[fiction] Occurrences — Entry #0 "Sanity"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Hey, these are some things that happened in my life and maybe still is currently happening as of the time that you are reading this. I'll be keeping a record. Maybe this journal will suffice for such.

I should probably start by introducing myself. My name is Sam Alikhain. I am 5'6, average in build with a bit more muscles now. I am of Asian descent. Filipino, if you are curious, but none of that matters now. Anyway, I just mentioned my these with a positive thought that maybe in a fortunate case, someone gets to read this and starts looking for reference on my origins and maybe my genetic record.

It is too optimistic of a thought that I'd probably still be alive when you find this piece of the journal. Oh yes, another thing: I would be separating the sections of this journal in a helpful manner for the case that at least maybe a part would be seen and be found helpful by those in need. Luckily for you, this is the first part of everything.

It all started in the office, like probably how most 21st century stories should. I was running in late , and I accidentally bumped into one of the human relations officer as I entered the building. I believe, his name was Gary, a bespectacled man in his thirties. He was in a hurry then that he didn't even got to here my hasty apology. He was carrying a lot of things. Now that I'm recalling the happening, I believe that he had this blank expression as if he was in some kind of deep trance, occupied by problems or something. I also believe, but without any evidence that he was fired that day.

We weren't close, and we wouldn't really have had anything in to be linked with until that very day. So, everything was as usual. I worked on a publishing company, so you'd never expect anything so exciting at all. In truth, at this stage in my life, I've always thought about quitting my job, but never did. Maybe it was a blessing of some sort as well, for if it wasn't I would have gone under like most of the people on our currently locked down city which nobody knows about at all. It seems like the whole government has a way around letting information like this stay as fiction. Why? Have you ever thought when the apocalypse would begin and how? Or what would the government do, just maybe to contain the panic and inevitable?

Well, in this reality, it began in our very office. A freakish outbreak that felt like a normal chickenpox outbreak at first and then it all began. The first three days wasn't that much, but as expected 3 of my friends are going to be forced to file a leave for they were obviously very sick. Nothing strange happened then until the fourth day when we heard about the story on how Gary was spreading stories and was acting weird around his colleagues telling them to leave as fast as possible for the end is near. This was, at this time, crazy talk for all of us. I got to connect this with our previous "bumping" encounter, but I didn't really put much thought into it. The office did need some kind of interesting event of some sort. We were after all slowly dying inside as under appreciated employees.

I'm still alive now though, and it has been a month since I've seen someone "sane" among what's left of the living. It was very fast. The next thing I knew, there were sounds of explosions and helicopters and nobody was now allowed to leave the whole island. The ports were deliberately destroyed and no sign of helpful intervention ever did happen. It seems like we've been alienated from the whole world, and now, I understood why.


The "chickenpox" was just the first symptom. It wasn't really a chickenpox, but something with similar properties when diagnosed or at least in those terms. The second symptom was a staring spell on where the infected would suddenly be found staring into the abyss of space and resume doing what they were doing after a few minutes as if nothing in that span happened as if there wasn't a long pause.

The third symptom was the weirdest of all. After being infected or affected, I'm not sure what the right term is, as of now I understand that this wasn't a disease but something more present in all of us, just inactivated. People started partially disappearing!

When I said, sanity was a case that I deal with here day to day. I meant that it was indeed a rare scenario as people have gone mad and all too unstable as almost everyone has been infected, disappearing partially, and then almost totally, only leaving their hairs for no apparent reason.

Someone is approaching from afar. I have to pause on my writing and let this be the whole of entry no. 1, so I am wrapping this up:

I, and a few of my newfound sane friends, have decided upon learning the origins of this whole chaos and it lead us to the realms of dark DNA. I worked on a publishing company that published scientific research paper, and I may have read something about this once, how most of our DNA are not only unknown but seemingly useless, but actually they aren't. Forgive me, I'm not a biology major. I will have to tell you more on the second entry. If I'd still be alive by then, but most likely I'd be. There are a few of us who weren't in the slightest affected at all, and a fewer left sane.


I hope you enjoyed reading this piece.

any thoughts?