The wake up call - Short story- Chapter seven

in #fiction7 years ago


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"What do you mean you might know who the donor is?"

Jesse told Peter exactly what happened and he looked at her as if she was crazy. 

"Joseph Berkley?I've never even heard of him."  

"Do you think that it is coincidence that we have the same surname?"

"I'm not sure but it would definitely be worth looking into that."

When they arrived home, Peter immediately took out his laptop and searched for the name Joseph Berkley. He found very little information, and then scrolled through the images for Joseph Berkley. Instantly he saw the exact same image that was on the wall in Julia's office. He found a very short article written about Joseph and then it all made sense. 

Peter was totally amazed by what he was reading. He called Jesse and read it to her. 

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She asked suspiciously.

"It depends on what you are thinking. Could Joseph Berkley be a family member?"

"Dad was born in 1973..." Jesse said after counting on her fingers. 

"I know.... You know when Julia called me to her office I was looking at some photos on the wall. There was something very familiar about one of the photos, and I couldn't put my finger on it. Now I know..... Joseph Berkley looks a lot like dad."

"Do you think we need to contact him?" Jesse asked with wide open eyes. 

"I think we need to try at least.... Perhaps we need to talk to Julia about this..... just to make sure."

"You're probably right. I don't want this whole deal to fall through just because we have been digging. It could affect her job too."

"I'm going to see her for lunch tomorrow. I will talk to her then." Peter said.  

He needed to know the truth but he didn't want to jeopardize his relationship with Julia. It was starting out great, and he didn't want to end it,before it even really started. 

Peter did some more digging on the internet but there was very little to find. Joseph Berkley seemed to be a very private person and he had a clean record. Peter had no clue where to start but he knew that he had to find Joseph Berkley. 

Even if Joseph Berkley denied it, Peter would know if they were family,and if he could just get close enough, he would be able to do a DNA test, and that would resolve all his suspicions.

Peter helped Jesse make some omelettes for dinner and they sat chatting about everything that happened that day. Peter felt excited and anxious at the same time, and struggled to fall asleep that night. He kept on dreaming about his father and woke up twice during the night in a cold sweat. He took a drink of water and went back to the couch. He tried to get his mind of this whole ordeal and switched to thinking about Julia. 

She was the most beautiful women, and he felt great when he was with her. He couldn't wait to see her the next day and finally fell asleep with a smile on his face dreaming about the most beautiful girl in the world. 

 -To be Continued-



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Suspense and intrigue will have me back again tomorrow, need to know how you wrap this one up!

Ha ha....I also need to know...

Thank you so much you your help in so many ways, @giantbear. My next weight loss post is coming right up and will have action steps. I did not put the last into steemiteducation because I did not think it would qualify. You are giving me so much hope at a very dark time. But I remember my days of poor health and obesity and know my help is needed no matter what.

I cannot fail and I will not fail. TYTYTYTY