A Vampire Eloim Story, Keeper of the Lore. Book 5 part 11.

in #fiction6 years ago


“Let me get this straight brother, Eloim just put you on your arse four times?” Amanda asked looking over to their mother who sat trying to hide a smile at Gary’s embarrassment.
“It’s not funny Amanda, he suddenly went from a half decent swordsman to probably a match for anyone in our clan.” Gary said.
“What changed? How did this amazing transformation happen?” their mother asked.
“I told him to not think about his actions so much.” Gary said with a shrug.
“What aren’t you saying Gary?” their mother asked.
“I’ve spoken to Eloim a few times since his return, we have gotten much closer. He has spoken to me of how he is losing the connection he has had to Alexia. He has admitted they have still been talking since his return, a form of telepathy caused by having her essence in his mind.” Gary paused.
“Go on,” his mother encouraged.
“Well I’ve also spoke to his tutors and many say it’s as if he isn’t learning new things in his lessons but remembering them. I spoke to Eloim about his time with Alexia and how maybe she didn’t teach him things like we do but left him lessons to remember at the right time.” Gary said working to put his thoughts in to words.
“Are you saying Alexia taught him to fight and it was all in there waiting to be remembered?” Amanda said not ready to believe it.
“Remember what he told us of escaping the Knights of Blood and the one he killed. He did it without thinking, it was a move of an expert. He saw the threat, reacted and killed his enemy all without breaking stride while carrying that girl over his shoulder.” Gary said.
“You are worried Gary, speak of what is worrying you.” his mother said.
“If he has these lessons to remember inside his head what if Alexia left something darker in his mind? There is also Polly, she has been gone a long time, will she still be our Polly or for want of a better word possessed. We know so little of demon magic and their ways, when she wakes up will she be just Polly or Alexia’s tool?” Gary said sounding worried.
“I think Alexia provided Eloim with lessons and skills he needed to survive in order for her to survive too. Your concerns should be looked into, not just in regards to Eloim but those for Polly too.” their mother said, her own worry evident.
“Few have the ability to dig around in someone’s subconscious and there is only maybe one that we can maybe trust.” Amanda said.
“Lord Luc should arrive soon with father’s body and Miss Penny should be with them. She has the ability to get inside their minds and hopefully we can trust her enough to mention our fears to her.” their mother said.
“Can we trust her though, she is not family and was estranged from father for a long time?” Gary asked.
“I wouldn’t go that far as to put the fate of our family in her hands without question. At the safe house though your father trusted her to protect Eloim and bring him home to us so I would tend to think kindly of her. There was a time your father trusted her with his life and at the end he still trusted her enough to protect the life of his son. If she proves false then I will kill her if I have to.” their mother said with a cold smile.

Eloim sat in his room with his closet door slightly ajar. News of the attack on the citadel had been spread everywhere now and vampire kind was on the verge of a total clan war.
“I’m sorry to even ask and I understand if you don’t answer but this is all my fault. Did Lord Luc work with the Priest to kill father?”
Eloim sat in silence waiting but no answer came so he got back to his feet to work out which pair of boots to wear with today’s outfit. Picking out a pair of black ankle boots with a modest three-inch heel he returned to his closet to get the sombre black dress he would wear when Lord Luc and Miss Penny arrived later today. Even though he would not be in the main hall he would watch the return of his fathers body from a concealed room.
As he turned back to the door he had left ajar he saw a piece of paper on the floor, picking it up he read the badly written message.
‘Trust Luc of Paris, he is true. Miss Penny told the Countess of your destruction of the Knights of Blood. The English clans will honour their debt and stand with you.’
Eloim smiled as his carefully folded up the message. “Thank you.” he said to the closet door.

The family lined the side of the great hall while in the balconies above the human servants and blood slaves waited in silence. While not part of the clan those humans families had served the clan for many generations and waited too to pay their respects as the body of Lord Vi was returned to the citadel.
Lady Vi stood alone waiting at the far end of the hall as the great door swung open and Gary and three other elders marched into the hall carrying the coffin of their fallen lord. In silence they marched up the hall before carefully placing the coffin before Lady Vi.
Only then did Lord Luc of Paris enter the hall followed by Miss Penny and other ranking vampires of the Paris clan. Stopping before the coffin Lord Luc gave a bow to Lady Vi and then turned and repeated the bow left and right to the clan before returning his attention to Lady Vi.
“My lady, I beg you accept my apologies for not protecting your husband while he was in my lands. I return his body to you and also bring you the leaders of those who brought shame upon my clan including my sister and four other elders. They are yours to punish as you see fit.”
“Amanda, have the prisoners escorted to the sun tower.” Lady Vi ordered and Amanda stepped forward with six other of the clan to take charge of the prisoners who were towards the back of the delegation from Paris, standing in chains.
“I’m afraid the Priest escaped us, I sent my first born childe with a team of our elders to arrest him but he used his powers to overcome and kill them all.” Lord Luc continued, the pain in his voice evident. “I still have loyal clan searching for your missing son but as yet we have found no trace of him.”
“Eloim will have gone to ground, he is resourceful and will make his way home, let us retire to speak in private, Miss Penny, if you would join us too.” Lady Vi replied before turning to leave the hall.

To be continued.