What is Female Ejaculation?

in #female6 years ago

Until recently female ejaculation has been thought to be the property of either porn queens or has been dismissed by in large to be urination or incontinence, even though the ejaculate does not have the same appearance, smell, or chemical properties as urine.

This is mostly in part do to ignorance and may be a little envy on the part of men with the attitude of "NOW THEY CAN EJACULATE TOO! What's next?", who would rather just dismiss it or brush it aside than to feel intimidated or threatened by it. It is a shame that people fear what they don't understand rather than to explore it to gain knowledge and insight.

Another block to the mass education and acceptance of female ejaculation is the fact that many feminists, and sex educators fear that if female ejaculation becomes accepted as normal then women who don’t have ejaculatory orgasms may somehow feel pressured to ejaculate or be viewed as some how lacking or deficient because they are unable to ejaculate when compared to women that do ejaculate.

But as time goes on we find that women have a far greater capacity for sexual pleasure than ever thought of before i.e. multiple orgasms, G-spot orgasms, and now female ejaculation.

So this promising new territory in female sexuality has been passed over, and rarely explored in depth for whatever reason. If you were to ask most gynecologist or medical doctors about female ejaculation they would most likely will tell you that it's just urine. Most medical doctors really don’t know much about human sexuality other than just the basic function and related diseases. If extensive studies have not been published and that particular doctor has not read them (and most doctors are too busy to read all of the studies) they will just fall back on what they learned in school or heard from another doctor. This has been the case with female ejaculation as it has been dismissed as urinary incontinence at the time of orgasm. Just as if you ask a doctor if penis enlargement is possible they will tell you it’s not except for surgery. Which I know for a fact is absolutely false . Doctors are not trying to mislead you, it’s just that many are not well informed about certain aspects of human sexuality.

It has taken many years just for the G-spot to come in to it's own let alone the possibility of female ejaculation. Many woman have experienced female ejaculation for years, and others have occasionally experienced it, but had buried this sexual treasure so to speak, to avoid ridicule and shame from their lovers and society for the fear that there was something wrong with them. And still many women have never experienced it for they did not even consider the possibility.

No longer in this age of information do people want to be kept in the dark, they want to explore and experience and know the truth. Now is the time!

Still, not a lot is known or understood about female ejaculation. In some cases only G- spot stimulation will induce an ejaculatory orgasm, in others clitoral stimulation will work just as well. And there are some women who ejaculate every time they have any type of orgasm, clitoral or G-spot. And for other women it rarely occurs at all.

We also find that of the women who do have ejaculatory orgasms, quite a few of them only are able to do this alone and not able to do so with a lover. This could be due to not being relaxed enough with their partner or for fear of judgment from their lover. It is also possible that for whatever reason they are not reaching a high enough state of arousal or receiving adequate stimulation when they are with their partner.

With all of these variables it's no wonder that we have been at a loss, except for the occasional hit and miss or the squirter (a woman that ejaculates with every orgasm, as she has been slangly termed). With medical science being focused on disease rather than pleasure not to mention the lack of attention paid to woman's health issues in general, it is no surprise that the medical community is not the place to look for answers.

So it seems to be left to us the explorer。