in starting a catfish farming there are some important factors to consider in other to achieve a great success in the farming. Here are some of the basic factors i will be discussing on in this context:
- Item Needed
- Site Selection
- Building the fish pond
- Good management procedures
Item Needed
The various item needed in catfish farming include the
. Land
. Pound Construction
. Water supply
. Feed

Site Selection
Proper selection of site is probably the most important factor in success of fish farming. Sit selection wil depend on the kind of fish farm you plan to use. For pound construction you needto consider the following factors:
. soil type
. quality and quantity of the water available
. The requirement for filling and drainage of the pond.
Building the fish pond
Building a pond can be the most difficult and most expensive part of fish farming.
The steps in building a fish pond are:
- Prepare the site
- Dig the pond and build the dikes
- Build the inlet and outlet
- Protect the pond dikes
- Fertilizing the pond
- Fence the pond
- Fill the pond with water
- Check for problems before stocking the catfish
Good management procedures
- Stock healthy and disease-free fingerlings.
- Avoid overcrowding, stock in the pond the particular amount of fish that can fit into the pond.
- Maintain good water level and quality always.
- Watch out for fish enemies (including human) and eliminate or control undesirable and unwanted organisms inside and around the pond environment.
- Feed fish regularly twice daily.
- Remove dead or dying fish(or any other dead animal found in the pond).
- Always keep account of the fish farming activities.