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RE: Hilarious Example of Modern-Day Feminism

in #feminism7 years ago

Well I was going to say something here, but builder of castles has made me forget what it was entirely haha!
Now I'm just waiting for you to share your further thoughts...


My apologies. I forgot to share my thoughts until I just read your discussion with builderofcastles.

I have began to suspect that there is something deeper going on here. Something that starts in school and continues throughout our entire lives. I suppose you could call it, "cognitive dissonance by design." The idea was introduced to me when I was speaking to my brother about the amount of conflicting information that they give to him in university. It led me down a path where I thought on many of the contradictory facts that I had been taught while growing up, and also to the reverse nature of our world. By that I mean how the title of something is often counter to its actual function in reality.

I then started to consider if all of this was intentional, what effect it would have on the human mind. Obviously this is merely speculation, but it seems to me that if you continuously barrage someone with facts that contradict one another from a very young age, eventually the mind would reach a state of utter confusion. I feel at this point, there is one of two things that could happen. Either the mind continuously tries to make sense of all of its conflicting information, which would be a huge drain on resources which would surely impact other cognitive functions- or, the mind cannot deal with all of the conflicts anymore, and starts to ignore them, perhaps to again, save the mental resources that are being wasted trying to make sense of what does not make sense.

Both of these conditions could explain why logic is disappearing from society so quickly, and why it seems people are getting dumber and dumber as the years go on. And this condition of perpetual confusion, caused by induced cognitive dissonance, could easily be reinforced by information such as in this article- turning women into objects in order to stop them getting objectified, and also many other things we are seeing on the media lately.

I have failed to articulate this very well, but I do plan to write a much more in depth version of this as a post at some point in the future, once I have given it more thought. I feel I am onto something though. Perhaps not with why it is happening, or what it might do to the brain, but with this idea of conditioning us with cognitive dissonance purposefully from as early as possible. I am rather curious to know what others might think we would be subjected to this, if it is intentional, and what effects it would have on our minds.

But yes, I also think there is definitely an ongoing, and terrifyingly coordinated effort to skew men and women's viewpoints of one another to a point where they no longer recognise the opposite sex as human. You can love a human. And they do not want us to love one another. As cheesy as it may sound, love is far too powerful. Why? Because it binds us to one another. Divide and conquer, which is really what this and almost every other political ideology comes down to in the end, does not work on a community of people that love one another. They cannot be divided. I believe this is what all this labeling and dehumanizing of other groups is really all about. To make it too difficult for us to love each other the way we really ought to. Then we are only left with tiny groups of misinformed people who would sooner war with each other than the overlords who pit us against one another.

"cognitive dissonance by design."

Well put. There is indeed a continuing move to insert illogic into every aspect of the public mind. We have, in law, the government now propagandizing the People, with our own money.

"Consent of the Governed", wait till I stop laughing. Oh yeah, it's not funny.

Remember, CIA director William Casey is reported to have said,

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

Those that wish to divide us will keep trying until every individual is divided against all the rest. Then we''ll have to have individual rights to protect us from everyone else. Hey wait, aren't we supposed to already have individual rights?

Bravo, well said. That last in particular, is so apparent to me at this point. It is why you'll often see me end comments with an endearment. The people I've gotten to know on steemit- I don't have to have met them to love them. Love is by far the greatest weapon we have at our disposal against the powers that wish to see us divided. I even think that it's the reason they haven't brought a ground war to the US, there are still too many small communities who would not be persuaded to turn on one another. The one I live in for example.

However when my parent's generation leaves this earth, a generation where they still exchange gifts and cookies and fudge with the neighborhood at Christmas, where if there is a crisis with one family the whole neighborhood comes together to help, the town even--I worry what will happen when they're gone. The generation just behind them still believes in community to an extent, but many of them have not passed this down to their children and so on. Instead they've allowed the schools to 'educate' them, not even realizing exactly what that indoctrination entails.

And it's much worse in the bigger cities. They've already lost all sense of community, they avoid their neighbors for fear of 'stranger danger'.

Oh, and I love you Scott ;) xo

There are so many people moving in and out of communities as jobs are less stable and moving and communicating is much easier. It's hard to commit to a community when people don't stay put.

Best Wishes and loving thoughts ;-)

That is a very good point. My husband and I moved to Florida for a number of years, we only returned when my dad's health began to fail and my mom needed our help and our company. The closeness of this particular community was far more apparent when I returned.
I really enjoyed Florida, the change of scenery and atmosphere, but it never felt like home. I like new experiences so now our plan is get a camper or RV and travel, but keep this as our home base :)

Much love to you too!

Whoo Hoo! Road Trip!
