in #farms6 years ago

Good evening brothers, blessings, I give you this brief review on important characteristics of the guineas s hens


Guinea fowl.

Also called common or gray graffiti, although it is native to Central and Eastern Africa, it was introduced to the Caribbean in the 20th century as a poultry for its precious meat, but in different regions of Cuba it has become a wild animal. treatment received from people little concerned in maintaining the diversity of ecosystems. It belongs to the family Numididae, of the order Galliformes, its common name in English is Helmeted Guineafowl. They feed on insects and seeds, have a head without feathers and a gray plumage adorned with sequins. They are monogamous, matching for life, nesting in the land.


1 Characteristics
2 Gender
3 Species
3.1 Cuban Guineo
4 Habitat
5 Food
6 Related link
7 See also
8 Sources


This family of galliforms has a slender trunk, wings of reduced length, and feathers on the upper part of the tail that are longer than the wheelhouse and protrude. The legs have high and strong tarsi, without spurs. The head is small, with bare skin, with more or less caruncles.

This noisy bird has a black or bluish plumage, with white spots, short and pointed tail. It has a bony crest and a bald head. Both sexes are very similar at first sight.

They have the ability and ability to hide among the grasslands and bushes where they live, change their place when they are mistreated or attacked and are considered to be very valuable for hunters.

How to raise guinea fowl Guinea fowl are interesting breeding birds. It can also be used to provide eggs, meat, pest control and as warning birds. They are also attractive birds to have in the neighborhood. Whatever the reason you have to raise these birds, they will be a good addition to your farm.

You will need to

-Drinker for chickens
-Food for pheasant or turkey pups
-Incubator with lamp to heat


Care of the chicks

Buy six chicks. These are available in bird stores, and buying six will ensure that at least one is a male to fertilize the eggs. It is desirable to start with healthy chicks if you plan to breed guinea fowl.

Soak the beak of the chicks when they arrive. This will help them learn to drink water. Keep your drinker full of clean, warm water, because this will keep your body temperature high.

Feed the chicks with food for pheasant or turkey pups and keep them warm and happy. Adjust the temperature in your incubator to 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees C) during the first week. You can go down to the temperature five degrees per week.

Care of an adult guinea fowl

Build a chicken coop for your guineas. These birds like to walk around the farm, looking for insects and vermin to eat. However, if you accustom them to the henhouse, they will often go back to sleep there at night.

Restrict your food during the summer months. This will make them eat more ticks, crickets and even small rodents. You can support your diet with turkey feed, if you wish.


Let nature take its course. The female and the male will know when to produce and how to care for their young and you can rest and enjoy watching your little flock grow.

How to determine sex

A male guinea fowl is called a rooster, while a female is called a hen. Like any other species, there are some signs to take into account to determine gender. The ability to determine sex helps the local breeder or peasant, appropriately house and feed both sexes. Keep reading to know more.


Wait up to 2 months or more to determine the gender of your Guinea bird. Although guinea keets (babies) are naturally strong from birth, the characteristics that stand out to easily determine sex are not yet fully developed.

Listen to the call of the birds. At 2 months of age and older, a guinea will emit a call of one or two syllables. The female emits a call of two syllables, which, according to the folk sounds are like "buck-wheat, buck-wheat." ("buck-wheat, buck-wheat"). A male emits a one-syllable call that sounds like "chit chit chit chit." To determine the difference is easier when you can listen to both sexes.

Observe the differences in the size and shape of the head. The males have a longer and larger head, especially in the back section of the head. The skulls of the females seem much more rounded.

Look at the beards of the birds (the ornamentation on the top of his head). These vary in size and the males exhibit much larger and more upright beards.


From the Guinea hen, you can take advantage of all the specimen, meat and eggs for commercialization and consumption.

The breeding of this guinea bird, allow even maintain a balance in the ecosystem of farms and open spaces, because the diet they consume, keep the soil clean of mites, parasites and other bacteria that are close to plants and other animals


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Wednesday: Geese as a farm bird
Thursday: Rearing Turkeys
Friday: Chicken in poultries.
Saturday: Guinea fowl
Sunday: Ducks
Monday: Pheasant

SteemChurch Farm ( @FARMS)

That is nice one