Desensitized Matriarchy

in #feminism6 years ago

Modern history
“Western clothing largely dominated in Muslim countries in the 1960s and 1970s. For example, in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran, many liberal women wore short skirts, flower printed hippie dresses, flared trousers, and went out in public without the hijab. This changed following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, military dictatorship in Pakistan, and Iranian revolution of 1979, when traditional “conservative” attire including the abaya, jilbab and niqab made a comeback. There were demonstrations in Iran in March 1979, after the hijab law was brought in, decreeing that women in Iran would have to wear scarves to leave the house.”

Where are the Femenists?
Social Justice is to Justice, as Scientology is to Science. I believe social justice warriors have the right premise when they proclaim to fight injustice, we all want to extinguish systemic oppression from a state authority especially regarding racism, sexism and bigotry of sorts. The Danger of allowing governments to grant or deny Privileges based solely on ones' color or gender(or religion) is that this power will Always be Abused. It is curious how progressives(with support from Mainstreamers) are generally STEERed away from fighting real injustice unless it is politically correct to do so(all the cool kids are doing it) face it humans really are just dumb, greedy distracted and misguided for the most part. More curious is the fact that liberals under the guise of libertarianism often end up proposing, passing and enforcing laws that are increasingly restrictive(physically or psychologically) of individual expression and the Right to Self Defense. What I find most curious of all though is how they will Predictably and Blatantly flat out ignore and excuse some truly atrocious crimes against humanity, such as the slavery and Misogynistic Oppression of women by Patriarchal societies, namely one that is promulgated by the religion of “Peace” # notallmuslims. The Veil: what was once recognized as a symbol of status has become a Symbol of Oppression. Change my mind, I'll admit I may be a bit biased because of what former/reformed Muslims have said about this issue. Maybe its just a conspiracy theory that women don't have Equal rights in many muslim-majority countries, perhaps google is Lying to me and Required Attire has nothing to do with Islam. According to the UN over 200 million women in 30 countries(mostly islamic??) have “UnderGone the Procedure” of female circumcision aka female genital mutilation )FGM) sure there's a great justification for that I bet it has some sacred cultural meaning. No, I say cut it out, no not literally wtf.. Why are progressives so shy about criticizing these cult practices but they have no problem shitting on Christianity all the time lets try not to be too HYPO-Critical. I try, but I probably am just ignorantly spouting my brainwashed hate speech, it's hard to care about millions of people who are content with enslaving themselves. Or are they content at all?


It depends what you consider "rights" and "liberation". In my personal experience "freedom" just means freedom to date and sleep around freely for women. This leads to a life of suffering and poverty. So western "women's liberation" is really enslavement of women; making them think getting a formal education and money will somehow empower them, rather it wastes their time). Tossing them to the wolves that are men, who have proven in western cultures that they are unwilling to marry women, when women start looking to get married, at age 30 with a notch count of 30.

Women don't really want to sleep around, they want a husband and family. And women's liberation has made this virtually impossible for most millennial women, at least not happy marriages.

The goal of men is the marry an 18 year old virgin. God tries to promote this in Islam. Western women's liberation tries to destroy this, in order to destroy the family, and that will destroy the moral fabric of society and leave it vulnerable to invaders.

Now to answer your question: there is no compulsion in Islam. However, a dress code is enforced in public upon men and women in an Islamic society. Men can't walk around shirtless or sleeveless, even shorts are frowned upon. For women, they must cover their hair and dress in loose clothing. This is so men and women don't fall into lust and ruin their lives, bodies, souls, and society.

Now Saudi Arabia isn't really a sovereign Islamic society. Iran is, and it tries to protect against western culture, that will just ultimately destroy a nation and its peoples from within.

Sounds like a cult to me.