Romeo and Juillet

in #fiction7 years ago

Today is a day of sadness and guilt. As two families suffer the deaths of their beloved children. Verona is shocked from this appalling news. From feuding families result to spilled blood. The Capulet family and the Montague family will count this day as one of the worst days one can ever go through. Daughter of the Capulet family; Juliet Capulet, and son of the Montague family;Romeo Montague took their lives in the name of love. In the Capulet tomb lies the dead bodies of these two young loves. From a total misconception lead to the deaths of these teenagers. The Capulet family forcing marriage upon Juliet. This lead to Juliet making plans to run away with her husband Romeo. And yes it is true, Juliet Capulet had secretly become Juliet Montague with the blessing of Friar Lawrence, the priest of the Montague church. Friar Lawrence thought that this marriage would figure out all the hatred between these two families, but as a bitter result it did quick the opposite. With the help of Father Lawrence, Juliet drank a sleeping potion to trick her family and run away with her truelove. Father Lawrence sent a letter to Romeo who was banished after the killing of Tybalt; the cousin of Juliet. Romeo did not receive the letter and instead got misunderstood information from his cousin; Balthazar. In his understanding Juliet was dead. Despite being banished Romeo was devastated and returned to the city for his love. He ran into trouble as the Prince noticed and chased after him. Once getting out of a disastrous situation Romeo successfully entered the tomb where Juliet lied asleep. But Romeo did not know that. Romeo weep before drinking a vial of poison, killing him in a matter of seconds. Juliet woke up to see Romeo’s lifeless body beside her and the vial of poison in his hand. She kissed Romeo’s lips hoping to at least get a small portion of the deadly liquid in her system. No hope, she grabbed a dagger and stabbed herself in the abdomen, giving a slow painful death. There, in that coffin lies the lifeless bodies of two lovely teenagers who did nothing more than love each other. “A glooming peace this morning with it brings.The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head.Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things. Some shall be pardoned, and some punishèd. For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo,” Prince describes. We will all try to get past this horrible tragedy and hope not for it to ever repeat.