in #fashion7 years ago

Fashion Accessory 3.jpg

It is always considered nice to make up with trends in all aspects of life. The praise and
credibility that is earned by being a symbol of local culture is an ultimate reality. Some
people may disagree but still fashion is very important in all the societies and cultures of the
world that are existing today.


First of all, the most important and critical question popular about fashion is that whether it
gives the identity or not. It does give us the sense of time. If people from ancient civilizations
today come to know our dressing they may be totally startled to consider what we are opting
for in our choices. This isn’t strange. This is just a different picture and a difference in
material culture.

Fashion is also important because it conditions the masses with their local and national
culture. The religious and national norms, values and beliefs are imprinted in the minds via
fashion. Kids are often taught by the example of credible forefathers. They used to wear such
clothes in their wars and in kingdoms and you must be a successor for that legacy of fashion.
Just a renewed and modified form of that fashion will prevail in future generations to be
considered loyal to the legacy of their forefathers.
In short, fashion makes our identity important and serves as a comparable tool for future
generations to imitate and own it with an emotional attachment that it is our very own legacy.