Terra Pacifica: Chapter 3 - Journey

Chapter 1 - Revelation | Chapter 2 - Impact
In the previous chapters, many secrets are revealed to Mia. She finds out Nathan is not her grandfather, her parents did not die in a car wreck but are alive and well. She learns about a secret and powerful organization Council of Pacific, and a mysterious place Terra Pacifica. Her parents initially were recruited to work for Council of Pacific as scientists before Mia was born and later became ranking members of the organization. Mia's birth and existence were kept secret from the organization for her and her parents' safety. After this information is leaked out, Nathan decides to tell all of the truth to Mia and get her to Terra Pacifica, as her life was in danger. Nemesis organization made of former members of CP, ambush their car and kidnap Mia. Hanz, a leader of kidnappers, reveals Mia more information confusing her mind even more. Not doing any harm to her, they leave with a pre-recorded video.
Chapter 3 - Journey
Mia is standing still in front of the window, staring outside. Questions like "Is the video Haz left a deception? Is he is trying to manipulate and brainwash me?" are going through her mind as she anticipates the arrival of Nathan and Berter. Two black SUVs pull up in front of the house. She sees Berter getting out of one of the cars, and runs to the door. She opens the door swiftly, exclaims "Berter!", and starts running towards him. Berter sees her and starts running towards her as well. They reach each other and hug. In that moment, all of her worries, all of the thoughts disappear, and she feels relieved.
"Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" asks Berter. She shakes her head resting on his shoulders and whispers "I am ok now".
Berter turns his head back to three men that came with him and orders "Sweep the house, pick up anything important. When you finish go to the hospital". Men follow his instructions and walk towards the entrance.
Mia slowly pulls her hands back, looks at Berter and asks "Hospital? Is grandpa ok?"
"Yes, he is fine. Let's go, get in the car. We need to go." He opens the door of the car and lets Mia get in. Then he walks around to the other side of the car, gets on the driver's seat, starts the car and they drive away.
*"Are we going to the hospital to see the grandpa?" asks Mia.
"No, we are not. Hold on, I will call him." Berter picks up his phone and calls Nathan. "She is with me. She is alright. Wait, let me put you on her screen" The screen attached to a seat in front of Mia lights up, and she sees Nathan lying on a hospital bed.
"Mia, my darling. So good to see you. How are you? Are you ok? Did they..."
"I am ok. Don't worry about me. What is wrong with you? You don't look well."
"Oh I am ok. Just few scratches after the wreck. They patched me up. I will live." He pauses and coughs. "Listen my dear, I know have been through a lot. You need to be strong me. Soon you will join your parents and you will be safe."
Mia looks up, hits the driver's seat and says "Berter, drive to the hospital. I need to see him". Nathan interrupts "Calm down Mia. We don't have time. There is a private jet waiting for you. You need to leave now. Berter will be with you." He coughs again. "I need to go. Listen to Berter. He knows what to do. I love you so much. You are the best thing that happened to me. Don't you forget that." Tears start coming off Nathan's eyes and he hangs up.
"Granpa, don't". Screen goes dark.
"He is right, we don't have time Mia. I am driving to the airport. We are going to Panama." says Berter and continues "So, what happened while you were with them? What did they say? Tell me everything."
"After they took me they brought me to that house. Their leader was a man by name Hanz. He told some strange things? But they didn't hurt me."
"Hanz! That delusional maniac. You shouldn't believe anything he said. He will pay for this. I will get him, that is a promise."
"Is that true? What you did? What grandpa and my parent do? What Council does? He showed me video."
"Hanz and his gang are the bad guys. Trust me we haven't hurt anybody who didn't deserve it. I know it is too much for you to understand now. But we are the good guys here. Where is the video?"
"It was on a table he gave me. I left it in the dinning table in that house."
Berter picks up the phone and dials. "Make sure you grab the tablet in the dining room, scan it, and bring it to Nathan."
Mia and Berter board the private jet and plane takes off. Berter covers Mia with a blanket and hands her a bottle of water.
"They will bring some food now. You must be hungry. Relax now."
She looks at him quietly, as she grab the bottle and unscrew the cap. She takes a sip of water and looks at him again.
"I always trusted you. You were like my father and Martha was like my mother. You both lied to me. I have been thinking, trying to make sense of things. Was that all an act? Were you just doing your job?"
"No, it is not like that. You know how much we care about it. Especially Martha. It wasn't our call. More importantly it was for your own safety. You were not suppose to be part of this messy world. You were suppose to have a normal life."
"I believe you. But I haven't forgive you yet. How is Martha? Were you able to talk to her?"
"She is fine and safe. We will reunite after you safely make it to your destination."
*"Are you folks ready for lunch?" Stewardess walks in with a tray of food and starts laying plates in from of Mia and Berter. "Let me know if need anything" and she walks away.
After they finish eating, Mia makes herself comfortable and falls asleep.
"Mia, wake up. We have arrived" Berter gently tries to wake her up. Mia opens her eyes and slowly starts getting up. "Are we already in Panama? That was fast."
They get off the plane, and there is a car waiting for them. Driver greets them both "Senor and Senorita. My name is Carnelios. Please get in the care I will take you to the hotel." They get into the car and as driver starts driving - "Carnelios, we are not going to the hotel. We don't have time. Take us to Hector." - says Berter.
"Senor, Hector to bring you to the hotel. We will be there in ten minute, it is close by."
After ten minutes as driver said they arrived at the hotel. They get out of the car. Middle aged man with a thick mustache rushes to Berter and gives him a firm hug. "My friend. Long time no see. So good to see in you." smiles Hector and look at Mia "This must be our precious package" he laughs and shakes Mia's hand.
"Hector, buddy, why are at the hotel. We have no time, we are late already" says Berter.
"I know, don't worry. Come, come inside. Everything is ready" He points to the hotel entrance doors and they all walk inside.
"I am sorry I couldn't pick you up myself. I had to get helicopter ready. It is ready now waiting at the rooftop. We need to hurry. Cargo-ship left 20 minutes ago. Captain expecting you."
They take elevator to the penthouse, and follow Hector the emergency staircase. From there the get to the roof. As Hector said chopper was ready to take off.
"My friend, Berter, pilot knows what to do. Unfortunately we don't have time to catch up. You both be safe."
Berter and Mia get on the chopper and take off. Cargo-ship that they were going to board already left the harbor, Hector arranged a helicopter to make sure Berter and Mia made it on that ship. Shortly chopper lands on the ship, unloads the passengers and leaves. They had a cabin prepared for these expected guests. Berter explains what will happen next to Mia.
Cargo-ship reaches the coordinates in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It is time for Mia to leave. She hugs Berter and doesn't let him go for a long time. She knows it will be a long time until she will be able to see him again, or even maybe they will never meet again. Future is a mystery. Crew deploys a rescue boat and a rope ladder.
"I will never forget you. We will meet again one day. Take care of yourself and have a beautiful life, Mia" says Berter as tears flows from his eyes.
"I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you all. You, Martha, and grandpa. I wish you all could come with me." says Mia.
"Remember, everything I explained you. Submarine should come soon and they will explain you the rest. Follow their instruction."
Mia gets down on the rescue boat with a bag of supplies. Cargo-ships starts moving. After some times it disappears in the horizon. She was alone on a small air boat. "What if sub doesn't come?" she was thinking. "Berter said it could take hours, or even days. What if they don't come at all? " She starts getting worried, drinks some water, and lies down looking at the sky. It starts getting darker and starts appear in the sky. Suddenly boat starts shaking as waves start moving it. She sits up and sees a large submarine rising from under the water.
Two men came out of the sub and dropped a boat, they descend on a boat and start moving towards Mia's boat. When they approach.
"Hi Mia. We are Pacific 4. We have been expecting you."
They help Mia to move to their boat and take her to the sub. Once they all are in the sub, it starts diving. Two men take Mia to their captain.
"Welcome to Pacific 4. My name is Michael. I am the captain of Pacific 4. You must be Mia." He shakes her hand. "As you probably already know, according to the protocol we need to take your dna sample and verify your identity."
"Nice to meet your captain. Yes I am aware. I have been explained of the protocols." They take her blood sample to verify her identity. After five minutes nurse comes back with positive result. Mia was surprised how fast they were able to verify her dna. Nurse takes her to a cabin and administered some drugs saying that it is needed for everyone who travels through the portal.
"After about four hours you will travel through the portal. No need to worry. Pod is will be on auto-pilot and will take your to the other side. Pod will release a sedative gas and you will be asleep during the portal crossing. If for some reason you wake up, don't panic. Just wait until pod makes it to the surface." explains nurse.
As nurse explained Mia was put in a pod after few hours and deployed from the submarine. Gas was released and put Mia asleep. When she woke up pod was floating on the surface of the ocean. She looks through glass and sees a shore. "This must be Terra Pacifica" she thinks.
a very creative fiction. I found the opportunity to watch the stories and I am happy to do this. I like all of you. I look forward to the other parts in an exciting way. you are a really successful writer. congratulations:)
Oceans are beautiful and beautiful
i knew i shouldnt have started at chapter 3. gunna have to go back for the others
GG for Mia, now she in Terra War. The nurse was a robot and they took her blood to make copies. They will test the abilities of Mia with the weapons and surviving. The worst part is that Terra War is full of Aliens that can detect movements so that will put it hard to survive and get gadgets.
liked it... @geekgirl
Can't wait for another chapter :)
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Thank you for sharing this story following you I like that ❤️
Very good information, we always wait for any information from you. Thank you for this posting.
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