie expecting that it would do a poor job of translating the book to a movie. I was very pleasantly surprised. It was actually a good movie. The plot, while the same as the book, was good. The characters, again the same as the book, were good. The special effects were wonderful. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Did it change anything from the book? Yes, multiple things, but I believe they were necessary. For those of you have read the book, you know the second challenge involves literally reciting a movie. Well, the movie changed this, and I must say, they changed it for the better. And I know that this all sounds like very high praise, and it is, but I was just pleasantly surprised. I wasn't blown away. It wasn't astoundingly good. It was a solid movie, a summer blockbuster that had a fun story, fun characters, and cool visuals.

7.5/10, a solid movie, a summer blockbuster that had a fun story, fun characters, and cool visuals.