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RE: #Fearless Parenting!

in #fearlessparenting6 years ago (edited)

Thank you for your post, I up voted and promoted it too.
If giving the opportunity to raise my children all over again I would remove from them; TV, Computer, and electronic games, even if my husband would no agree with me. I would take them to trips and protect them from public schools. No smoking or drinking at home and explain to my children why.

No unmarried guest couples to stay over my house, because it sets a bad precedent to your own children when they date at a later time.
I would make sure my children are complemented more than criticized. Before the age of 7 teach them the Holy Scriptures, play them at night so their subconscious minds are programed with God's wisdom, also making sure I would live it, rather than just talk about it. I wouldn't become frustrated with them, as my own Mom did to me, when I frustrated her, but rather take those moments as an opportunity to teach them.

Never use my hands to slap them, when they disobeyed me, but rather use my hands to show God's love, mercy and grace to them. I would never keep repeating myself to them, but I would get them used to one time command and let them deal with the consequences, their obedience to me, should be out of love not fear. I would tell them I love them very much and I believe in them as well. I would teach them the importance of marrying someone who accepts their family for whom they are, unless they don't want their Parents in in their lives, much less in their grandchildren's lives. God's word is very clear about marrying to someone who are truly born again Christian.
2 Corinthians 6:14
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? Many claim to be Christians, but it is just a claim and nothing else. I would buy less toys, clothing, and no wasteful with food, after all why paid someone Else's tuition by leaving most of your salary in the stores and paid high interest to the banksters, when most of a child's needs are; unconditional love, discipline, forgiveness, appreciation, understanding, encouragement and support are free of charge. One thing my children can attribute to me, is the fact that I love them equally, I may disapprove some of their behaviors, but they know I love them unconditionally and will never reject them as my Parents did to me.