International Womens Day : Women Empowerment (FEMINISM...!)

in #feminism7 years ago (edited)

I am a woman..I'm just a me believe that what I could be in all that I am.

I am a woman..I'm just a me believe that what I could be in all that I am....But it reminds me that once Mom said...the song is unjust. I am a woman and just a woman! seems the song is degrading herself to be just a woman and wanted someone to make her believe in all that what she is...It speaks of what a woman should be needing someone to make her believe that she can. 

As we celebrate the "International Women's Day" this coming March we must empower women and not a losing gender in the society. being branded as weak or any word what they call women to be.


The world is unjust! especially to woman...well correct me if I'm wrong.

In many establishment like the convenience store you can see mostly man that were hired. In high ranking supervisory level in most companies. Man are there. In a multi-million companies...the eldest son (man ) of the family will most likely to be the President and will manage the company when the father dies. From top level- to down...mostly  man are likely to be hired for the position.


I am pro - FEMINISM

But what is Feminism means?  It is a belief of the equality of sexes

 The doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men 

This is mainly about the status of women. They say woman are weaker than a man in making decisions and applying it in the organizational set-up that is why they are likely not to be in higher rank. They can be in high position but not as higher than a man is.

However this notions was first break when we have our first woman President of the Philippines Hon. Corazon Aquino empowering her position when she was chosen by the public to run in a snap election and won as the first woman president. Then the second one is Hon. Gloria M. Arroyo.

Being a woman is not to be a weaker gender but in equality to the believed superior gender which is man.


What it is more empowering for a woman to be a man in the house. Doing all the man's role in the family.  without a father to discipline the kiddos...without a father to provide financial needs of the family ...without a father to have "boys talk" of an adolescent son. Without a father to repair the electrical wirings...the leak faucet...the destroyed fence and everything that is destroyed in the house...all because He destroy the Family!

What it is more being a man for a woman doing all the man's role in the house...and providing everything for the children. From social, emotional, physical and down to the hardest part financial. It's not too easy feeding and nurturing a kid alone. The fear is there knowing one will never be enough to raise a family...but a woman can do it alone even in the absence of a man. 

What it is more being a man for a woman accepting all the responsibility of raising a family alone. Taking all the risk...doing everything though how hard it is just to provide the needs of the family...

In contrary to man , there will always be an exemption...if you are a man ad you were not like what I will tell you...let me finish...In contrary to a man who never assumes the responsibility to nurture the children when times of separation or divorce. Most often than not...woman stay responsible...women held responsible to all the mess a man have.

So...tell me now...are women weaker than man?

The basis of "feminism is not the sameness of man and woman..." in terms of body built and all physical aspects...It is believe that man is stronger than a woman...this come out to be their reason that man can never be equal...just because there are physical differences between the two sexes. But it never justify they can never be rights socially, politically and all other rights a woman should have.

<center>Being a woman...and being a FEMINIST...I support the #PressForProgress the theme of 2018 International Women's Day. I signed the campaign and give my details in support of the theme...shown with the screenshot of the website.

Taking more action to support it...sharing the theme in my social media 

first in facebook showing it in my status....

and to my twitter...</center>

Support "International Women's Day"


1-3 from pixabay

4-7 screenshots from a website





now the era of women's emancipation by karen it's time for women to be an inspiration of empowerment for all humans on earth.
now the place of women is very special without any oppression although there is still oppression of women in some countries.
it is time for women to rise up and be at the forefront of change for prosperity.

A very well written post!

It is indeed true that women do much but get so little in return, being selfless without expecting a reward. There are many countries in the world where women are oppressed - I believe women are not allowed to drive cars in this modern age.

I seriously believe that there should be sanctions against countries that do not honor women and give them the respect and freedom they truly deserve.

A very touching post, I think women are a very powerful because without it there will never be a man because he is a strong

March is also National Womens Month!
Power to all those female around the world!

I think that on the 8th March we should also be grateful for all the women before us who made us have what we have today: way more opportunities to grow, learn self-express ourselves. Equality battle is not over but we've progressed enormously for the past 100 years :)