Fill In The Blank - Game #18
- First person to solve a question wins 30% SBD from the blog post.
- No winner, the 30% SBD will be added to the next game for a bonus round.
- All contestants receive 0.01 STEEM, one per person.
- Reblog this post and receive 0.002 STEEM, reply with "Reblog" with your answer.
- The underscore is a missing letter or number.
- Older posts are recognised first if they have the answer.
- One try per person for each question, must have the correct answer to win.
- Game last only for 24 hours, No upvoting your reply please.
Good luck, lets play....
Hint: Fun & Games
Hint: Phrase
Bonus Round
Win 0.011 SBD only + 30% SBD from last game.
Hint: Thing
No 2. all limitations are self imposed
Congrats, your answer is correct.

#1) spectacular scuba diving.
And reblogged! 😄
Your correct, you won.

Thats awesome! Thanks a bunch! Bring on the next contest! Lol! 😉👍💙
Bonus - computer software
Congrats, the Bonus Round answer is correct.

Your answer for #1 is not correct.
YAY, It's not correct! That solved that problem, now didn't it? lol
Thank you, @bola, for your generosity and for providing us with this fun and win/win game.
Oh, my gosh, I just realized that I did it wrong!!! I guessed for 2 questions. I'm not certain either was correct but, just in case, please handle this however you feel fair, even if that means disqualifying me for this contest. No problem on my end. I'm so, SO sorry. I promise to be more vigilant n the future.
You only answered each question once. In my opinion this one post should be considered as 2 entries. Don't see anything wrong with answering multiple questions in a single post(as long as you don't try to answer in other posts). But damn I think you got the Bonus correct. Nice job!
2 - all limitations are only imposed
Good try but your answer is not correct.
Thank you for playing.
wow dude, I think this may be it. My answer was " all limitations are only implied"...but dang I think you got it! Makes much more sense.
And I read your answer first, that's how I got it. If I win, I give you half of the prize.
That would be one of the kindest things ever. Teamwork!
excellent your dedication
Thank you @jlufer
#3 Computer Software
Sorry, the Bonus Round question has already been answered correctly.
Yeah, sorry about that @bola
When I was answering I seen only my 3 replies. Then when I refreshed I seen loads of replies lol
Looked kinda silly answering 5 min after someone else with same answer...
My Bad...
Damnit, I look at this page every week. Spend 15 or 20 minutes to try and solve and I fail every time. Good job Bola!...(mumbles things about Bola under breath). Lol. Just kidding. keep up the good work.
It's downright maddening, isn't it?? lol
Yes! This post makes me rethink my wheel of fortune dream. Even though I may not be able to solve them I am sure it is a great mind exercise.
I used the questions from the last game, but added another vowel for this game.
The vowel was mentioned by @dan-atstarlite, in game #17.
I'm glad you like the game.
#1 Spectacular Extra Doodle
Good try, but your answer is not correct.
Thank you for re-blogging.
@bola you are killing it and now with this reblog . It is making it that much more fun.
Thanks, i hope everyone's enjoying this game.
#2) any limitations are only implied .
Good try but your answer is not correct.