Ruthie (Bojack Horseman Season 4 Episode 9) - Exceptional Episodes

in #fiction4 years ago

Welcome to exceptional episodes, a new series where I choose an episode or set of episodes from a show that I consider to be exceptional. This isn't an analysis but it isn't completely spoiler free. It is short and mostly to tell you what the episode is with a relatively barebones summary so you get some idea of what the episode is about without having the episode spoiled.

This post's episode is Ruthie which is Episode 9 of Season 4 of Bojack Horseman.


Ruthie is an episode that uses timeskips and flashbacks. It shows a young cat in school in the future telling a story about her great-great-great-grandmother (occuring in the present within the show). I will leave it to you to see how this one plays out.

This is, in my opinion, an exceptional episode. I do recommend watching this episode, but Bojack Horseman is a show that I would recommend watching in order, so while you can just seek out and watch this episode on its own, I would recommend watching the show from the beginning.

Thank you for reading.