Photographers are looking for new traces
Salam hormat dan salam sejahtera dari saya @ikbalsp
Photographers are people who create images by capturing light from the subject of images with cameras and other photographic equipment, and generally think of art and techniques to produce better photographs and strive to develop their knowledge. Many photographers use their cameras and tools as work for income generation, and the images will be sold for magazine covers, calender covers, articles, etc.
A photographer understands a set of energies that make up a groove and gain common ground, which resembles a melody and makes a picture perfect. Photographers should know and work faster that they can while shooting, knowing how to work shutter and when flash is in use. It is very important to be responded to, because it can produce the best picture in the most important moments of a person that he portrait. The moment in the document is not the moment that the photographer sees, but the moment that is not visible.
Hal ini sangat bermanfaat untuk di ketahui oleh para fotografer bahwa mereka harus menunjukkan kemampuan terbaiknya dalam memanipulasi gambar. Pada beberapa kegiatan pemotretan, foto pertama yang di potret mungkin mendapatkan hasil yang dapat dikatakan gagal. Saat berdiri depan seseorang yang mungkin dikatakan bahwa orang tersebut adalah yang tercantik di dunia, tapi hasil akhir foto tak selamanya baik secara keseluruhan, meskipun subjeknya sempurna. Hal itulah yang dapat menjadi alasan bahwa tak selamanya hasil foto dapat sempurna, hal tersebut dapat dijadikan pengalaman yang berharga.
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Makasih that bang @sabil95
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