The Yggdrasil Highway Saga

#37:Approached the Trolls
And so it happened that a mixed group of humans and Kindred approached the area where the Trolls had gathered. The human guards were puzzled but Lamar was leading the unlikely procession and he was without a doubt, the boss. They stepped aside.
Lamar got the Trolls attention in his usual direct manner. He shot his revolver into the air. The sound served the desired effect and Lamar then proceeded to shout and wave his pistol in the air.
As before he just shouted….nor real before it seemed to work. All the Trolls came forward and gathered in a ragged semblance of a formation...they stood and watched.
“ok..”muttered Lamar to himself “ which one do we choose?. Damn they’re big.”
The Trolls were big. The smallest one stood a foot taller than Lamar who was every bit of six foot six. That was the smallest. Of course they were built much, much stouter than Lamar as well. In fact they were so stout that they appeared to be squat. “sucker’s must be heavy” Lamar thought to himself
Why not go for broke?” muttered Lamar. “Yeah..that’s the ticket. A big one can’t kill me any deader than a small one.”
And thus it was that Lamar was to stand face to face…
.er.. no. That guy was huge. It was more like standing face to the top row of an impressive sixpack. There just warn’t no fat on that guy .The largest of the Trolls, Bergelmir, the Troll Chieftain, was more than head taller than all the other Trolls, much like Lamar was taller than most of the humans. Lamar felt like a child beside him.
“ guys try to keep him from killing me too bad if this doesn’t work out...ok?”
Lamar spoke to his fellows. The Kindred Kids nodded. A Dragon and a Griffin drifted in the air above them.
“let’s do it” .
The two bears beside him reared up. They stood over twelve foot high on their hind legs. Suddenly the Troll Chieftain Bergelmir wasn’t the tallest person.
Lamar pantomimed sitting down then he did so himself. He sat down on the ground, Indian fashion. He indicated by waving his hands that the Troll should do like wise...The big bears emphasized his signals by growling.
Bergelmir wasn’t a genius, or rather he was, for a Troll. Trolls just aren’t very smart. Smart enough though to understand what the little guy was trying to tell him, though. He obviously wanted him to sit down.
Bergelmir looked at the Bears. Big bastards. If they didn’t have those long claws he could probably whup one of them..but those claws looked sharp and there were TWO of them. Besides, this little runt was the guy who was responsible for cutting his chains the other day. He recognized the little guy. The bears growled again...imperatively. A Griffin drifted by at head level to the bears.
The Troll ducked the Griffin and just sat down.
Lamar did his best to prepare the Troll for what was going to happen next, but some things didn’t translate too well in sign language. Oh. Well.
“Ok honey, “ called Lamar “we’re ready.”
Berantah walked out from behind the two bears pushing a wheeled device. She stopped beside and between the two huge sitting males and proceeded to hook tubes to Lamar’s arm. She and Lamar were very careful to make sure that Bergelmir could see exactly what they were doing. It didn’t take long.
Then Berantah indicated to the Troll that he was next.
Bergelmir just sit there.
A bead of sweat formed on his forehead and rolled down between his eyes, down the side of his nose and past his mouth to his chin...there it dripped to the ground. ….and another...and another.
Bergelmir was terrified. He was shivering. This looked much too much like what the Demons had done to him once before.
He looked at the tiny female. She wasn’t a Demon though. She didn’t look anything LIKE a Demon .
He looked at the male...neither was he. In fact he’d saved Bergelmir once before, he reminded himself for the tenth time. Why would he do that if he wanted to cause Berg more pain and suffering? Why would he want to HURT Bergelmir? Slowly, with great reluctance and hesitation the huge Troll extended his arm.
Some time later, a few minutes no more, the Troll was disconnected and lead back to his quarters. He immediately found himself a place to lie down and slept for twelve hours.
Lamar was disconnected and lead back to HIS quarters. He Immediately rolled into bed and slept for twelve hours.
Everyone directly involved was puzzled.
The work went on.
Next Episode
#38: Coffeeee…
Previous Episode
#36: Blood Brothers..or else.
First Episode
# 1 : In the beginning…
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@everittdmickey wonderful post.. well done
good writing @everittdmickey
Wow!! Great post!! Keep posting such posts good luck!