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RE: Auntie Level: Master {Fueling for the Good Life--FFF}

in #fff6 years ago

Coolest plant aunt ever! I really dig it when you make a Friday appearance, your posts read real similar to things I’d say.

I’m not opposed to tasting your tofu, though, but if I like it, fact: it would be a first! No way I’d turn down anything you whip up though—not even tofu. @dksart made you a cookbook and the little one a coloring book?! Man, that’s frikkin awesome.

Stickers on the shirt - $O.35.
Beads under the drivers seat - $0.15.
Making bracelets with your niece and not telling her it broke - “priceless.”

Great entry, chef! It’s always nice hanging out with you.


The Friday crew is so chill that I think I tend to totally chill out in my writing, as well. Not that I try to be all proper and formal otherwise, but it is nice to just let loose and let it rip without worrying about pleasing anyone or having to drop nutrition knowledge. I'm glad the vibe I have in my own head comes across well. ;)

Yep, @dksart killed it on the gift front the last year or so. He's even made more food videos than I have yet, haha. Just the other day he filmed himself making quick pickles from the cukes in the garden because I was too busy to do it myself. What can I say, he's a keeper.

Man, I'm overflowing with the niece love right now. I saw my other little nugget (daughter of a really close friend) multiple times the previous week to get my fill, then I got to follow it up with this jam-packed fun fest. I'm a lucky gal.