In my last post, emphasis was laid on CULTURE,Its definition, importance and contributions.
It was defined as total way of life of people ranging from the way you as human being relate with people within and outside your locality,with emphasis been laid on helping and showing love to each other to foster unity,enhance peace and to make life fascinating and interesting for ourselves.
pix @my phone.
culture also entails modes and ways of dressing pertaining to certain people,it also does not left out how we and what type of food we consume.
Yoruba people who belong solely to South western part of Nigeria are noted for dressing to cover their entire body.The men belonging to this ethnic group are noted for dressing to cover their entirelity not to talk of women who solely dislike revealing their nakedness.
Various attire usually used for sewing in a typical Yoruba ethnic group are"adire,sanyan,aso oke"etc
Yoruba men are noted for a flowing wide sleeved robe worn called "AGBADA",.
This has a different name depending on the ethnic group involved, to HAUSA people, northern part of Nigeria, they called it "BABBAN RIGA".
It is called grand boubou in various francophone West African countries and the English term is GOWN..
This attire am talking about is sew differently based on position in a typical Yoruba ethnic group within south western part,Nigeria.
To the kings,certain materials are used to sew this glorious and important attire.Example of such material is "ASO ARAN".This is a shinning,britlle material.. It is quite expensive and not always affordable by commoners..
Agbada when worn in Yoruba land signify nobility and how important you are to the community.. It is always and much more appreciated when worn on occasion like wedding between the yoruba's as shown in the picture below..
pix @ google.com
It is also worn during coronation and cheiftain ceremony for kings,chiefs etc as shown below
Dressing in Agbada is a great aspect of my own culture as am proudly a Yoruba boy....
Females of this noble ethnic group dresses in what we called "IRO AND BUBA".Usually worn to occasions and functions.
It should be noted that you shall be addressed just exactly the way you are dressed.. Learn how to dress responsibly.
In my journey so far, have never seen a culture that support walking half naked or let me rather say nakedly..
Subsequent post will still address another aspect of CULTURE pertaining to the author.. Do have a wonderful moments. Thanks for reading...
Am donkenny1992.
God bless me!
God bless you!!
God bless steemit community!!!
hi kenny! :) thanks for teaching me something. that is one nice outfit u wear, too!
Thanks so much boss, always my pleasure. I appreciate.
Few days ago, one fellow steemin was repeatedly asking me (in discord) if I were an Yoruba or not! Initially I thought it might be some spelling mistake. But later came to know that it is an ethnic group in Nigeria.
Today got more idea about it. Thanks to you.
That friend, from my name, assumed me as an Yoruba. Tell me, how would be looked like wearing a "AGBADA" dress?
By the way, nice way to present your culture to the world. Keep up.

Smiles, and I believe you should be able to tease him or her now with the little you have learnt from this post. I appreciate your attention and audience doc.. Seriously, AGBADA will look nice on you...
This is a fantastic post, @donkenny! I love learning about other cultures! Very well done!
Wow, thanks wonderful friend. I always appreciate your encouragement...thanks so much
All the peoples of the world have their beautiful customs.
Nigeria has very colorful costumes.
Congratulations @donkenny1992.
It is like that ma'am, i hope i can know something partaining to venezuela culture from you someday...
Good post man
Thanks man, i appreciate
good work
Thanks friend, appreciate your contributions....
Thank you for taking time out of your day to teach about your culture, I hope to learn much more from you in the future! Have a blessed day!!!
@charisma777, thanks for the encouragement. Promise never to let you down....anticipate another part of my culture explanation from me
So proud of ma culture. Thanks for the upvote
Thanks to you mzajoke, i appreciate...