Torundel the Shitposter! part XIV
Torundel sensed fate liquefying in heavy droplets all around him. He'd left the house of Count B with four ecstatic house scholars grabbing his hand in deepest respect.
‘You have revived an ancient art into a soulless century, and it will shake the sea and break the petty shelters we take cover in,’ the head of the B family's archive said in a hushed voice.
Torundel walked all the way through the city and out the city gates until he at last stood in the fishing village that was his home. The sea was turning grey green again, the wind mild and freezing.
‘Your slushing ball sack drip drops of egg white, hardly a man any more...’ Uranumsia read from his note book and was impressed and eager to sit down and write the answer right away. But he took her hand and dragged her out of the house, down to the sea. A fisherman's daughter she didn't shiver in the cold breeze.
‘I told the Count that what he did, making me write his answer, was punishable by death...’
And Uranumsia finished his sentence ‘… and he told you that what you did, writing his answer, was punishable by death.’
Torundel sensed fate liquefying in heavy droplets all around him.

This amazing story is written by me! and will be continued!
Written using the following rules:
211 words - Starting with the word Torundel - First and last sentence are identical.
Previous episodes:
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X
Part XI
Part XII
Part XII