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RE: Be feminist is painful!

in #feminist8 years ago

The only thing that ever made me question whether I could be a feminist was the mistaken idea that we live in a world built by men and for men, this is simply not true.

The desire to create a better world is never wrong, but the end doesn't justify the means. We can't create a better world based on a lie, while there may be some truth to feminism its fudamental couldn't be farther from the truth and I think that's why a lot of feminists end up acting in opposition to their teachings.

They don't want a better world for men because to them men are already fine, they have all this privilege, and it's women that need help reaching their level. This is why many feminists waste their days checking out guys to see what they can complain about not having because of their sex, spend their days looking for differences, but only when the differences validate the belief that men are better off.

Thinking men are better off just causes resentment, that's why the language often becomes hateful, and that's why most of the world believes feminists hate men.


Feminism is kind of a sect. A girl grows up, she experiences her first failures in the adult world, and voila here comes captain feminism and says " Don't blame your self. You suck at your career and personal relations not because you are useless, but because of patriarchy! If there was no patriarchy you would certainly succeed and become a princess." They buy this lie as a justification saving her self-appraisal. And the concept becomes important, cause to deny it, is to admit that she's a sucker. What they don't realize is that a man behaving the same way faces worse experience. A man failing a career doesn't have a chance to live at the account of his wife, a man who doesn't conform to his gender, faces the risk not only to be judged and mocked, but also to be beaten and killed.

Feminists also ignore the facts. The stats says that suicide rates are higher among men and men's life expectancy is shorter. In 40% of countries men are conscripted to the military slavery in violation of their basic rights to life and to freedom. No woman suffers that. The only feminist's response is victim blaming. The whole feminist movement is driven by misandry. Their envy fuels their social activities. The leaders of the movement don't care equality nor anybodies rights, but have other motivation. They need those useful idiots who'd help them to get money from the government for running their corrupted non-profits.

It is a cult in my opinion, yes.
The cult of the oppressor vs the oppressed.
If there is no oppressor there is no feminism.
There could be oppression, but if there is no oppressor, if there is no one to blame, then there is no feminism.

competent women almost never become or remain feminists. feminism is overwhelmingly a crutch for the weak.