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RE: Meanwhile (Perfect Humans, Part 5)

in #fiction8 years ago

Does this story relate to your previous stories?

I was curious about how you combine science with fiction and then I try to read this story, but I cann't understand anything.

What do you really want to say through this story, which you titled "Meanwhile"? A word that I found only in the title. "Meanwhile" what?


The title also says "Part 5" and I put links to the other parts at the top of the story. Maybe read those first? I mean, you wouldn't open a book in the middle, start reading and then complain that you don't understand anything, would you

I usually, first of all, flip through pages from a book, read some paragraphs at the beginning, middle and end. Then I considered whether the book was worth spending my time reading. I wondered about its contents and the plot, if it raises stimulation, so I will finish it. It can usually also be represented by synopsis or abstract. And for your writings, it seems, you are far above me. I will not get anything, so I thought I would retreat. Thanks for your time to reply to my comment.