Friday's Fiber Ramble - April 13

in #fiberartists7 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone. It's Fiber Ramble Friday!

Every week I seem to be reading excellent Steem related tutorials so I've decided to include one in each edition.

Okay, I have to share an update on my sweater and it's okay to laugh, I did.....later on. While happily pulling out the sweater pieces, to admire them before I completed that damn raglan decrease, I realized I WAS MISSING AN ARM!

Clearly I had two choices, cut off my daughter's arm or knit another one as quickly as possible. If you've made a sweater of any type you know that arms take forever to knit. At least it feels that way. Needless to say I did not get the sweater blocked on Wednesday like I'd planned. I'm working furiously on it....when I can get away from the computer.

I did however keep my play date. We needed a visit. While I was there we took measurements to make our custom sweaters. I'd never done this before and was surprised how long it took. We had lunch and then retired to her CRAFT ROOM!

She has TWO beautiful sewing machines, a knitting machine and many sets of good quality knitting needles. I was planning to write one post, reviewing these sets, but I've realized it will take two posts to cover them all. If you're thinking about investing in a good quality set of needles I hope the next two posts will help you decide which, out of the many, you will buy.

Onward to today’s rambling

Using SteemAuto for Curation Trails

@thekittygirl, once again, has written a straight forward and step-by-step tutorial about SteemAuto. She tells us specifically about how to join a curation trail but also mentions other services you can access. Seriously, check out her blog because she has many excellent articles. Thanks for all your hard work @thekittygirl.

Rag rug making using old socks - or applying the loom band principle elsewhere...

@cryptocariad has yet another brilliant recycling idea for us. I know I have a ton of old socks that I've been recycling for various rags and toys but now I want to make this project! Thanks @cryptocariad.

Mending Mishaps! aka Shortcuts Don't Always Work. Happy NeedleworkMonday ;)

@mtnmeadowmomma shares with us her challenge to repair her hubby's jacket. I have to say thank you for pointing out that shortcuts don't always work. We've been in her shoes. Thanks for sharing your frustration and your creativity.

NeedleworkMonday: Facing the neckline...

@marblely has inspired us with her tale of tackling an obstacle and overcoming it! Nice job on that neckline.

Needlework Monday: Reusing Yarn

@lizgore, like many of us, completed a big project but then decided it wasn't what she wanted. She shows us how to recoup our losses and reuse the wool. Thanks @lizgore.

Tips On Having A Crochet Class Tutorial Or Demo In A Public School

@felicitycrochet, from the Philippines, shares some tips about going into a school to teach crochet. No offense meant, it's a bit of a rough read, large paragraphs, etc., but I found her content inspiring. Yet another Fiber Artist giving back to the community. Thank you @felicitycrochet.

Finding and Making THE Blouse

@goldenoakfarm tells us about a favorite blouse she made in the 70's and her quest to find the pattern to make another one. I can totally relate. Thanks for sharing @goldenoakfarm.

Frankenstein, light saber and my way on the dark side or correcting mistakes in a knitted sweater

@neumannsalva reminds us all of our early days in our crafts. She created a sweater, became frustrated and put it in the "hell box". Like many of us have been known to do.....but this is her story of sweater redemption. I think her perseverance paid off and her sweater looks great. Nice job @neumannsalva.

Gwen's Quilt Top Is Finished - Work In Progress - Needlework Monday

@apanamamamahas been working on a beautiful quilt top for her niece. While laying it out a mishap ensues...Thanks for sharing @apanamamama.

Care Challenge: Let's Make a Positive Movement with An Event! (with Special Raffle)

@craftsofluv is challenging us to show some love for a cancer patient named Debbie, who is going through a hard time. She is asking us to simply write a note on a piece of paper and post a picture of it in comments of this post. Of course a donation or up-vote would be appreciated but not expected.

All of these "notes" will be presented to this lovely lady with hope that she will feel the love. Let's show this lady our love.

Join the Fiberartists Curation Trail

If you’d like to be part of supporting the posts that I curate, you can join my curation trail. What that means is if you are part of the trail, when I vote on a quality post, your votes will automatically follow me. The trail name is Fiberartists.

You’ll need to sign up at SteemAutoand I’d recommend you use SteemConnect when asked to give voting rights. That makes sure your keys are safe.

Once registered, the link to the curation trail is right here. You can set the percentage of vote you wish to use in the settings once you join the trail.

Nominate Your Favourite Post

With all the posts that I sift through each time I sit down to do the Fiber Ramble, I think it is time to give you, the Fiber Artists, an opportunity to nominate your favourite reads.

Just visit the Fiber Ramble Discord and post the link in the Nominate-A-Post Channel.

fiber ramble

Creatives Coffee Hour

Join in on the fun! Come to the Creatives Coffee Hour, Mondays @3pm edt on the Steemit Ramble Discord.

Pimp Your Post Thursday

Don’t forget, Pimp Your Post Thursday takes place every Thursday at 11am and 7:00pm EST. Come and join the fun.

Pimp Your Post Thursday

Until Next Time Friends.

Coffee Hour







Your daughter has a knitting machine? what kind? ? Is she on Steemit?

My good friend does. My daughter's not a fiberartist but she's an amazing photographer. My friend's is an LK150 Silver Reed. That got your attention!! LOL! Did you keep your knitting machine?

I had 4, and no. (very sad face) The whole stash and all the machines, needles and accessories were sold. I had brothers (aka knitking). I miss them very much.

Great info about steemauto and curation trails, thanks!
I guess it would be possible to set one up for #needleworkmonday?

It sure would be! I set one up for #fiberartists. It wasn't hard.

Thanks for the shoutout 😘 glad you didn’t cut your daughter’s arm off 😂

LOL!! Me too! And your welcome.

Thank you for including me and the quilt top! Hope you have been able to get some work done on the sweater sleeve! So crazy!

Thanks! And you're welcome. I have been working on it....I might just squeek by.

Thank you for including me in this week's edition! I missed a few of those posts you mentioned, so I appreciate the way you gather them together in this recap :)

hahaha... how about a sleeveless sweater? Will it look weird?

That being said, thank you so much for the shoutout for the post! We have 2 days left before the deadline. More messages are welcome!

LOL!! I don't think she's into vests.....would be convenient though. I hope you get lots of love on your post.

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