A Memory Not From This Life

in #fiction9 years ago (edited)

It starts with me gassing across a field full of heavy fog. I can see what appears to be shadowy figures, hurriedly rushing into position. They form a line across the field, as far as I can see in ether direction. I look to ether side of me to discover that I am also part of such a line. The fog begins to clear, and I can barely see the red uniforms of the enemy. Then it comes, a thunderous sound unlike any I have ever heard before. I can not help but think, "it is so loud, that you must be able to hear it over the entirety of the world". The enemy line explodes, flashes can be seen in front of every soldier.

I hear someone yelling an order to hold steady, that is followed by the phrase "whites of their eyes". I can feel my heart beating out of my chest at this point, and sweat drips down into and burns my eyes. I wipe my sweat, steady my rifle, and proceed to take deep long breaths. The enemy is marching forward, as they reload and shoot yet again. My line holds steady, the soldier standing next to me falls grasping his stomach. A boy, no older than 13 runs up to the man who fell, and drags him back to a tent.

A voice comes booming from the right of me. It says "Ready, Steady, Take Aim" and then an explosion comes out from our line. I see the enemy soldiers falling in front of me as I rush to reload. An explosion comes from the enemy line, and I fall grasping my chest. The same boy comes to drag me back to the tent. I hear a man yell "No not that one, he has no chance, find someone I can help." At that moment the boy drops me, and my shoulders fall back to the ground. Every breath is becoming more and more labored. I hear shots, all around me. Screams come out from all directions, as my vision becomes black.

My breath is gone, my heart no longer beating. A single tear roles down my check, as I feel, see, and hear no more.