Diary of a Detectress – Episode 14 – The photogenic vampire
This is Episode 14 in the Diary of a Detectress series. For previous episodes, please follow these links:
Episide 2 – Student record not found
Episide 3 – First steps towards success
Episode 7 – The explanation of a lifetime
Episode 8 – Tracking down a hacker
Episode 9 – What happens when you mess with the future
Episode 13 – Life, death and disablement
Dear Diary,

Items such as ‘first aid kit’ and ‘emergency rations’ are mentioned. I’m thinking about urging her to hurry things along, but Layla catches my eye and shakes her head. Maybe it’s better to let Katie do her thing in peace.
When we finally arrive at the uni football ground, it’s clear that I needn’t have worried about being late. Friendly chaos reigns and the match is obviously a long way from starting.
As we emerge from Dylan’s car, my eye is drawn by a group of girls in tight t-shirts who are welcoming the fans and handing out free samples of some energy drink.
“Hey, is that BuzzDrive?” exclaims Ethan. He hurries off to accost one of the girls, takes the brightly coloured can that is offered to him and comes jogging back. “Supposed to be seven times stronger than Red Bull.”
Katie looks put out. “Ethan, didn’t you say you were interested in switching to a healthier lifestyle?”
He shifts uncomfortably. “Caffeine drinks are a necessary vice for programmers.”
“How can a conscious choice be necessary? I don’t think you’re…”
Layla, Dylan and I sense the beginning of another episode of the Katie & Ethan Show, and leave them to it. We wander off towards the office to collect the tickets that Shane left for me.
As soon as we’ve picked them up, Layla takes out her camera and starts stalking a likely-looking group of students who pass by, chattering away. She heads off after them with Dylan in tow. Little do those students know that they’re about to become immortalised in photographic art.
Left alone, I look around and see Ethan standing a few metres away, staring off into the distance and scratching his head. I head over to him. “Here’s your ticket,” I hold it out, poking him in the arm when he doesn’t immediately respond. “Where did Katie go?”
“I don’t get it.” He takes the ticket and absently slips it into his pocket. “We were talking about energy drinks and then she just stormed off.”
Ethan obviously has a lot to learn about women. “Did you admit that she was right?”
“Sophie!” A voice comes from behind me. I turn to see Shane approaching. Jade is with him, but she’s engrossed in a phone conversation. After a quick wave, she turns her back to us, still talking to the person on the other end of the line. Wearing a skirt and suit jacket with high-heels, she looks very professional and rather stressed.
Shane, on the other hand, looks as relaxed and casual as he always does. I draw him in for a hug. “Good to see you! Thanks for the tickets. Oh, this is Ethan.”
The guys shake hands. “Great that you guys could make it,” says Shane. “But Sophie, didn’t you say you were bringing your new flatmates? I thought they were girls…” He trails off, looking doubtfully at Ethan, who happens to be wearing t-shirt with 'I’d just as soon kiss a Wookiee' written on it. “Is this your boyfriend?”
“Oh no, Ethan and I are friends,” I explain hastily. “The others are around somewhere,” I gesture vaguely.
Shane looks relieved. “That’s good.” His eyes widen, “I mean, it’s good that they’re around somewhere, not that, this guy isn’t… I mean…”
He’s saved from digging himself any deeper when Jade finishes her phone call and interrupts. “Ready babe? I’ve gotta go and talk to the BuzzDrive people.”
“Oh are you working with BuzzDrive?” Ethan is suddenly interested.
“No, I’m with the promoters,” Jade runs a hand through her hair. I haven’t seen her this harried before (To be fair, I haven’t seen her in any situation that wasn’t Shane’s apartment before). “We’ve got a slot on local TV at half time and I’ve got to find someone to interview live about the match.”
“Babe there are loads of people you could interview,” says Shane, flinging his arm out to indicate the entire football ground.
Jade glares at him. “It’s got to be someone who’s well-informed AND sober. So that disqualifies practically everyone here.”
I’m about to jokingly suggest that she choose Shane for the TV interview, but then an idea hits me. Perhaps this could be the key to my dilemma. “Actually I know someone who might be perfect for that.” I say.
Jade looks at me in hope. “Really? Who is it?”
“He’s sort of an expert. Knows everything about the league and usually has a lot of insights. Doesn’t give that many interviews but I think he would if the right person asked.”
Shane is looking at me weirdly, but Jade clasps her hands, “Can you get me in touch with this guy?”
“I’ll do my best.”
“Amazing! Call me when you know more. Come on Babe,” She drags Shane off before he can ask me any questions about this “football expert”. I can understand him being suspicious. As far as he knows, I’ve never taken an interest in the game aside from what I was forced to watch while staying at his place.
I look around for Ethan, only to find that he’s disappeared. And I still have Katie’s ticket. I wander around looking for my flatmates and eventually find them next to a food stall that’s selling gluten-free vegan burgers. So far I haven’t seen any sign of Blazer, but that doesn’t mean he’s not here. I know from past experience that he’s good at staying out of sight.
The others are all eating. On a hunch, I borrow Layla’s camera and spend a couple of moments going through the photos she’s already taken today. She’s snapped loads of random ones of passers by and people entering the stadium.
I examine them all carefully, and sure enough, Blazer shows up in a couple of them. He’s wearing a student hoodie and a grey baseball cap, but it’s unmistakably him. I swear the guy is like a reverse vampire that only shows up in photos or something.
But the important thing is that his presence here is now confirmed and I can start building my trap.
“Guys, I might need your help with something…” I show the photo of Blazer to the others and explain about Jade’s dilemma. “So this is the football expert guy, but he’s a slippery one and I haven’t tracked him down in person yet. If anyone sees him, can you please let me know?”
It’s clear that Ethan immediately recognizes Blazer and he shoots me a questioning look but doesn’t say anything in front of the others. I’m pretty sure I can trust him to play along.

Katie and Ethan are discussing the energy drink thing again. Although they’re using lowered voices, they seem to be going deep into the science of caffeine on the human system. I try to tune them out and am glad when Shane and flops down into a seat just behind mine.
“Hey Sophie,” he passes a hand over his forehead. “God, I’m really glad I don’t have to do any of that promotional crap. It’s insane!”
I put on a sympathetic expression. “How’s Jade holding up?”
“Oh she’s amazing at it.” He looks over his shoulder, then lowers his voice. “But she’s absolutely wasted on these people. That girls is so bright and has so many ideas, not to mention that she’s gorgeous enough to be a presenter herself…” his face adopts the familiar goofy expression and I nod encouragingly, “…and I know it’s her dream and everything, but there she is, running around behind the scenes.” He shakes his head in exasperation.
“Who’s running around?” Jade sits down next to him, patting him on the shoulder.
“No-one babe.” He kisses her on the cheek. “How’d it go with the BuzzKill idiots?”
She snorts in exasperation, “Why don't these people get that we have other sponsors too? I could understand if they were footing the entire bill, but they’re stingy enough as it is, and I am constantly trying to keep everyone happy.” At this, Shane glances at me as if to say I-told-you-so.
I nod understandingly. “So Jade, I know for sure that the expert guy is here and I’ve got people working on locating him. Do you already have someone to interview him? I was thinking I could do it if that works for you?”
Jade’s eyes widen. “Oh Sophie, that would be amazing, I was supposed to do it myself but I don’t really know what to ask. And it’s always better to have a woman interviewer,” she directs the last sentence at Shane who has opened his mouth to protest. “Studies have shown that audiences respond better when there are gender dynamics between participants in an interview, AND the network is keen on promoting gender equality in sports reporting.”
Shane shuts his mouth again. I shoot Jade an admiring look. Shane was right. She’s wasted on these people.
But then Shane’s gaze gets directed on me instead. “How do you know this ‘expert’ guy anyway?” His eyes are narrowed in suspicion.
I gesture towards the seats next to me. “He’s an acquaintance of Ethan’s. I’ve met a lot of people since moving out of your place.”
He looks hurt. “You make it sound like I was the one preventing you from meeting anyone.”
I start to protest, but Jade winks at me and then pulls his face towards her, stroking his cheek. “But it was a good thing for us that Sophie moved out, wasn’t it babe?”
He starts kissing her and I turn away. Thankfully, the beginning of the match is announced at that point, so I’m saved from having to witness any more get-a-room-worthy stuff from either of the couples surrounding me.
As the players run out onto the field and the crowd cheers for each of them, I allow myself a moment to daydream about attending an event like this with a boyfriend of my own. Strangely, the face of this imaginary partner of mine looks a lot like Adam…
I snap back to reality. I’m here on business. Mustn’t get distracted.
This is an original piece, written for Steemit by @Victoria-Kelly. Thanks for reading!
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