The Switch: Unexpressed Feeling. Contributed by @Olawalium

in #fiction6 years ago


“I can’t do this, I am sorry. I just don’t see you that way at all”, Gloria said, after several attempts in dodging it over the years, she finally said it.

David has been the guy constantly on Gloria’s trail. David is built, with broad chest and shoulder, a dashing smile and sex appeal. He is the type that any lady should easily fall for. He is extremely loyal and he is the type that would never force his will on any lady or anyone for that matter. Most people always feel he is always not persistent enough in going the extra mile. He is the guy that will leave you alone if you tell him to leave you alone, so when Gloria told him she doesn’t see him that way at all, he switched his mind to friendship even though it was hard. He has been asking her out for two years without asking any other person out, even though other ladies do come at him.

Gloria, on the other hand, is absolutely gorgeous. She is the type you can call drop dead gorgeous. The span of her hips, the charm in her lips, the whiteness of her teeth, and her walk of grace makes her easily noticeable. Gloria and David both looked like a match made in heaven but Gloria doesn’t see it that way, according to her.


"You really should be dating that lady”, David’s friend, Luke always teases him. Every time David hears this, a little part of him gets broken. He loved her too deep and he just doesn’t know how else to convince her that he is the one for her. A piece of him has always broken anytime they see and he always sings his favourite Don Williams’ song Just ‘Cause I Am In Love With You:

But every time you hurt me, I grow a little stronger
I’ll soon be strong enough to say goodbye.
It will be so good to smile
It’s been a long, long while
After all that I’ve been through
Just ‘cause I’m in love with you.
But there will come a day, you’ll see
You won’t have control of me
You can’t hurt me like you do
Just ‘cause I’m in love with you.

As the days go by, David kept living with the reality that she doesn’t want him as a lover, but as a friend, and he is not the type to push further.

The same issue seems to the happening to Gloria’s friend, Stacey. She is actually in love with David’s friend, Luke, who happens to be her friend too. As a lady, she just couldn’t bring herself to tell him. She always nurses her wounds silently, and only Gloria knows this. Luke has never for once thought about her.


Stacey is tall and slim, light skinned with an amazing dress sense. She is beautiful, and her beauty puts nature to shame. Her smile is her charm. She could literally melt any heart made of stone with the power of her smile.

Luke has always been a playboy, but somehow, that aspect of Luke has never rubbed off on David. David has always been loyal and he always maintains a strong stance. He is strong-willed.

"I don’t like it. I don’t want to see you with that lady. She is not your type, and you should know this”. Gloria shouted.

"My type? How do you know my type, Gloria? And since when have I been dating any lady I speak with?” David sarcastically answered.

“I am your type. You have never been interested in slim ladies. Why would you lower your standards?” Gloria blurted out.

For once, David lost it. He screamed: “You are my type? I chased you for two years. My heart was on the line too, you know. You said you don’t want me, and I didn’t push further because I admire your honesty, and now you are trying to control who I talk to? Yes, we are friends, but I don’t see anything wrong with you trying to caution me, but all I could sense here is jealousy.”

“Jealousy? Why would I be jealous?​ Of who? That? Is it bad to watch out for my friend?” Gloria retorted. be continued...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Ego, Jealousy, and insecurity are traits I'm sensing from these characters. The slim girl wouldn't let go of her ego as a lady and approach the guy of her dreams. Gloria is extra-dramatic and insecure, and since she doesn't want to date David, she doesn't want other ladies to do so. David, on the other hand, is tired of the ghost chase and wants something real this time round, but his crush is crushing his chances. I wonder how things would turn out.

I wonder how things would turn out.

Let's keep it at that and don't let's spoiled the show... Lol

You just nailed it with your reasonable comment.

Hahahahahahaha i love your analysis. You actually picked their true characters in this. I love your understanding. Good one bro.

I don't want to guess what will be the outcome of two of them. Let keep it fresh and tasty..

A person's feelings can not be forced. So why do you still force yourself to be loved by him. Realize aja, that love is not something that forced visa. If he's your mate he'll find his own way to love you.

So no need to force yourself to be loved and he also loves you. Since you do not try if he is not for you, you will only add new injuries and stories in your life. So do not still force other people's feelings to love you too.

You do not force the person you love, love you too. Do not just you love him, then you force him to love you too. Love can not be dipaksain, so no need to force to be loved too. If you love him, you should know the possibility, he may love you and may not even love you.

Because it is possible that he also has someone he loves, obviously you can not force his feelings to love you. Especially if he has someone he loves, although not being loving anyone you can not impose his feelings of love towards you.

You can love anyone in this world, even if you want to love someone very extraordinary though. But all you have to know is that you should be able to measure yourself with the person you love. If you love someone who is handsome or beautiful, you have to know that they too many like.

And that's for sure, you can not compete there you'll just be disappointed later on. Just make sure of yourself, if indeed he is yours, if indeed he is your soul mate will definitely be yours. Although many are queued for love and love him. She's sure to pick you up.

God bless your heart. Do not force love that is why i can't blame Gloria for saying no and why i can't blame David for letting it rest after pursuing her for two years. Each person will do what's best for themselves.

Well done.

What a beautiful story story you just shared. Love sometimes is dynamic and can even be complicated. Majority of ladies are like Gloria. They don't want and they don't want to loose it either.

Why it's so good to be straightforward and honest, it's always hard to admit the truth when it comes to the things like this.

I imagine how David will feel when she told him she is not up for that. He must have feel disappointed after two years of pressing.

I really can't wait for the conclusion of the story.

Thanks @communitycoin and @olawalium

Don't try to blame Gloria all alone, David is at fault too. He should have keep pressing until he gets what his heart desire. Isn't it obvious that Gloria loves him too, she only want to play him a little... Don't let me spoil this story... Lol

As a man, can you honestly still press a lady for two years and still receive the reply Gloria gave him and you still want to press further? Let's be practical. Like you said, it is too early to apportion blames either for Gloria or for David or even the silent lover. David's attitude and nature was first highlighted which was the fact that he always respect people's wishes. Some people are like that, they believe if you don't mean something, you shouldn't say it. We deal with things differently. He might still be nursing the desire to be with her, and until she change her stance, a guy like David with that kind of nature might never push ahead.

As a man, can you honestly still press a lady for two years and still receive the reply Gloria gave him and you still want to press further? Let's be practical.

I can't and I don't think any man can do that. But, I don't want us to spoil the show until we read the concluding part.

With your controversial comments everywhere you are ruining it and it is not nice. It is to be enjoyed and not soiled.

Hahahahah, probably that's my way viewing things. I don't mean to spoil it, I don't want us to spoil the whole story.

I appreciate your point of view, but did you know that too much of care and love sometimes lead to weaknesses. David is a lover boy, and he is type of guy who doesn't want to force himself to anyone. He respects Gloria's decision and he as waited long after that, thinking she will have a change of mind.

The question is, why did Gloria says she doesn't feel the same way? Then why she is protecting her from other girls?

Hope we will understand this better in the concluding part

For every human, they always have a reason for whatever choice they make. Time will tell and reveal it all. Just enjoy the drama and don't get dragged in opinions. Judge objectively based on how you see it. That is the idea. It's fun when people have diverse opinions.

Enjoy brother.

Let's wait and see.... Lol

Good comment. You judged based on the tune of the first episode which was actually the idea of the drama, and not for us to imagine and try to explain what might happen next. Good one. Well done.

I smell jealousy here
So she doesn't want him yet she wants to keep him
That's ladies for you though....
We tend to cling on to a guy even if we don't want him and we even get jealous when he's trying to move on....
Acting like we own him 😂
Ladies sha 🤔
Next please....
I love this.
Thumbs up to @communitycoin
This is really beautiful

Hahahahah, hmmm.
Guys do the same if you don't know... Lol

I don't want us to blame Gloria all alone, David is at fault too, he should have tried more than once, it's obvious that she loves David too, she just want to be sure...

Let's see where the whole matter is heading...

Hahahahaha that is the attribute of humans generally, especially those who think about themselves alone and think the world should revolve around them. Thanks a lot darling.

Omg, this deserves a Nobel Prize....

Why do you have to put it in parts, I would have love to continue no matter how long... Lol

I don't want to spoil the next part, I don't want to guess at all, I want to see where the whole story is heading before I draw my conclusion...

I love this, sincerely speaking...

Thanks so much for sharing this.

That is the idea, enjoy each chapter and stop trying to guess the next chapter which is what many people are doing. Each chapter is for us to judge as we see it, not as we think it. Love can't be forced so Gloria can't be blamed and David can't be blamed...yet. Life is full of twists and turns.

Thanks for your kind words brother.

You are now buying into my idea, that's why I've been given controversial comments on everyone that tried to guess.... Lol

Giving controversial comments like you said it is ruining the experience for them. Let everyone be surprised in their own way and if they guess right, it gives me perfect view on how to do it better. Every man to themselves.

No problem, I concur!

It happens, chasing them for so long but they just turn you down just as if you are nobody. They may not even have anyone they are dating but they would tell you that they are in love with someone and at the end of the day, they loose.

I have have experienced so many of this, they later regret after they've turned down the love of their life. He even tried for chasing her for two years, I ain't have such time, I'm S busy type, 3 months is even much for me to chase a lady

Wanna read the rest bro. Gracia!

Don't take this thing personal bro... Lol

Don't blame Gloria all alone, David spent most of the two years to nurse the feelings all alone, he only told her about his feelings once, he didn't press on after the first no. Gloria needs some assurance too.

And for the fact that a lady is not in a relationship does not mean she should say yes to everyone that comes her way, it takes two of you to agree on the journey, if she's not feeling what you are feeling, it's better she maintain her NO than to make your life miserable. Or can you date any lady too just for dating sake?

The drama said he has been on her trail for two years and if you read the first line very well, which i think you didn't, it said Gloria has been dodging giving an answer, so where was it written that he only said it once? You have been asking a lady out for two years and after two years, she came up with an answer and you want to think she hasn't thought it through. Try to be calm and read between the lines.

You are contradicting yourself. You said:

if she's not feeling what you are feeling, it's better she maintain her NO than to make your life miserable.

And you said David should have still pressed further???

I think you still haven't gotten the tone of the drama yet and that is because you are guessing what will come up in the next chapter than what you are actually reading.

I think you still haven't gotten the tone of the drama yet and that is because you are guessing what will come up in the next chapter than what you are actually reading.

Absolutely not, I read the whole story line by line, trust me, if I don't I won't comment at all. I don't spam when it comes to commenting.

I'm doing it intentionally, I want to change the picture on people's mind, I don't want them to spoil the story for me or for others... Lol

I want to give them a new topic so that the suspense remain suspense... Ahahahha

If you check through, I did the same for everyone that try to guess... Hahahahah

I don't want it to become one of the nollywood story that you can guess the end from the beginning, that's why I'm introducing new

That's brilliant. They can only guess but the twists will still occur. You can't change people's view and trying to put a line that wasn't in the drama would always mislead people. Just leave everyone to their opinion. That is why we are human.

Thanks as always. Still appreciate it.

@Olawalium didn't let us know she need assurance. And which assurance did you still expect for two years he's been asking her out

And why I blame her is that it common for ladies

I like that. I pointed it out that he has been asking her out for two years.

Hahahaha calm down don't take it personal. Hahahaha.

Well, I got your point, I just don't want us to spoil the show, that's why I'm changing the subject

But men do that too... Hug

Hahahahahaha i like that. You are being practical. Good one.

A love story where the friend falls in love with her friend and she confuses love with friendship, but when she sees him lost she realizes that it was love. As they say nobody knows what he has but when he sees it lost. Greeting

They are to share the blame. Don't try to put all the blame on Gloria, or David.
I would have love to go deeper than this, but I wouldn't want to spoil the story for myself or for anyone l, I want to keep it as suspense just like @olawalium does for us

Tell her o hahahaha and it is too early to say they are to share the blame either. We can't help those we fall in love with. If not your friend then who? We all have different things that attracts us to people.

Well, I'm judging only this part because I don't want to spoil the show.
Until we reach the last part, no one can actually say.

Exactly, so there is no need changing anyone's view.

Alright, no problem bro

Are we reading the same scripts? Hahahaha


Love is just so complicated. Waiting to read more

What a complicated love story. I think that the story deserves a Nobel Prize... Lol

Hahahahahaha wash me gently na hahaha. Thanks brother.

Love could be funny sometimes darling. I miss you.

I miss you too. Your work has taken over you. M just patiently waiting for your arrival.

I have been super busy enh and i appreciate your patience hahaha. I am coming homeeeeee!.

Gloria's insecurity and the slim lady's ego, is gonna destroy both their relationships with David.

That's why you should never talk to two women at the same time, because neither will like you!

More than a love triangle, it’s life full circle. Thank you for sharing!

A complete circle that is not easily broken... Lol

Let's see what happened on the long run.

Twists are good and i am enjoying it too. Thanks dear

I am waiting to see what happens! Great job!

Thanks a lot for the encouragement. Really love it.

Thanks a lot for the encouragement. Really love it.