Fate through the viewfinder - Arc 1 - CH 17 Initials A.S.

in #fanfiction7 years ago (edited)

Disclaimer: The original VF story and Characters belong to Yamane Ayano Sensei.

WARNING: This is a fanfic for the boys love manga Finder no Hyouteki (Finder Series) which includes lemon and romance between men. So if its not your thing. Please don't read.

Main Pairing: Takaba Akihito & Asami Ryuuichi

Feel free to leave a comment!

Thank You for following the story so far and I hope you enjoy!

"Asami-sama, Mr. Kim, we have arrived" Kirishima escorted the two gentlemen into the most pristine Chinese club in all of Tokyo where their guest waited in a private room overlooking the main hall.

"Asami. And you must be Mr. Kim, Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Feilong greeted the two gentlemen with a masterful elegance that made Mr. Kim blush.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Feilong. I have heard much about your great feats in China. And of course, of your beauty."

"Hahaha, you're as kind as they say. Please make yourself comfortable, I have ordered the best of Chinese cuisine for dinner tonight. Along with my favorite wine as a token for our alliance."

"It's been a long time Feilong. Good to see you well."

"No thanks to you, Asami."

A young Chinese waiter entered the private room, making a final assessment of the table before gaining the men's attention.

"Feilong-sama, Asami-sama and Kim-sama, the food is ready." He gave a deep bow before leaving the room, gently closing the door behind him.

"Now then, let's leave the greetings at that, please have a seat."

The three gentlemen sat around a large round table that was filled with different Chinese dishes. Their men, Kirishima, Suoh and Yoh sat at an adjacent table.

"The food is marvelous, its not often I have Chinese cuisine, and now I know why. It wasn't real! But this, now this is real."

"I'm glad it suits your pallet Mr. Kim, how has your week been, I hope Asami here didn't bore you."

"On the contrary, he was an amazing host, I have see the best of Japan within this last week with many extras that I could not have imagined experiencing."

"Is that so. That's great news."

"Not at all, I only did what was expected, not to mention it has been quite enjoyable, being a host to one who is fascinated by everything." Asami gave a slight smile indicating his sincerity in the matter.

"It truly was fun, however many more questions have arose since I have arrived."

"Yes, and I don't like where its headed. Feilong. Have you ever heard of an Englishman with a scar?"

"A scar? ...no, but there are rumors going around about an Englishman who was looking for a certain undercover cop."

"An undercover cop? why?" Asami was surprised, for a cop to be involved.

"Not sure, for the last few years, small Englishmen groups would surface in china an disappear after only a few months, as if their purpose was only to gather information."

"Perhaps the cover-cop was Chinese?"

"I thought so too, but after looking into it a bit, we found the same rumors in many other countries: Thailand, Philippine, Taiwan, Russia and Vietnam. Last I heard, there were plans to enter Japan."

"So much trouble to look for one cover-cop..."

"That is certainly strange." Mr. Kim leaned back in his seat. "The Englishmen are known for their strict control over their underworld. Even for us, it is a challenge to secure routes. One reason for this is that they don't usually reach out of their comfort zone. But for them to go to all these countries looking for one man is... well, unthinkable."

"Exactly, that is why we decided to further investigate the matter, about a month ago we caught one and interrogate him. We didn't get much, but we did learn the reason they were searching for that peculiar cover-cop. This one man went undercover in the English Channel underground, controllers of the largest black market in the UK. Within two years, he took down nearly 1/3rd of their routes, wreaking havoc throughout all the underground groups. Afterwards, he simply disappeared without a trace."

"I hate to say it, but that is...remarkable."

"That is undeniable Mr. Kim, for one man to do such damage, it deserves praise. It's no wonder they are searching for him. It's highly possible the scarred Englishman is involved in this case."

"Perhaps. So Asami, why were you asking about this Englishman with a scar?"

"That Takayama, he was nothing more than a worthless pawn. The only new information we gathered from him was that this Englishman with a scar is somehow related with Wang and Mr. X." Asami shook his head, remembering Takayama's destroyed soul as he spoke about everything he knew or didn't know."We don't even know what kind of scar he has. Only, its most likely visible since it became his trade-name."

"That's annoying. Very well, I will have my men gather information about him." Feilong signaled Yoh. "shall we continue our meeting at the bar gentlemen."

"This way." Yoh brought the men to the bar on the other end of the room, signalling the workers to enter the room and clear the table. "What would you like to drink?"

"Yoh has a special talent for mixing drinks, feel free to order anything."

"Ho, then I would like a Gin Martini."


"A vesper for me."

Giving a light nod, Yoh got to work. Without changing expressions, he gathered the glasses, effortlessly grabbed the bottles and began mixing them as if he was using magic. Behind them Kirishima and Suoh began setting up the pool table.


"Mr. Kim, your Gin Martini."

"Oh, thank you."

"Asami-sama, Aviation."


"Feilong-sama, Aviation."


"It's good."

"Professionally done."

"Didn't I saw so, our Yoh has skills. Thank you Yoh."

With another deep bow, Yoh headed towards the pool table where his two friends were waiting to play a game of pool. Back at the bar, the three gentlemen settled into their seats and sipped their drinks.

"Now then, to continue our conversation. Leaving the Englishman aside for now, I have news concerning Wang."

"Did you find him?"

"Yes. We found traces of him leaving Hong Kong and entering Turkey."

"Turkey? Why would he go there?"

"To enter Europe Mr. Asami. Isn't that right?"

"That's correct. After my men discovered his whereabouts, they followed him to a Turkish shop. We found out the shopkeeper is a well known smuggler. I have one man who will be smuggled into China along with Wang and my other men who will follow them. This way we can keep tabs on him, and hope he will make contact with Mr. X."

"He should, they always go back to the leader when in trouble. Good work Feilong."

Feilong was taken back, its been years since his past with Asami, but he would have never imagined they would be on the same team again. Nor that he would be glad to get praised.

I guess I haven't changed as much as I made myself believe. Still chasing praise from this man...

The evening progressed peacefully, strategizing against what was to come.

"I shall take my leave gentlemen, I need to stop by the hotel before heading to the Airport."

"Suoh will accompany you Mr. Kim. We will meet you at the airport soon."

"Wonderful, I will see you soon."

Mr. Kim left with Suoh close behind, leaving the four men alone in the room.

"Feilong, your uncle's casino deed, as promised.

"Accepted. But don't think this makes us even Asami."

"Wouldn't dream of it."


Kirishima came to Asami's side as he turned to take his leave.

"Asami. Before you go, accept this gift."

Yoh brought a large box and placed it faced down in front of them as he unpacked it.

"What is this?"

"A token to put our past at bay for now, Although I don't like how you did it, you did return my uncle's casino deed."


As Yoh finished unpacking it, he held it up for them to see. Beside Asami, Kirishima felt his heart beat louder as he took note of the painting in front of them.

"... Feilong, where did you find this?"

"Where? In a small gallery in Hong Kong, I thought it would suit your taste. Does it not?"

"Kirishima, get all the information you can from the curator at that gallery, I want to know who made this painting."

"Hai, Asami-sama." He got out his phone, sending out orders and made a memo.

Asami couldn't take his eyes off the painting, it brought back a feeling of familiarity and kindled a desire he had given up on.

"What's going on Asami? Is something wrong with the painting?"

"No, but I've been looking for someone related to this image for a very long time now."

"You, You've been chasing after someone? I'm impressed, I must meet this person once you've found them."

"Sure, if I can find them. Although, its become more of an obsession than anything else."

"Thanks Feilong, see you soon."

Watching Asami leave, a feeling within Feilong from long ago began to re-surface.

Asami, have I reached the point where I can stand on the same pedestal as you?

Kirishima placed the painting in the limo before going to the driver's seat. Even without the order, he knew where to head to next.

"She's really tired, she fell asleep the moment we got back."

"Can't be helped Kou, its been a really long day."

"I hope she had fun."

"Ya, me too. Let's go out." Takato gently closed the door of Sora's room as they headed towards the living room.

"Takato...who do you think that man was?"

"...I don't know, I really want to ask who they all were but...

Kou hesitated, unsure about what he wanted to share.

"I-I saw them."

"Saw who?"

"On the way to the washroom, I saw Aki and the man named Asami together. They were having tea together at the coffee shop."

"Why were they having tea together?"

"I don't know but...he was laughing and smiling Takato. But I'm worried, that man, he looks dangerous.


The entrance door opened, Akihito entered holding two bags filled with drinks and snacks.

"Kou, Takato, I bought some drinks, have some before you leave-" Akihito paused, his two friends stood in the living room looking worriedly at him.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to Aozora? Where is she-"

"Calm down Aki, she's fine. She's sleeping in her room."

"Oh...then why are you guys looking at me like that? What's wrong?'

"Akihito. be honest with us. Why were you having tea with that man Asami today?"

Akihito dropped the drinks he was holding, all he could feel was the sound of his heart as it beat louder.


"I-Its not what you think."

"And what exactly is it that we are thinking?"


"Akihito, I've heard rumors of the man Asami, and I can't say they are good rumors. We're your friends and family Aki. So please, tell us. Did you know him before today?"

"Aki...you're not in trouble are you?"

"No! I'm not, I'm really not. I did meet him before, but its not like that. He's the one who helped me get Aozora back, and..."

"And?" Takato knew there was more, Akihito rarely kept anything from them. They knew his past, his secrets. Even what happened during the two years he had disappeared. So for him to hide something, it wouldn't be something simple.

"and...we're still trying to figure out the rest."

"What does that mean Akihito? What rest?"

"Aki...could it be you guys are together?"

"Eh? Kou, what are you saying, why would they be together! That's imp-" He saw the truth in his friend's expression, the flushed cheeks, the eyes that avoided looking directly at us and...the worried expression that said he was scared, scared of us rejecting him, blaming his choice. "Akihito, you are, aren't you."

" ...uhn." A nod was all he could muster. the beating of his heart was making him dizzy, he was scared of what his friends who were like family would say about his relationship with Asami.

"I got it Akihito, its okay, we get it. Kou said he saw you in the coffee shop, he said you were laughing and smiling, that you looked...happy. I thought maybe you were being tricked into something but... I just didn't want to see the truth. But, Aki, I will say this. You're a cop. and he could be part of the Yakuza for all we know. Do you understand what that means?"

"I know."

"And Aki, what about Aozora? You have a daughter now..."

"I know..."

"Then let's think about it together."

Takaba looked up at his two friends, he remembered all the times in life they were there for him, for years, they were the only two people he could fully trust. They were his friends, and his family.

"Takato, Kou... Thank you."

"Isn't that what friends are for, silly Aki." Kou grabbed a can from the dropped bag and handed each of them one."Let's toast, for better or for worse, to Aki's love life!"

"not sure i want to toast to that..."

"How cute! Aki's blushing! Hahahah"


"Ah! no more, let's forget about my love life for tonight and drink our hearts out...quietly."

"Asami-sama, we have arrived."

"It's been a while since we've come here."


In a small part of Tokyo, a short ten minute drive form Sion, was a small building owned by Asami. This building was Asami's private gallery. As Asami and Kirishima entered the building, the sensory lights turned on as they walked towards the gallery room. A room with photographs and paintings lined up against the white walls. At the end of the room was a large empty wall with only one photograph print in the center. The title of the photograph was 'ALONE', one Asami bought from a gallery five years prior.

Kirishima stepped forward and placed the new painting next to the photograph. Taking a step back, he stood next to Asami as they studied them.

"Ryu...this is..."

Facing them were two images that reflected each other. In the 'ALONE' photograph was a young girl reaching out to a silhouette whose face was turned, walking away from her. Around them, young children were lying on the street, broken, bleeding and dirty. Their eyes were dull and blank as if their souls were taken out of them. The painting was a re-presentation of the photograph. The left half of the painting was the same as the left half of the photograph, half the girl, half the silhouette and half of the children on the street. However the right half changed the story. The other half of the girl didn't reach out, the other half of the silhouette wasn't walking, both were standing there. The other half of the children around them were dressed warmly, playing, smiling, laughing. They looked healthy and happy.

What does this mean? For there to be two of the same images. And why did it show up now?

"Kei, this painting, it has the initials A.S. on it."

"You're right, even thought the photograph was anonymous. Looks like we got our first clue in years."

"Ya, but will it be enough? Find out who these initials belong to and if there are more."


Are these initials really a clue to finding him... who are you boy? Why do I obsess over finding you? Only time will tell I guess.

"Mr. Kim, I hope you have a safe journey back."

"How dry Asami. It's been fun Mr. Kim, come visit Hong Kong next time."

"Thank you Mr. Asami, Mr. Feilong. It truly was a pleasure meeting the two of you. My time here will not be forgotten. As I hope you two will one day visit Europe, I will be sure to visit Hong Kong and also return to Japan as I have a promise to keep."

"A promise?"

"Well, perhaps not a promise, but something to look forward to. I have plans to visit a hot spring Inn on my next visit. I heard it is a very special place."

"Ah, Japanese hot springs are one of the best, even I come here just to get the experience."

"Is that so Mr. Feilong, now I truly must come back."

"I'll remember that for your next visit Mr. Kim."

"Wonderful, I guess its time for me to go, I will contact you from Europe. Take Care."

walked up the private Jet's stairs, taking one last look at his new comrades, he entered the plane with a burning flame to extinguish the darkness that took hold of Europe.

"He's gone."

"Yes he is, what are your plans for tomorrow Feilong?"

"I assure you, its not spending time with you."

"Yoh, are you going out? You look tired."

"Tao-sama, I have some work to do this morning."

"Are you not going out with us later?"

"I will be meeting up with you guys in the afternoon. Remember not to make trouble for Feilong-sama, always stay by his side, we aren't in Hong Kong anymore."

"Don't worry Yoh, I'll be good. See you later."

."...please be good. See you later Tao-sama."

"Are you okay Yoh? You look drained. Like the other two over there."

On the other end of Asami's office laid his two subordinates whose heads were still pounding from running after a drinking battle.

"Hai, Asami-sama, I am fine."


"Well, in any case. Yoh, why don't you return now?"

"Asami-sama, I will always remain as your friend and shield, however, if I may, I would like to stay beside Feilong-sama."

"Is that so. Then so be it."


"What, are you surprised by how lenient I am?"


"Yoh, we've known each other for over a decade, isn't that reason enough?"

"Thank you, Asami-sama." Yoh gave a deep bow, expressing his gratitude and respect for the man in front of him.

"Now onto the other topic, I heard you lost the race."

"I believe it was a tie for loss with Kei over there."

"Fufufu, is that so. Then for our two losers, I have an errand for you."

"Aozora! wait up!"

"Aki-niisama! These shops are soo pretty!

"Are you that happy to be out shopping?"


"Hahah, I see. It's good we came out. But can we slow down a little, my head is still pounding."

Aozora takes her place next to her adoptive father, accepting the outreached hand.

"But, how come we came out today? and why didn't Takato-niisan and Kou-nii come with us?"

"Hmm? They had to head into work to make up time. and I wanted to take you shopping for clothes today, since we didn't get to last time."

"Clothes? But, I have clothes."

"Aozora. I want you to remember this, clothes makes a person. That's why its important to have different clothing, so that you can have options depending on your mood, on the occasion and so forth."

"...I never thought about it that way."

"That's alright, you have time. Little by little, I will show you this new world, a world for you to explore."

"Arigato, Aki-niisama."

"We're here."

They stopped at a children's boutique clothing shop. Mannequins with children's dresses and suits lined up the storefront.


"It's the most famous children's store in Tokyo, La La Land. I really wanted to get you something from here, since its the first clothing I will buy you."

"It's so pretty, are those children in the window? Don't they get tired?"

"Hahaha, no, those are mannequins, they aren't real people."

"oh, that's good. and the clothes, they're so pretty!"

"Ya, they are. The style and the material are both high quality. It will be well worth it. Let's go in."


Upon entering the shop, Aozora was mesmerized by the sheer size of the space, from the atrium in the center, she could see that it had three levels.

"Amazing! Is that a stair? Aki-niisama! Stairs can be circular?"

"That's right, a famous architect designed this building, that's why just being in the space is so captivating. I bet you didn't even notice the clothing yet."

"Clothi-? Wow! So much clothes! This is amazing!"

"Hahaha, I was waiting for that. Let's walk around a bit, we can choose some to try on."

"You can try them on?"

"Yup, that way you're sure its good before you buy it."

"I see. That makes sense."

They walked around the shop, picking up different clothing that looked suitable and laughing at strange or bad looking ones. After walking for awhile and accumulating a good amount of clothes, they headed to the change rooms to try them on.

"Aozora, I'm going to wait here, once you've put one on, come out so we can look at it together okay?"


"Aki-nii-sama, what do you think?"

Sora came out wearing a cute long one-piece pink dress that had a large bow on the front.

"It's not bad, perhaps a little too long, turn around."

As she turned around, she stepped on the dress and fell to the ground. A young boy who was running towards the change rooms beyond them tried to stop only to slip on another part of the dress and fell on top of her.



Akihito looked at the man who called out the boy's name. Taken in by the foreign accent. He was a tall man with a pretty face, he wore a beige fedora hat, beige jeans and a black dress shirt. He turned his attention back to Aozora, as both men quickly came the kids help, pulling them up off the ground.

"Are you both okay? not hurt anywhere."

"I'm okay... nii-sama"

"me too."

"Tao! I told you not to run in the shop!"

"I'm sorry, I was too excited." Tao turned to Aozora, giving a small bow. "I'm very sorry to have fallen on top of you."

"Ah, no its okay, I'm the one who fell first. I'm sorry for tripping you."

"Sorry about that Tao-kun. My name is Takaba, Takaba Akihito and this is my daughter Aozora. Its nice to meet you Tao-kun and your father?"

"Yes, I am Tao's father, Liu Fei Long. Pleasure to make your acquaintance Takaba-san."

Feilong was surprised to meet someone during his outing into town. It was a rare thing to even go out shopping as they usually get everything custom made.

"Your Japanese is very good, where are you visiting from?"

"From Hong Kong, but often need to speak Japanese as we have business partner's here."

"I see. I guess were both shopping for kids clothes today."

"It would seem so."

"Shall we continue kids?"


"Hai, I'll go where the next outfit, this dress is too long."

As the kids entered the changing stalls, the parents sat in the waiting room. Outfit after outfit, the kids came out, giving a mini fashion show. Together all four shared their opinions and discussed the best outfits. At the end of the morning, they settled on a few outfits each.

"Thank you for the help Feilong-san."

"Not at all, we're the ones who got some great input. It's not often we come out shopping like this, so its a good change of scenery."

"Since its come to this, if you guys are still have time, as thanks, would you like to go out for lunch together? It looks like the kids have become friendly."

Feilong was pleasantly surprised by this young man. Normally, people would not stay in his presence for more than necessary or would try to get close with ulterior motives. However he wasn't getting anything from Akihito. He was genuinely thankful and genuinely happy the kids were getting along.

Why? Because I'm wearing casual clothing? That never stopped others before. Because Tao is with me? Because we are two fathers? Or is his poker face that good?

"Very well, let's go have lunch."

I'll find out by the end of lunch, what kind of man you are, Takaba Akihito.

"Wonderful, Aozora, Tao-kun, what kind of food would you like to eat?"

"umm... maybe pizza?"

"Pizza? Hmm... and Tao-kun?"

"I wouldn't mind pizza."

"Alright, then its settled, pizza it is and I know just the place."

They walked along the main street for a while before turning into a small dimmed street. Just as Feilong began to worry about where the young man was taking them, they stopped at the end of the street where a small pizza shop stood.

"This here is the best pizza shop in all of Tokyo, you won't find anything else like it!"

They entered the small shop, unlike its exterior looks, the inside was clean and grand. People filled most of the seats as they enjoyed their pizza, the waitresses and waiters roamed around making sure everything was in order. A young waiter came to take them to their table, a booth at the far corner of the shop.

"Would you like anything to drink while you look at the menu?"

"Could we get orange juice for the kids and would you like wine Feilong-san?"

"Rose wine would be fine."

"Hai, please wait a moment."

A few minutes later, the waiter returned with their drinks. He handed the children their juices and proceeded to serve the wine. A few moments later, he took their order and headed back to the kitchen.

Feilong never took his eyes off the intriguing young man sitting opposite him, there was something about him that was strangely alluring. The refreshing way he interacted with the children, the way he sipped his wine and the way his cheeks slowly but surely became a light shade of pink.

"Feilong-san, what kind of work do you do?"

"I own a trading business."

"Impressive, you seem young to be a CEO."

"One needs to pave his own path to become successful."

"That seems to be the case."

"What do you do, Takaba-san?"

"I'm a freelance cameraman."

"Freelance, you must travel a lot."

"Yes I do, the world is there to explore, It would be shame not to capture it in my viewfinder."

"Sirs, and Mademoiselle, please enjoy your lunch." The waiter returned once more, setting down the different pizzas. He gave a small bow and left them to dine.

The aroma extruded from the pizza, mixing with the air that surrounded them.

"This smells exquisite."

"Margherita, Quattro Stagioni, Salvatore Cuomo and Lasagna Pizza! Nothing beats this combination. Kids, let's dig in!"

The kids took a bite, letting the flavor deepen as it reached their tongue.

"This is amazing!"

"Its really good!"

"Hahaha, I'm glad you like it." Takaba turned to face Feilong who stopped after taking his first bite."What do you think Feilong-san, is it not to your taste?"

"Ah. no, its just, its like nothing I've had before. It's very...tasty?"

"Could it be that you've never had pizza before?"

"I must admit, this is my first time."

"...wow. I'm impressed."

"Impressed? Why would you be impressed?"

"Although pizza can be had at a fancy dinner on occasion, it is generally known as fast-food. Therefore for one to have not tried it, you must take care in what you eat, is what I was thinking."

"I see... you are a strange man, Takaba Akihito-san"

"Would you like more wine, Feilong-san." Takaba took the wine bottle to pour Feilong and himself more wine.

"Thank you. Please allow me." Feilong stopped Takaba before he poured for himself, taking the wine bottle and pour the wine for his new friend.

On the other end of the table, Aozora and Tao fully enjoyed the different types of pizza.

"Tao-kun, isn't this pizza amazing?" Sora looked at Tao with shining eyes, her excitement apparent.

"Yes, it taste really good, but it can't compare to the food back home."

"What kind of food do you have at home?"

"Hehehe, all kinds! There are dumplings, buns, show fun, jian dui, dohua and so much more."

"Wow, that sounds so tasty! I'd love to try them one day."

"You must! Hong Kong food is truly amazing."

"Wow...there are so many things to try, to learn and to experience."

"Of course! And since we're kids, we have our entire lives to do it."

"...ya, you're right."

"All done kids?"


"Yes. Thank you very much for bringing us here Takaba...o-jiisan?"

"It's oniisan Tao, he's still young."

"Ah, right. Takaba-oniisan."

"You're very kind Tao-kun, it was our pleasure."

The four left the restaurant content at the experience.

"Thank you Takaba-san, it was a good experience. Looks like there are more things I need to try than I thought."

"Its never to late Feilong-san, and thank you for joining us. I was really glad to see the kids get along."

"That's true." Feilong watched as the kids in question chatted away, something he rarely saw Tao do with strangers.

"Sora-chan, will you be my friend?"

"Friend? Of course! I would love to."

"Hehehe, that's great. come visit Hong Kong some day, I'll show you around."

"Really? I'll look forward to it."

"Is it that easy to become friends?"

"You would be surprised Feilong-san." Takaba took out a card from his wallet and handed it to him.

"This is?"

"My business card, let me know if you have any freelance work you need done. but also."


"Its for us to keep in contact. Now that were friends you see."

"Friends? Us?"

"Don't you know? Dine with someone, chat with someone or simply enjoy spending time with someone, and that someone becomes your friend. We've already become friends."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that. Easy right?"

"Hahaha, ya, easy. Very well Takaba-san, I will keep your card at hand. Unfortunately I don't have mine on me as I am on vacation."

"No worries, sometimes in friendship, fate plays a role. Feilong-san, Tao-kun, its been fun, I hope we meet again someday."


"Bye Sora-chan!"

"Bye Tao-kun"

Takaba and Aozora walked away hand in hand back towards the main street, looking back only once to bow and wave a last goodbye. Having greatly enjoyed their morning and lunch with their new friends, they wondered what else the day had in store for them.

"Shall we go Tao,"

"Hai Feilong-sama."

Feilong put the card in his pocket for safekeeping. He would keep it to remember this day, but he would never call the number on the card.

Friend, as fate would have it, we live in different worlds, therefore there will never be a day we will meet again.

In a certain part of Tokyo, two men were hard at work.

"Why do we have to do this?"

"Because you lost the race."

"So did you. But I don't even work with you guys right now."

"Didn't you say you were always going to remain as one of his men and friend"

"...That and this are two different things."

"You're right, I shouldn't be doing this either. It's not a secretaries job."

"Should we leave?"

"And have him chew us out, no thanks. Let's just keep moving these boxes."

"There are people for this, why can't we call them over?"

"Because he asked us to do it ourselves."

"It would be much quicker if suoh and Kuroda were here."

"That's true, now stop complaining and hold the box up properly, its heavy."

"I am!"

"If you were I wouldn't be complaining."

"Urgh! Fine, like this?"

"Ah, not so high, go lower."

"Aren't you the one complaining?"

"...just do it right."

"Alright, alright."

"Asami-sama, the items have arrived and have been placed in the spare room."

"Now then, its time to enjoy those hazel eyes."


"Tao-sama! Did you have fun today?"

"Ya, we went shopping, and had pizza. I also made a friend."

"Really? Wow, i'm impressed."


"Why don't you tell me all about it on our way to the Inn?"

"Alright, I'll go change now." Tao ran out the room, he couldn't wait to visit a hot spring Inn.

"He's excited."

"I was worried in the morning, but it looks like taking him out today was the right choice, Feilong-sama."

"Ya, he had fun. He doesn't have many chances to be a child after all."

"That's true." Yoh took a step closer to Feilong who was sitting by the window sill. Handing him a file."

"What is this?"

"Feilong-sama, the one who gave Asami information about your deed. It was me."

Feilong stared long and hard at Yoh's unchanging expression.

"I know."

"...but, then why?"

"Why didn't I kill you for betraying me?"


"Because although you went behind my back, you did it for me."


"Don't take my words the wrong way Yoh." I am still displeased with your actions. And I do not tolerate betrayal. The only reason I am letting you live is because it is you." Feilong stood up straight, his long black hair draping over his shoulders. "Remember this, there will be no second chance."

"I understand." Yoh took another step closer, kneeling down. He took Feilong's hand in his and gave him a peck on the back of his hand. "I promise to never betray you, til the day I drop, I will stay by your side."

Feilong felt a change within Yoh, one that felt like a weight was taken off his shoulders. He looks brighter somehow.

What a strange day today has been.

After lunch, Akihito and Aozora continued walking around the city, going form one shop to the next. They window shopped, had a taste of street food, played around dressing up and enjoyed the scenery of the city streets. As the sun began to set, they decided to head back home.

"Aki-nii-sama, I'm so tired."

"Ya...we walked around a lot today. Once we get back, we should each take a hot bath and go straight to sleep. That will relax your muscles."


"Hold on Sora-chan, we'll be home soon."


"Would you like me to carry you?"

"But the bags..."

"Its okay, come." Akihito went in front of her, kneeling down so that she could climb on top of his back. "see, If I give you a piggy back, then I can still carry the bags."

"Am I not too heavy?"

"Not at all, you're as light as a feather."

"Hehehe." Aozora wrapper her arms around his neck, letting her head rest on his back. All the feelings of the last few weeks came back to her, she couldn't believe she was able to feel this warmth. She let his warmth sooth into her while she listened to his heartbeat. In that moment, she truly felt the meaning behind the essence of a family. "You're warm, and your heartbeat is soothing."

"I'm glad. Take a rest Aozora."

There were words in her heart she wanted to forget, words that frightened her. But all that darkness that was inside her, this man slowly yet surely dissolved. This man who called her family, gave her a new name, provided her with a place to call home and reminded her of the meaning of love.


Akihito stopped. Those honest words touched him at the deepest part of him, he could feel the tears swell up to his eyes. He was waiting for the day she would call him father, for the day she stopped looking up to him as her savior and accepted her role as his daughter. But he never expected it would mean this much to him, that it would affect him to the core. As he held her and felt her warmth, he could proudly say this was one of the happiest moment's in his life. Feeling she fell asleep, he continued walking towards the place they call home, letting the tears gently stream down his face. He would cherish these feelings and this moment, that he was sure of.

"Asami-sama, we have an unusual visitor."


"Englishmen, they would like to have a meeting with you immediately if possible."

"Ho... very well, bring them in."


Two englishmen entered Asami's office. One was a tall man with brown hair and his eyes were a dark blue as the ocean floor. He wore a white suit with a blue tie. The other man was a shorter man who had black hair and forestry green eyes. He wore a black suite with a green tie. On his right cheek, he bore a thin long scar.

Englishman with a scar...Could it be him?

"Welcome gentlemen, what brings you to Japan?"

"We are sorry for the sudden visit, we would have preferred visiting under different circumstances."

"No worries, please have a seat."

Kirishima brought three cups of tea and set them down in front of the guests and Asami. The man with blue eyes spoke first.

"Mr. Asami. My name is Jonathan Perks. he is James Lin, we have come from England in search for one man."

So the rumors were true...

"Who are you looking for?"

"We don't know his name, nor do we have much information about him. However from what we do know, he is of Japanese origin and his initials are A.S."

Initials A.S!?...It can't be.

"Mr. Asami, we have come to you to obtain permission to search for this man on your turf. We do not wish for there to be problems between us." James took out a file and placed it on the table. "This is a small gift of peace."

"Why are you looking for him?"

The two gentlemen traded glances with each other, unsure of how much to tell.

"He is an undercover cop. Two years ago, he took down nearly 1/3rd of the English channel's routes."

"So you want revenge? To kill him?"

"Not exactly. More than getting revenge, there is something he has that we are in need of. unfortunately, we cannot say more at this time."

"I understand, then I will give you the permission you need, however, I do have certain conditions.

"Sora-chan? We're home. Are you awake?"

"Hmm...? Are we home yet?"

"That's right. I'm going to put you down so I can get the key now."


Akihito went down on his knee and to let Aozora down. Giving him the chance to take the keys out of his pocket.



"...can I... Can I call you Oto-sama...? Aozora looked up to him with worried and pleading eyes."

He knelt down in front of her, pulling her towards him, hugging her, holding her close. After a few minutes in silence, he gave her his reply.

"Aozora, I'm sorry, I thought you needed time, so I waited. But I should have asked you earlier. Please call me father. It would make me really happy if you could come to think of me as your father as I think of you as my daughter. Therefore, its not a question of permission, you see, its your right to call me father. Nothing more, nothing less. Thank you Aozora, for calling me father."

Sora lifted her arms, wrapping them around him, hugging him back. She wouldn't be able to describe the joy she felt, but she was sure she would treasure it.

"Hai, Oto-sama."

After a few more minutes, they stood with a new bond connecting them. Akihito unlocked the door, taking Aozora's hand, they entered their apartment.

The first thing they noticed was the change of the air, it seemed more airy somehow.

Did we leave the window open?

As Akihito reached for the light and turned it on, he almost thought it was all a dream. He couldn't help blinking a few times as the scenery before him.

"Aozora, it seems were in a dream."

"No, Akihito, I don't think we are. But..."

Why? What? Why?

Behind them, his two friends who decided to drop by after work come in, bags of drinks in hand.

"Aki, Sora-chan, we came to hang out!"

"Why are you guys at the entrance, go inside."

As all four entered the apartment, they each exchanged confused glances.

"Akihito, are you moving?"


"Then, why's your apartment empty?"

"...I...don't know..."

"Looks like you got robbed."


"I don't really care about anything else, but, I wish they left my cameras... How am I supposed to work now?"



"Oto-sama, looks like something is stuck on the wall."

"Wait! Aozora, did you just call Aki father?"

"Ohhhh, congratulations Aozora, Aki, that's great!"

"Hmm... thanks... since he's my father."

"We're a true family now. So what's stuck on the wall?"

"It looks like a key is tapped to the wall."

"A key?" Kou took the tape off the wall, passing the key to Akihito."

Akihito took the key, turning it in his hand and taking a closer look at the unrecognized key.

"What does the tag say?"

He turned the tag around and saw a name he knew all too well 'ASAMI'.

W-wh-what? It can't be... Dammit Asami, what did you do this time.

"... looks like I didn't get robbed after all."

"Hey, wait. Doesn't that say Asami on it?"

The three young men looked at each other, bewildered by the turn of events.

"Akihito, you are not going to him right?"

"Just to take my things back?"

"Aki! He took all your things without telling you, who does that!?"

"Oto-sama, are we moving in with Gold-oniisan?"

"No! No way are we letting you live together!"

"Kou, Takato, I'm just going to meetup with him and get my things back."

"Then we're coming with you!"

"Eh? Ah, no, I don't think that's a good idea?"


"Well... it could be dangerous?"

"Then why would we let you go?"


"Akihito, it couldn't be that you wouldn't mind living with him, would it?"

"Of course not!"


"I-I just want to hear what he has to say? If he really does and why..."

"Then stay at my place tonight. Tomorrow, we will go together to see him."


"Ya Aki, please don't go alone."

"Fine. I'll do as you say. But I do need to get my cameras back, I have a job early tomorrow morning. So I'm going to sneak in with this key, get my camera and go to your place. Deal?"

"...sounds dangerous."

"It's fine, he usually works till late anyway."

"...Fine, but be careful and keep your phone on you at all times, call us if anything happens."

"I will, thanks."

"We get it Asami, you're rich. Do you have to live in a penthouse in such a secure building..."

How do I get in?

Across the street from Asami's building, Takaba watched as people entered and exited the building. When a delivery truck stopped by the entrance, he made is move.

"Hello there, I got a late night package for Asami."

"I'll take it here, where do I need to sign?"

While the delivery man was busy occupying the front desks attention, Takaba took the chance to slip passed them and into the waiting elevator, making sure to chose the more elaborated designed elevator.

As the elevator reached the top level, he stepped out, key in hand. He walked to the only door on the level, inserted the key and entered the penthouse.

The first thing he takes note of is the cleanliness of the place. Not a single thing was out of place. It made the place feel grandeur. He walked by the kitchen that was well equipped but rarely used. The living room that had a large smart TV hung on the wall without any hints of it being used.

This place is huge and impressive. But, why does it feel so...empty?

After opening and poking his head into a few rooms, he finally found the room he was searching for. Boxes were stacked and placed neatly in the center of the room. On one side of the room, there was a simple desk and chair. On the other side, a single sized bed with pink sheets.

Pink? Why pink- oh. Aozora... Asami, you're serious...

He found his camera case in the corner of the room. Taking out the key he always kept with him, he proceeded to unlock the case, only to realize the lock's been changed.

Really? Was it necessary to change the lock? There is no way I'm going to go and ask you for the key! Don't take me lightly Asami.

He took out two pins from his pocket, inserting them into the lock. After a few short moments, he heard the lock click open.

See that? That's lock-picking skills 101. A necessity for chasing criminals within and without my viewfinder.

He took the camera he needed for his job and left the scene after taking one more look at where Asami lived.

A.s...an painter, a undercover cop, a Japanese man... It's not impossible I suppose. But the kid, he looked young at that time. Would he have been part of the police force? Chances are low that its the same person. But perhaps...perhaps they have a link. Those tears, they must have a meaning to the photograph, to the painting and to the mystery person with initials A.S. Two people? One?

"There are too many unknowns."


Asami picked up his vibrating phone.

"Is everything okay Asami-sama?"

"Perfectly Kei, a little kitten has simply made its way home." He continued being glued to the images on his phone, he could feel his mood improving and his face muscles working into a smirk, he was looking forward to what was to come. "...or not."

Chapter List:
Arc 1: