Fruits recommended for the kidneys.
Fruits recommended for the kidneys.
Cranberries detoxify the kidneys and clean the bladder to quickly take a cranberry juice

It is good to fight diseases of the urinary tract, has 90% water, an antioxidant, vitamins, potassium and magnesium, it is advisable to take several glasses of juice.

Pineapple is diuretic and has vitamin C, potassium and reduces inflammation.

The celery serves to detoxify and purify the blood thanks to the celery to combat fluid retention contains potassium and sodium is rich in fiber to prevent constipation levels the cholesterol in the blood.
- Controls blood glucose
- Also infections of mucous membranes of the urinary tract
- Deflates and also anti carcinogenic
Celery recipes
Chop in small portions 1 branch of celery 1 apple peeled a spoonful of parsley and beat in the blender you can consume it 4 days a we
The Apple
The apple has diuretic properties to clean the kidneys you can liquefy the apples without shells and take 3 times a day.

El dandelion
Dandelion is depurative and detoxifying of the kidneys is recommended for urinary infections and pain when there are stones.
How to prepare a dandelion tea
- 1 teaspoon of dandelion
- 2 branches of celery
- 5 branches of parsley
- 1 grapefruit juice or orange
Boil water and when it is boiling add the ingredients and boil for 5 minutes.

The nettle
The nettle is a natural diuretic is good for the expulsion of the grit that accumulates in the kidneys and bladder allows the inflammation of the urinary system is a plant that contains potassium and helps to eliminate the retention of liquids.
How to prepare nettle tea
Boil the water when it is boiling add the nettle leaves and put out the fire and let stand 5 minutes.
Causes of kidney pain.
- Kidney stones
- Nephritis
- Kidney infection
- Renal hemorrhage
- Urinary infecti