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RE: .

in #fiftywords7 years ago

Memories of childhood make some of the best writing material. I think kids have a certain slanted view on morality and what it means to be a sibling, and what community is about. So they act out and do ridiculously self-serving and even vindictive things. It's the ones that don't grow out of it that I worry about the most. :-)

You really did capture those intense relationships between kids.

I'm so glad you're feeling better and are getting back into the swing of things. It is absolutely lovely to have you back!


Thank you, Jayna! Seriously missed doing these.

Indeed, yeah. Morality is more grey for kids than for adults, and the ones who aren't taught where lines are definitely are the ones to keep an eye out. Hopefully this character gets a good upbringing, or the world is doomed.