in #fiction9 years ago (edited)





My name is Mx and I was one of the transpotimers missing from the crew at the beginning. This is my personal account of how I met the Transpotime21bus master Roberto, and subsequently became a part of the crew.

It was the year 1925 when I was skating with my childhood friends 3rdstryker and Mr. E on a frozen lake, after a lot of snowy days, we were finally having some sunshine again and it was beautiful. We were in our childhood years and had very little worries so we just decided to spend the day hanging out. We were just coming from a very brutal winter and everything around us was white, including the trees. We sat on the edge of the lake and observed how the ice layer reflected sun rays. We were having so much fun just being a part of this beautiful natural beauty. We put on our skates and skate-danced on the white, almost transparent surface, taking care not to stray too far from the edge of the lake.

My friend Mr. E began to move away from the icy shore to the centre of the lake where the ice was thinnest, 3rdstryker, worried that the ice could break from under him at any moment, called out to him not to go so far. Mr. E responded to this by showboating, making a special show of exhibiting even more skate-dancing skills, but on a particular routine that involved him jumping and landing on the ice with his two feet at once, the ice broke and he fell into the icy depths; 3rdstryker let out a blood curling yell.

I skated in the direction of the broken ice as fast as I could to reach Mr. E and laid down just at the edge stretching out my left hand and asked him to grab it on so I could help him out of the freezing waters,but he was sinking so fast he couldnt even reach the hand let alone grab on. I didnt know what to do at that point but I knew I couldnt let him drown so I just jumped right in and reached him just before he went too deep. I grabbed him and helped him unto the part of the ice that was still thick and climbed out of the water myself, then we both rolled over till we were at the shore,then I stood up and tried to give him some first aid but he was fine, his eyes were open and he looked at me with accusing eyes as if I was trying to take his life away instead of saving it. I will never forget those eyes, I was shaking like a leaf in a snowstorm for a long time remembering those eyes. Fifteen years later, 3rdstryker and I got married. It was the happiest day of my life. I had always dreamt of that day since we were kids and to think I had finally gotten my dream girl and would get to spend the rest of my life with her was certainly more than my sweetest fantasies.

Five years after that, I found out my wife 3rdstryker was having an affair with Mr. E, when I caught them right in the act in my house the day I returned from a war tour(which we won) in Europe, I couldnt control my anger, I Stabbed Mr. E with my military dagger, my hand bloodied as my knife plunged into his heart, 3rdstryker cried from our defiled bed the same way She did when Mr. E fell into the ice twenty years earlier.

3rdstryker: Honey I thought you were dead! Mr E told me you died fighting in the war.

Mx: He said what!? He lied! He was with me in that horrible war until he was allowed to return home after a war injury.

3rdstryker: I was thinking of you constantly. Life ceased to have any meaning to me.

Mx: That's funny. It sure didn't look that way when you had your legs wrapped around him on our matrimonial bed. I come back from a war and find you in bed with my best friend! What a way to welcome me home!

3rdstryker: it wasn't what it looked like. He seduced me!

Mx: Bullshit!

3rdstryker: Please, listen to me honey, please!

Mx: No! You listen to me! This is what I had to endure in my last year: no warmth, no blankets, no heating! We barely had any food, and when we did it was no better than what raccoons ate!

3rdstryker: Oh honey please!

Mx: That sounded fun, didn't it!?

3rdstryker: I was seduced! It was against my will

Mx: Yes! yes full of joy and happiness and rainbows making love to him!

3rdstryker: Oh Mx, he kept asking me this year to go out with him, but I kept refusing...It was only last week he succeeded in seducing me! He seduced me! He took away my dignity! I want to die! I am going to kill myself!

Mx: Oh my darling No! No! I I’m so sorry I misunderstood, forgive me.

3rdstryker: I am so confused, I feel lost!

I brought 3rdstryker some water. I was horrified at her obvious agony; she could no Longer bare her own suffering, or mine. Suddenly, she grabbed the dagger from the floor and plunged it into her belly. Her cries were like razor blades piercing through my ears.

Mx: Oh, no! No! I love you! What have you done, baby! No! I will never forgive myself!

3rdstryker: There's nothing you could have done.

Mx: Oh, my God! Somebody, help!

3rdstryker faded slightly, and then to a pale shadow and died.

Mx: Please, baby, stay with me 3rdstryker! Don’t leave me alone!

I looked at her hand. Our wedding band was in her tiny white hand, I removed it and put it in my pocket, she was gone, but I needed to have a part of her, I set the house on fire and miserable as I was, went to the seaport and boarded a ship to India.

A year later later, I was living in this tiny house which was between the outskirts of a remote Indian village and a school. I was allowed to live there, as I had contacted a kind of leprosy that was not contagious. I looked at my deformed hands, not only was I leprous and ugly, the loneliness was unbearable. I was a poor leprous man with a dropsical body, a hollow face and the colour of my body was grey like a dirty ashtray. My life was not only trapped by the leprosy but also by the memories of the past. I went to the loo to ease myself, as I brought out my penis to do my business, I looked at my thing and there was something very different about it. Its shape had changed so much. Its colour,size, everything! As I pulled the chain, my willy fell into the loo and my most precious thing went off with the water. There was nothing more to live for. I have to find a way to kill myself, I thought about abusing alcohol but that would be a slow death. I needed a fast death.

Suddenly the water from the loo floated upwards like water at boling point, was it the alcohol taking effect? What was I witnessing! A hand reached out of the toilet, holding my fallen willy. A voice boomed from below, "did you lose something?' It asked. I was speechless. With a stuttering voice I answered back, 'Who the hell is this?" With a slight pause the voice boomed back "I am Roberto the Transpotime21bus master". There was a big explosion of water that shot my toilet up through the roof. Two individuals, whom I had never seen before, appeared. One of them had his hand outside of a yellow shield. Slowly, the Light of the yellow force field was dimmed. The owner of the hand said to me "May I introduce you to my sidekick Damon. Damon looked at me and said "run along Mx! don’t wait for your willy to grow back. Go get your skates and sit your ass down in one of the Transpotime21bus seats before I whip it!' I followed them to the Transpotime21bus. There was no time to lose as they were going to give me a new lease of life. I was going to kill myself so I had no problem going with these two obvious lunatics, as nothing they can do to me can be any worse than what I was going to do to myself.

I was in a trip to the past in a Time Machine. Every atom in my body was on edge, according to them, we were going back to the past, I had to laugh, what were these guys smoking? But as it turned out, they were right and they knew what they were doing. I went with them, they didn't tell me why we were going back - I would know as soon as we arrived. So here I am travelling through time, defying the Laws of physics!

The transparent, yellow light shield was protecting our bodies from the radiation in the black wormhole. Yes we were travelling back in time! I could not believe my eyes; I was in the year 1925 again. We travelled back in time 21 years to the same day and same moment when I was going to save Mr. E from drowning in the Lake, I saw my 10-year old self there beside 3rdstryker and Mr. E going further into the centre of the lake. The two Time Travellers said to me, “you know what to do!" that was when it occured to me, they wanted me to fix my mistake, saving Mr. E was my mistake. They fired 2 tranquilizer shots to my past self and 3rdstryker that made them fall asleep so they could not see what was about to happen. I followed Mr E who was skating to the centre of the lake. Mr E did the routine like he did the first time and just as he turned around to catch 3rdstryker's eyes, what he saw instead was my leprous body and the ice breaking below him.

As I approached the ice hole I saw him drowning, the ice draining the energy from his dying body, ice coated the thick lashes framing those soon to be dead eyes, fear registering on his face as he came to terms with what was happenning. His hands broke the surface of the frozen Lake, grabbing my ears just as he had held my hands those 21 long years ago, trying to save himself from the drowning, But death was greedy that day. My leprous ears fell off into the icy deep, following Mr. E as he slowly sank, his movements slowed and his splashing eased I found myself humming. Tears froze on my cheeks watching my ears disappearing as his hands dragged them down into the frigid depths.

I turned around to say thanks to Roberto and Damon knowing what this trip back in time meant to my life. It meant I was going to live my life with 3rdstryker again. I waved goodbye to Mr E in the deep icy water. And looked upon the two sleeping children as I also sank to the bottom, it was a sad end but it was necessary so that I could have a new beginning.

As I reminisced over the past, both Roberto and Damon remembered that trip and felt a very strong sense of nostalgia. One month later, they both visited 3rdstryker and I again in the year 1938 to take us to the year 2015. This was necessary as They wanted to save us from experiencing the horrors of the second world war, and also to prepare us for a trip to the future, a trip to The Red Hat City. As we were going into the bus, the Speed Demon of Mr E came out of the deepest ice of the rink and secretly boarded the Bus - to the future.


That's a wild story from a crazy mind.. :) Nicely done. (that Damon guy is really great)