Pip-Squeak to the rescue - A motivational story for boys : Part 3
Miss Lucy was at her desk marking composition books. She was a little nervous to be alone in the empty school in the afternoon, but she hadn't wanted to lug the heavy pile of books home to mark them. She was nervous because in the past few weeks strange things had been happening at the school. Windows had been broken and a gate had been ripped off its hinges and somehow found its way onto the roof of the school hall. It was almost as if someone had been trying to frighten off the staff and pupils, but she'd been at the school for five years and wasn't about to be frightened off.
A noise startled her.
"What the..."
It was a rumbling sound and it was getting louder.
Miss Lucy went over to the window and the sight that greeted her froze her in her tracks. A massive rock was rolling down the mountainside and it was heading straight for her classroom. A strangled scream escaped her throat but she found herself unable to move.

To her surprise and relief the rock missed the school building and her classroom by a whisker, but her relief was short-lived, because a moment later another boulder began tumbling down the mountainside.
Two boulders! One too many to be a coincidence! And this time it wouldn't miss...
Miss Lucy tried to run, but her legs felt wobbly. The boulder bore down on her, kicking up great clouds of dust as it bounced down the mountain.
Suddenly a figure dressed in red, yellow and green lashed across the sky and planted itself in the speeding boulder's path. The rock bounced towards him, then came to sudden, quite miraculous halt just metres away from her classroom. The guy dressed in red, yellow and green was tall and well built. He wore a black mask, green boots and a yellow cloak.
Without a word he rolled the boulder to a safe place, then scanned the mountainside for any more loose rocks. Then he turned to Miss Lucy at her classroom window and asked: "You all right, Miss Lucy?"
"How do you know my name?" she stuttered. "And who are you?" She had the impression he was younger than he looked.
He hesitated for a moment: "My name?" he asked. "It's Pip-Squeak! Mighty Pip-Squeak!"
With that he swung his yellow cloak about his body and in a flash was gone, shooting through the sky like a rocket. Miss Lucy leant out of her window, scanning the sky, but he'd vanished. Who was he? But the thought didn't last long, as she then realized how close she'd been to death and fainted clean away.
To be continued
For Part 1, click here
For Part 2, click here

Chic article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))