What if The Avengers had Lost New York?

in #fiction5 years ago

Humans Arising

I remember the day the portal opened in the sky.

I was fifteen. It had been so terrifying, watching Tony Stark's Iron man and the other heroes attempt to fight them off. So many died that day, so much destruction everywhere. The aliens didn't care who or what they killed, and we didn't even know what was going on.

And then the resistance was squashed.


The world as we knew it ended that day. All human governments were overthrown, every human military disbanded. Loki the Great, as we were forced to call him, ruled over all. But he didn't know a thing about us, didn't care the least, and society crashed. Food was scarce, crimes against humanity went unpunished. Any one deemed likely to have superpowers were killed outright, and there was a surprising number of these. A lot had been kept from us about the reality of the world. S.H.I.E.L.D was destroyed, Director Nick Fury killed. There was no hope.

People were rounded up for having something in their genes which they had no idea about. I would have been one of them, but immediately it started, my mother snuck me out of the city. She revealed the truth to me and told me all about her past, and about our ancestors. She told me how some other Aliens called the Kree had altered human DNA a long time ago and made them into something more. She told me how we were both descendants of these altered humans, capable of having our true abilities released. How she had lived among others like us, people who call themselves inhumans, in a place called 'Afterlife', but had opted not to go through the process and had come to live in New York instead.

We didn't know where we were going. She didn't even know exactly where Afterlife was, not even the country, but we had to get safe.

We hadn't gone far before they came after us --the Chitauri dogs, alerted by movement outside the human-allowed perimeter of New York. We ran desperately, but of course they caught up, and that would have been the end for both of us right then. Except, out of nowhere, he showed up. A man in black, with a black scarf over the top of his head and his eyes. He fought them off with his batons as best as he could and help us move further. He was skilled and seemed to hear and know things before we did, leading us through the Chitauri guards ahead without being seen. I knew him, had heard of him. He was the Devil of New York, and had helped many escape both human criminals and the wrath of the Aliens, especially in Hell's Kitchen.

Yet, even he wasn't enough. They were just too many of them to evade forever, and when they surrounded us, he couldn't hold them all back.

Suddenly, there had been a burst of blue. A great bubble appeared, and out of it, half a dozen persons. A couple were armed with guns that flashed blue, and they began taking down the Chitauri at once. Another had electric currents shooting out of his hands. The fourth, a girl, began multiplying. Each replica exhibited great fighting skills and unleashed them against our attackers. The fifth was a black, severe-looking woman with a shaved head, who fought even better than the multiplying brunette. The sixth didn't participate in the fight though he had a gun. He just stood aside and waited. And I could see why: he had no eyes.

They made short work of our attackers and took us away in the blue bubble, after talking briefly with the Devil who remained in the area. By what I heard, I understood he worked with them, and they were expecting many to try and flee, just like me and my mom. Where they took us to was incredible. A land surrounded by forest, a perfect blend of nature and technology. There were no aliens here, just humans. Mostly blacks who I figured were the real citizens, but also many others of every race and color.

It was here I discovered that hope was not lost. Nick Fury was alive and S.H.IE.L.D. was not defeated, most of the inhumans of Afterlife had been rescued from an assault by Loki and the Chitauri, and all around the world, people with incredible abilities were being saved and brought here --to the African nation of Wakanda, ruled by King T'Chaka and protected by an impenetrable, deceptive force field. Here warriors were being trained for the coming battle against Earth's invaders, and a council of war had been formed, led by T'Challa, the Black Panther and protector of Wakanda and the son of T'Chaka, Nick Fury, expert tactician who had faked his own death, a sorceress called the Ancient One, and Gordon, the eyeless man who had led those that saved my life.

I was put through terrigenesis, the process of unlocking my inhuman abilities, and I emerged with increased strength and impenetrable skin. Others rescued were put through the process, and daily, our ranks grew.

That was three years ago. Now, we are ready. Only one person remains --a human lady who had gone away from Earth to protect other parts of the universe back in the 80s. Once she, known as Captain Marvel, arrives, it will be time. And we will take our planet back from the aliens and kill their leader, the madman we call Loki the great. And all of the universe will know that this speck of land called planet Earth was not for the taking, and that to challenge us humans, is to court death.



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