The Opposite of Fear Is VulnerabilitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fear7 years ago (edited)

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Fear is terrible, it hits a man. If you are afraid of something, it's better not to do it. He hits a person so that you stop thinking right. At me always so. You have interesting posts, deep thoughts, thank you for this!

I think it was Kamal Ravikant who said, "on the other side of fear is where the magic happens."

Perhaps, but it prevents a person from making the right decision. Many people could not make their dreams come true, because of fear. Thank you!

We are born to be fear. It makes us stronger and makes us more thoughtful in making right decisions. It can make us and break us too. All depends on if we let it control us or we be the owner of it.

I'm fearless! Haha just kidding. Dont forget to leave the bathroom light on before you go to bed!

"I crumble under too much routine." Recently I have found this to be true for me, too. But it wasn't so evident until my circumstances changed dramatically. I am thrilled to use Steemit, as it doesn't require a specific routine.

"Irrational fear is the killer of everything." This resonates with me right now. I try to stay very positive, but every so often an irrational fear sneaks in and I have to work hard to fight it off.

Great post @stellabelle
Fear is a concept we all have to deal with, sometimes it can be our weakness but i have also found it to be a strength on a number of occasions. On one occasion fear actually saved my life
Great art work @pitterpatter I love it when you bless my photos with your magic touch :)

I think that fear is keeping us sharp and ready to be a survival!

I like these 2 quotes when it comes to fear
I fear not the man who practiced 10 000 kicks once but who's practiced 1 kick 10 000 times - Bruce Lee

the most important thing is to be able to sacrifice what you are for what you will become- Erik Thomas

What a good post about the real truth about fear, which can kill a person if not dealt with. However you have to take on your fear ...
“Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”: FDR's First Inaugural Address. This shows that even though to fear is human , we still have to face our fear and tackle it in order not to be destroyed by fear. Thanks for a good post @stellabelle , and a very good piece of art work by @pitter-patter .. bless you all.

Dont forget to check out my post for a link to collect free crypto..a once in a life time opportunity.

The opposite of fear is LOVE.

as long as i am alive, i will experience fear.

Yep, just remember, IT'S YOUR CHOICE. (((And maybe you want to re-think that curse you put on yourself..."as long as I am alive.)))

I agree with this-- everything boils down to fear or love imo ^_^

Yes, and most importantly, "It's a CHOICE."

Whether this experience is experienced, Or short short stories!

Really inspired.


@stellabelle You are like a diamond. Lot's of facets. You majored in Japanese in college? That is really interesting.
You have proven that you can hustle and were able to diversify with STEEM and DASH. In an earlier post I remember you not getting a good feeling about Synereo. Recently I was looking into that and I'm not impressed at this point.
I feel like you will find a small handful of other projects to diversify into and will continue to thrive in cryptoland.

I absolutely agree with what you are saying and understand the feeling very well.

I think it's important to realize that when it comes to big life decision, despite the fact that fear is supposed to be a deterrent to recklessness, fear is generally unproductive. You need a clear mind and fear clouds it.

Another thing to be aware of is, that we are actually always vulnerable, like it or not. Protecting yourself from vulnerability is not really possible. Life is always a risk and not taking a risk hides the risk of a missed opportunity.

That's why I try to make the best decisions based on the data currently available and my ambitions and desires and when looking back, I only evaluate mistakes in the sense of learning from my experiences and try not to allow regret to play any significant role.