Fate through the viewfinder - Arc 1 - CH 09 Human Trafficking

in #fanfiction7 years ago

Disclaimer: The original VF story and Characters belong to Yamane Ayano Sensei.

WARNING: This is a fanfic for the boys love manga Finder no Hyouteki (Finder Series) which includes lemon and romance between men. So if its not your thing. Please don't read.

Main Pairing: Takaba Akihito & Asami Ryuuichi

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Thank You and Enjoy!

Takayama stood outside Asami's office, contract in hand, he successfully obtained the deal with Moriyama.

It took two long years, that damn Moriyama, if we're friends he should have just signed the first contract I proposed. For two years I had to tiptoe around Asami! But its over now, finally. With this I will have the power and freedom needed to conduct my business. I will be on Asami's good list for years to come.

"You may come in, Asami-sama is expecting you." He passed by Asami's secretary with disgust in his eyes as he entered the office.

Asami's dog.

Missing the look Kirishima gave him, one of pure enjoyment for the torments to come.

He entered the office, Asami sat at his desk on the far side of the room, smoking a cigar. He walked up and set the contract down on the desk.

Asami watched as Takayama walked towards him, he could feel the confidence in his steps and the bad poker face that tried to hide his smirk.

"Now then, report."

"After two years of business transactions and successful trades, Moriyama has decided to join the alliance and provide us with new routes into Europe. As you know, Mr. Kim works alongside Moriyama and they have both signed the agreement."

"What of the others?"

"As stated in the contract, we received assurance that the other European underground leaders have accepted our entrance into their territory and have agreed to start open trades with us, however they would not join the alliance at this time."

"Well done Takayama, it took two long years however you did manage to grasp entrance into one of the closed of sections of the world. Those leaders are strict on their hold of Europe."

"Thank you Asami-sama."

"You have proven your loyalty up to this point and completed a grand feat. As promised, a great sum will be deposited into your account. You will also now have full control over two routes. One to Shanghai, and the other will be one of the two new routes into Europe."

"I will greatly accept, Asami-sama." Takayama was ecstatic, using all his strength, he kept his poker face on, showing no emotion, waiting till he arrived back to his estate before jumping for joy. These two years were well worth it, now all my plans can enter the next stage. Now my alliance with the Wang group will be finalized, only one left, after this week I can freely grow my human trafficking business without worry. Finally.

"One more thing before you leave Takayama" He turned back to look at Asami, the man blew out the smoke from the cigar and with a cold voice that made him shiver, his words frightened him to the core. "I give you this position with my trust, Do. Not. Disappoint. Me. "

"Hai, Asami-sama" Its okay, I won't disappoint him, I will do well on both sides. I have to. Yes, it will be alright, since I am someone who obtained the demon's trust.

Kirishima entered the office, Asami sat leaned back In his office chair, his eyes closed. He always looked peaceful with his eyes closed. Where he didn't have to face the world or stare people down with the power of his golden eyes.

"Kirishima, any news on my wild kitten?"

He chuckled, amused at how the boy had taken over his bosses mind. Of course he would be thinking of the boy when looking so peaceful.

Asami opened his eyes and looked at his friend who stood there chuckling, and looking a little too amused.

"Don't start Kei."

"Oh no, I wouldn't dream of it Ryu. After all, its not a crime for someone to occupy another's mind, not even if they are the lord of Japan's underworld ." Kei looked at him, his smile slowly faded. "Now, on a more serious note. I looked through the photos that were stooped at press again." He handed the file to Asami."

He looked over the report, flipping through the photos, until his eyes laid on the man opposite Takayama.

"Who is he?"

"He is not someone we normally have business with, after a background check what we found was...unpleasant. He is affiliated with a small group in the Philippines."

"Unpleasant? and, why was Takayama dealing with the Philippines?"

"Many groups in the Philippines have been trying to gain a fixed route into Japan over the years. Since they are mostly small groups without a leader keeping them in check, we have been avoiding or blocking them till now."

"So Takayama has been playing with the small fishes. Wouldn't he stop now that he joined the big league?"

"Yes, that would be ideal, however...it seems playing with the small fishes is not the only thing he has been doing."

Asami eyes narrowed, he knew about the Philippine groups, he had no interest in doing business with them. One reason, as Kirishima said was because of the distribution of power, without one group being the leader, things became unpredictable and changed far too quickly. However there was another reason far more disturbing. "Human Trafficking". The many small groups not being controlled meant that they relied on easy money to grow and gain power over the other groups. There was nothing easier than kidnapping children and selling them for a fortune. It was the one thing Asami hated more than anything. Distasteful and against the unsaid underground rules.

"Hai. the man's group is well known for their notorious human trafficking ways. Taking innocent children, drugging them and selling them off to rich patrons. However, in the photos from the press, there were no images showing any children. There were only guns and drugs. So unless there were other photos not released, we have no proof."

"So my kitten was chased because he found out. whether he took photos or not didn't matter, they would have him dead simply because he knew."

"Hai, what would you like to do Asami-sama?"

"First, double the guards on my kitten, I won't let anyone harm him." He would protect what was his. "Kirishima, Its been a while since anyone's gone against us so...annoyingly. Look into Takayama's next trade. It will probably be this week, his guard is down with his new position and he thinks I am going to be too busy with Mr. Kim to pay any attention. Well, he won't know what hit him. As the saying goes, betrayal is a dish best served cold."

"Hai Asami-sama. Also, your meeting with Mr. Kim is in 6 hours. Please get some rest, I will be at the penthouse at 9 am to pick you up."

"Mr. Asami, mind if I ask what your thoughts on children are? Are you thinking of having any of your own?"

Asami was taken back by the sudden question. They had arrived at the gallery at 10 am, talking about the differences of their business and their respective law systems. They had walked around the gallery, stopping by a few prominent photographs that started new conversations. They now stood in front of a photograph of young children playing in a park. It was a monotone image with the only color being the red slide on one side of the image and a red jacket on one young girl on the other end of the park.

"Children? I don't know about having my own, although it wouldn't be bad to have a successor. However, I generally find them to be the innocence of our world."

"Innocent, yes, children are very innocent. Until they get tainted by the darkness of this world. and because they are so pure, they often become tainted far too easily and deeply."

"Yes, but they are also very strong. They continuously surprise you and are often unpredictable."

Asami's thoughts bring him back to his younger days, when Sion was still small and without the power it had today. He would often have to deal with men much older and stronger than himself. Of course, they never fazed him. He grew his power by always standing up to those men, and making them drop their knees in submission by the end. However, it was the weaker men who were harder to control. Not because of themselves but because of their family. He remembered one man who owed him a great debt, he was a weak man who decided to sell his daughter, forcing her to go into prostitution to pay for his debt. A worthless man who disgusted him. It was his young son who came to my office the next morning, demanding his sister back. He yelled and fought his way through Sion until he was escorted to my office. He sat in front of me, his eyes blazing with fierce determination. Something his father lacked.

"Asami-oniisan, please return my sister. Instead of her, I will do anything." His straightforwardness and patience surprised him.

"Your father sold her to pay for his debt, I don't mind returning her, but how will you, a small boy pay it off?"

"Isn't that your job to figure out!? I've only been alive for eight years, how am I too know all the ways to make money."

"Hahaha. I see, that is true. Kirishima! Bring her in."

His secretary escorted the sister in, the boy jumped up, ran and hugged his older sister. Bringing her to sit next to him as he held her in a protective manner, prepared to fight his way out, never to let his sister be taken away again.

"First, what are your names?



"Sai, Mai, I will give you both three options. Option one, prostitution, if both of you do it, you could pay off the debt quicker." Both their eyes began to show a panicked expression. "Option 2, you sell a few organs, you would be freed immediately, the worst would be not having full body capabilities." They held each other closer, the cold air in the room seeping into their bones. They are losing hope, well, who wouldn't with these options. And yet, the boys eyes are as fierce as when he first entered the office. He will try running, and when caught, take his sister's place. Not that it looks like the sister will simply let him. Her eyes are just as fierce. "or. the third option, come work for me."

They looked up at him, surprise, shock and mistrust showing clearly in their eyes.

"What...what do you mean when you say...work?"

"Just as I said, work for me, making you guys prostitutes or organ donors is a waste. So, instead you will work for me, obtaining 20% of your pay while the remainder goes towards your debt. Once you pay it off, the choice to stay or leave will be up to you. Ah. and you must attend and complete your educations. The world of business is not something one can do without at least a basic education."

He knew he made the right choice at that time, they had payed off their debt within 10 years and decided to continue working for him. Sai had become an important part of Sion, both in the legal and illegal side of the business. While Mai had become a trusted secretary who works directly under Kirishima.

"I'm glad to hear that Mr. Asami. You see, we regard the next generations as our life line in this world. Especially the young generation, the children. They are the hope for greatness with the greatest potential to make a life for themselves, no matter their upbringing. Like you said, they are very strong"

Asami looked at the man, Mr. Kim again, he seemed different than when they met last night, his body language more honest, less on guard. He could feel that he was passionate about the topic of children. That he truly cared and worried for their well being.

"Mr. Asami, I joined this alliance because I felt our values matched, that within the underworld we abide by the same or similar guidelines. That is why, we would like to request your help against those who threaten them.