Fast Fiction: V-Mail(Corey)

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)


Jessica sat back down. The free coffee sitting on the little table, untouched, still hot. The expression of the counter-woman hung in Jessica's mind.

She wrapped her hands around the warm sleeve of the cup. What did a face like that mean?


The screen illuminated.


Subject Line: Corey

Date: 10/3/2020

Time: 12:05 AM

Very good, Jessica.

As promised, I have a story for you.

Please listen carefully. This is an important story.

This is about a young man named Corey.

Corey was once reading these emails just like you are now.

Corey was well on his way. He showed so much promise.

Corey's failure however, was my own failure.

Unfortunately, great things cannot be build without a little trial and error. We all have limited foresight, don't we Jessica?

The important take-away in Corey's story is that Corey made a choice.

There are essentially two kinds of people in this world, Jessica. There are those of us, like you and I, who seek the right path. Once we're on that path, we know how precious it is. We stay on the path.

Then there are those like Corey. He was not unlike you at the beginning. Lost. Directionless in his efforts. And so very tired of the superficial flock. Every social media group, neighborhood, clique, club or "family" the same. Is it not?

You belong until you don't. They can't get enough of you until they can't stand you. They love you until they leave you.

You and I are different, but we have limits too. What is a group worth if there are no standards? Standards are what make it a group, after all.

And we gave Corey every chance, every forgiveness, and far more than just a second chance. People like Corey, they just can't accept a good thing when it comes along.

You see, the second type of person, is someone who simply refuses progress. They are wild, untameable animals at heart. That's all I can say about dear Corey at this time.

Don't be like Corey, Jessica.

Can you promise me that Jessica?

Can you promise me, that if I deliver, that if I give you what you really want, that you won't turn your back on me?

Enjoy the coffee, it's a small token.

Don't decide right now. Sleep on it. I will check back with you around this time tomorrow.

P.S. Don't stress. Take a walk. Enjoy your evening.

The woman behind the counter wasn't cleaning anymore. She just stood there; staring at Jessica.


This story is an original work and has not been tailored to any market research.

Thank you for reading


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