The downfall of paper and coin [Part one]
A prosperous society fell like shattered glass when humanity fell apart, it all started with the money. Inflation, low interest and greedy corporate banks pulling the strings on the worlds economy.
Stealing from the poor while giving back to the rich, those who already had more than enough but, blinded by greed they all wanted more.
They wanted to improve it, make it better they said. Make transactions cost less and be much faster. The consumer would have to pay less and get more, we believed them.
That was our downfall.
Digital money.
Many of us had heard of the technology and even used such technology in the past, but this. This was the currency that the world pushed upon us. Only months after banning the usage of Bitcoin and other non-government official currency, the users of those were fined and even put in jail for money laundering, tax evasion and fraud.

There were warnings of course, but as always only a few listened. The warnings that came from educated crypto-currency users was never picked up by the main stream media and only printed in what others called "fictional sources" "corrupted papers working on their own agenda for their own gain".
They wanted to remove physical money, paper and coins.
They wanted to go all in with these digitized coins, this was going to be our official currency.