Along Came a Dragon

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

I was pondering over what to write next for my little blog posts, just minding my own business when Along Came A Dragon.

Now, I have read about dragons in fantasy/lore and know there are different kinds of dragons. I am not an expert on dragons but do know from what little research I have done that dragons can be fantastical, legendary, mythical and more.

Never having actually met a dragon before, I was fearful at first, having one appear to me on Steemit. Once I got over the initial shock I began to interact with the dragon through comments and on discord.

I discovered that this particular dragon lives across the big blue ocean, in the country of Sweden.
I am guessing that is why she is called Swedish Dragon.

Now Swedish Dragon has been especially kind to me. I am not used to receiving gifts from people, let alone dragons. After knowing her for a short time I was given some extra valuable advice about Steemit. For this, I am very thankful.

After a few scant days of knowing this dragon I was looking at my Steemit wallet and something seemed strange to me. I had a small delegation going to @thejollyroger but when I looked at my SP I saw (899.00) or some large number like that.

My first thought was that somehow my delegation had been tampered with. Being a newbie here I wasn't sure what was going on so I asked my new friend Swedish Dragon and discovered that she had delegated 1000 SP to me.

This was a surprise and a shock.

I am not used to generosity such as this.

She did admonish me with "If I catch you misbehaving I will pull it ASAP!"

I assured her that "I write my little posts, vote, comment and encourage people". I added, "I am not misbehaving".

She replied, "That kind of behavior gets rewarded".

I am very thankful for the SP. I am very thankful for the pleasant surprise.

Dragon and I were talking that same day and I mentioned a little problem I was having at home romantically.
Everything worked fine (I know what you are thinking...Shame on you).

Everything worked fine but something was out of sync with my wife and me that prevented certain things from happening.

Dragon gave me some female advice.

I was resistant to it. "I know what I am doing...I have been doing this for a long time" I thought to myself.

As I kept pondering what the dragon had said, it occurred to me that I HAD been doing things a long time the same way. My way of doing things was causing the same lack of results to happen over and over.

Dragons are known for their wisdom.

A foolish man runs away from wisdom.

So I decided (finally) to do what my friend Swedish Dragon had suggested.

Bada Boom Bada Bing positive results happened.

In one day my dragon friend had cheered me up, made me laugh, taught me some Steemit tricks, rewarded me financially and sprinkled some "results" magic on me in one fell swoop.

She did all of this from many miles away and I am guessing with a stomp of a foot, a flap of a wing or swish of a tail.

Dragons I am finding are Wise, Magic, Generous and take care of their friends.

I am honored and blessed to have Swedish Dragon on my side.

Thank you, lady, for taking notice, caring about me and being a friend.


image by:



Gosh so adorable <3 I am glad you met a kind and wise and beautiful @swedishdragon ! And that you listened to her !!!! \o/ I love ittttttttt <333333333333333333333

You are adorable. Thanks for your kind words and for stopping by!!

i second that ;) !!! :D woohooo
awww, <a shade of pink is spreading over the scales.. tnx ♡ 🐲ℒℴve 🐉♡ purrs....

Awww... That was so well written and Im happy you got some awsome surprises and so well deserved my friend 🤗♥️
What can I say... Not surprised that The amazing Lady behind it was @swedishdragon 💖 she is The most amazing and supportive person and so wise.. Like you say 😉 She has given me so much to in friendship and Great advice.
She's a True gem 💖♥️💖
And you are amazing my friend... And it pays off.

tack stumpan 💖💖💖 visst var den fiiin????? och jag anser att är man snäll och generös, ska man NÅN gång få tillbaka.....

Badass 😜👍 fiiiiin!
Och jag håller med dig 100% om man ger så mycket av dig själv och är generös... Klart man förtjänar att få tillbaka.
Få en klapp på axeln och bekräftelse på att Jag ser dig! Betyder sååå mycket ♥️
Du gav honom mycket glädje och något han kommer komma ihåg länge 😉👍

Tack för att du är den du är vännen 🤗💖
Vinträff på fredag 🍷🍷 längtar 😋 MMMM
Puss 💋

ExactlYY!!! i find so much being taken for granted.. and that by it self, makes me sad...
I sure hope he will; it shoudl pay OF to have a Dragon near you....
Thanks for showing up sweetness♡ 🐲ℒℴve 🐉♡
Yes im waiiiTING for Friday noow ;) LOL see you tomorrow :D

what is she saying Sara? Is she cussing in Swedish?

😂😂Hahahaha.. Secret swedish codes.. Stumpy.. Lol

In the US, stumpy would not be a compliment but now that I know, I will embrace the stump and wear it proudly.

It was a joke 😉 stumpy is not a Word we use... Stumpan is... Lol
Or Snäckan as my Mother still calls me 🙈 makes me feel like Im 10 again 😂 Hahahaha

Stump man is no better than Stumpy. Stump Man is Stumpy's father.

ha ah you two LOL stop adding Y ;) il start calling you gubben now ;) :D

Gubben? I know not what a gubber is.

What is a Stump?

a swedish femail endearment ;) like cutie

Or cupcake 😂😂 Hahahaha

I will have to come up with an American endearment for you.

Thanks for sharing on Pimp Your Post Thursday

That is a fabulously positive post. I bloody love Steemit for it's generosity and the online friendships created. 1000SP is an awesome gift that will help you get noticed and find your feet here. Plus, now I need to know who @swedishdragon is, because I've not met her yet! I wrote a poem about a dragon yesterday, wierdly - will publish it tomorrow, it's only on Whaleshares thus far. I was going to use the dragons tag but thought nah, no one uses it and then this post popped up in my feed via a resteem! Cool. Have a lovely day.

Well, thank you for stopping by! I surely do appreciate it. I will follow your blog and vote on your posts when they catch my eye. So far Steemit has been a very positive experience for me. I am a member of the Steem Silver Gold community so I often post about silver pouring and silver treasures. I also enjoy writing fiction. This post is in the fiction section but the story is true. Take a look @swedishdragon she is a noble and majestic female dragon. Please treat her with the respect a dragon deserves. Dragons are rare these days due to climate changes, over knighting and such.

Your mileage may vary...tell her I sent you and maybe your reception will be a good one.

Thanks so very much for the compliment on my post. The 1000 sp was a grand gesture but the real treasure is her candor and friendship. The advice she has given alone is worth much more than 1000 sp.

It seems there are some very rare individuals here on Steemit that have a dedication to helping and encouraging others. I have met a dozen or so and treasure every one of them. Sweden as a country appears to be rich in caring/encouraging individuals.

I am fortunate to have placed my pen here so to speak and have attracted the attention of a few kind ones with the simple posts I make from time to time.

Aw sweet. I am writing more fiction these days as Steemfolk have inspired me and it's fun to share. I do find people here on the whole awesome.. there are a few assholes but hey thats life isnt it? I have never been into stacking but last night hubby was going through our money box looking for Australian coins that might be worth something. He did find a 5 cent piece that is selling on ebay for 5 dollars. We are rich!

Posted using Partiko Android

I soo agree @riverflows :) I think steemit is a great place to, humans here are great at helping out :D!
You summond me??? ;) :P
oh a dragon post? yumyum, i have to check that ;)

very cool Chris.
@saffisara presented this on @pypt #pypt and I ahve to say, what a great story!

What a gal that Sara. I just love love her so much!

Thank you @bluefinstudios for all that you do here at Steemit!!

Thanks for engaging with posts presented on PYPT

I'm happy for you that you met such a wonderful, funny, caring, and wise dragon and became great friends! That's the best treasure from Steem, the connections we make with genuinely terrific people. 🤗

Dragons are cool.
I am also glad I met a squirrel and a flamingo as they are also terrific!
@brisby, @saffisara

Aww! Here's a hug because all three have been happy to have met you. <3

So cool. I just saw the flamingos and the cute squirrel heart!!

😁 I couldn't resist!


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Thank you @veryspider!!!

You are the best!!!

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Then ALONG CAME A SPIDER and sat down beside me.......@veryspider

Thank YOU for writing this post.

I NEEDED a good HAPPY REAL story.

YOU are one very special person and one very lucky man!!

I am very fortunate to encounter the people I have here. Many are the muse that guide me as I type. I think you are one special person as well. I have heard the talk about you.

1000sp for my dear ;)

I wrote 1000 SP love

yes you did :D

I wasnt sure what was going on so I asked my new friend Swedish Dragon and discovered that she had delegated 1000 SP to me.

The Dragon is wild
No one tells her what to do
Her Magic is Strong

ha ha yes & please try to tell her what to do; & she will make your head spins in directions you dident think possible ;)

Was hoping that pesky poem bot wpild stop by but my haiku was not tempting enough, lol

<peaks in... reads and blushes all the way to the tip of her tail.....aww your such a sweetheart 💗💗😘🐲🐉Thank you from the button of the ice cold dragon heart! Your writing skills are astonishing !! :D

soo, now after incountered the dragon; arn't the folkloar about them true????
Did you knwo, there are actually 4 diffrent kinds of dragons? ok ok the few that actually are still alive, being exctinct and all^^

Being a generous person like you, who take care of others daily and never get anything back, should be treated right & be respected for what you do; Its a dragons duty to show others; this is a human worth noticing!💗💗🐲🐉

Ha ha are you suure, i did alll of that??? hi hi LOL
next tag we should have is #dragonsmarriagefixing ;) might be some bitcoins in that LOL

It makes me so happy that i actually could help you babe even if we havent known one an other for so long

But it was a looot of tail wagging to get that sorted , iii so soo remembering you saying; -you missunderstand me.. he he

“Do not leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near her.
♡ 🐲ℒℴve 🐉♡

Bitcoins.....hmmm. if you want something written I require no payment and would gladly complete the task.

Now I am the one blushing...thank you your precious comments.