Foster Care Benefits the State Not Children

in #familyprotection6 years ago

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The statistics in the meme above are chilling to say the least, but lamentably not overstated... foster care has proven to be the worst way to address supposed cases of abuse- other than just giving the children to child traffickers outright. It's axiomatic by this point that children- the ones supposedly protected from abusive parents- benefit the least, so why is the system still in place? To answer that we need to look at who does benefit... CPS, family court judges, lawyers, the "experts"- psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, the pharmaceutical industry- if you just follow the money, it seems that compared to the money that the system generates vastly outweighs sacrificing a few poor children. In fact studies show that the children are far better off being left in family situations deemed "questionable."

 Children taken away from troubled families and put into foster care do not do as well as children left in troubled homes. This fact is not even in dispute. So why does the current system still exist, when it is clearly destroying the lives of so many children? 

In a 2007 study done by Joseph Doyle of MIT's Sloan  School of Management published a study that tracked 15,000 children from 1990-2002- the largest of its time:

 Children whose families are investigated for abuse or neglect are likely to do better in life if they stay with their families than if they go into foster care, according to a pioneering study. Kids who stayed with their families were less likely to become juvenile delinquents or teen mothers and more likely to hold jobs as young adults.

Doyle’s study…. provides “the first viable, empirical evidence” of the benefits of keeping kids with their families, says Gary Stangler, executive director of the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative, a foundation for foster teens. Stangler says it looked at kids over a longer period of time than had other studies. “It confirms what experience and observation tell us: Kids who can remain in their homes do better than in foster care,” says Stangler.

A year later in 2008, Doyle did another study that found: "...children placed in foster care have arrest, conviction, and imprisonment rates as adults that are three times higher than those of children who remained at home.”  So the question remains- why is this system, that clearly doesn't benefit children, still in existence? The answer:

 The foster care system is a $20 billion taxpayer funded business, employing tens of thousands of people in the United States. Do we really expect government employees, which include not only social service workers but juvenile and family court judges and employees, to advocate putting themselves out of a job? 

These don't include medical personnel and the pharmaceutical industry who also get billions given that many if not most of these children are put on psychotropic drugs (52%). After all, "special needs" children mean more money. Former CPS investigator turned whistleblower Carlos Morales shows how broken and corrupt the system is in this short video...

 Some statistics revealed in the video show that foster kids are:

  • 7-8 times more likely to be abused
  • more likely to end up homeless with nearly half becoming homeless at the age of 18
  • 3 times more likely to be put on psychotropic drugs
  • 7 times more likely to develop an eating disorder
  • more likely to have PTSD than veterans of war and less likely to recover from that PTSD
  • more likely to become pregnant as a teenager
  • 20% more likely to be arrested
  • 6 times more likely to die

than if they stayed in an abusive household. 

This meme shows the abuse going on within the system...


So what's the solution? Institutions do not willingly relinquish money or power, so if anything is going to be done, it's going to be up to us.  There is only one solution, since the system is so corrupt and beyond reform: Abolish it. 

 All federal funding for foster care and adoption should immediately be abolished. Let local law enforcement arrest and prosecute criminal parents the same as any other suspected criminal, rather than incarcerating the alleged victims by kidnapping them. Criminal parents are the ones who should be removed from homes, not innocent children.

Without the more than $20 billion in federal funding used for trafficking children, far fewer children will be taken from their homes. In cases where parents are removed with due process of law, the incentives in local communities would be to place the children with relatives, rather than the State. For the very few remaining children who have had their parents incarcerated and have no relatives, local communities can develop their own programs without federal funding, which would include adoption to parents who can afford to take care of children without the aid of federal funds.

It is time the American tax payer stops funding the U.S. child trafficking business, which is nothing more than a modern-day form of slavery. 

It's time for the taxpayers to speak up. Our children are being kidnapped and trafficked with funds extorted from us... we're paying the state to steal our children! This problem is getting bigger rather than smaller by the day. I read somewhere that every two minutes a child in America enters the foster care system. The problem is getting bigger and costlier, in terms of both money and more importantly our children. It's time to stand up- write your congressman (or woman). I'm not sure if it will get anything done, but if enough people do, it will. I keep writing mine- who by the way thinks the biggest problem facing America is cloture in the Senate. But I keep emailing him anyway. Complaining on the internet is fine if it makes you happy, but until people get active, nothing will happen!

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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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Howdy sir richq11! oh my gosh what a total unmitigated disaster! A demonic stronghold that needs to be dismantled!

Amen Brother! Maybe someday... I'm getting a pretty negative feeling about all of this.

yes sir I know seems hopeless when you see the power and money behind it!

Damn those are some serious statistics and speak for themselves. Listening to the video I am glad he is speaking out telling the evils of the CPS. If only more CPS workers would do the same. You would think folks would listen, but I guess the sheeple stupor lags. Thanks @rich11 for being awake and sharing the truth. May children live freely to laugh and grow in God's world. Blessings.

We need a thousand more like him! I've noticed that people are activists as long as it doesn't require any actual effort on their part. My congressman and I are on a first name basis and on his behalf I'd like to say he's been very patient (unlike me). I ask questions like- "Are you stupid?" I'm sure I'm probably on some list or other!