
Not again, another scene of breath taking event. Tony sat under a tree lost in thought at the same time weeping in a sorrowful manner. People stopped by to ask Tony the reason behind his tears but he gave them a deaf/dumb altitude, it all started when.
Tony came from work late that day at night when he saw his wife Rose in deep sleep. He called Rose for about two minutes before he went into the room in search of her only to see Rose lying on there matrimonial bed in deep sleep without any evidence of life still in her beside her was some couple of pills and blood profusely flowing from are reproductive system. Tony without wasting time quickly carried his wife rose into his car heading for the hospital. Getting to the hospital that night took Tony one hour. When he finally got there the doctor without wasting time started running some test and treatment on Rose after she had been layed on the hospital bed.
Two hours later the doctor came out of the room where Rose was been treated in search of Tony, Tony from seeing him ran quickly to him asking about the health status of rose his wife. The doctor reluctantly broke the shocking news to tony, that his wife Rose is dead from trying to commit abortion. Tony overhearing this news burst in tears and started crying like a baby whose candy was snatched from. The news of his beloved wife dying in the process of aborting a pregnancy he knew nothing about.
What is Abortion
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus. An abortion that occurs spontaneously is also known as a miscarriage. An abortion may be caused purposely and is then called an induced abortion, or less frequently, "induced miscarriage it can also be said to be the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks.
It may interest you to know that both old and young women are involved in it. It’s so surprising when people give you reasons why they commit abortion aside to terminate there pregnancy. Some of the silly reasons why teens and mothers commit abortion include Teens facing an unplanned pregnancy choose to commit abortion for similar reasons as women in their twenties and thirties. Teens ask the same questions: Do I want this baby? Can I afford to raise a child? How will this impact my life? Am I ready to be a mother?
Instead of bothering yourself in asking all this question why dont live it to God and let him take care of all of those reasons because God is the one that made the pregnancy possible why choose to abort it. The only reson why i will encourage abortion is when the child poise as a riske to the life of the mother i.e the fifty chance of saving the child ir the mother only then can they choose to abort the pregnancy.
how can the society help reduce abortion

Over the last year, many moderate and progressive politicians have begun to voice a fairly consistent message about abortion. Wanting to distance themselves from the stereotype that the “Pro-Choice” position equals “abortion on demand,” they have put forth a so-called moderate, “compromise” position: maintain Roe v. Wade but work to reduce the number of abortions in this country. At a rate of more than 1 million a year, reducing the annual number of abortions is certainly an admirable goal. However, there are different ways to reach that goal – some of which will help women and some of which will notThose who oppose abortion in all or most circumstances generally think the best way to reduce the number of abortions is to make it illegal. By eliminating legal availability, they believe abortion will cease to exist. They hold this view despite undeniable evidence that women continue to have abortions in countries where it is outlawed, under illegal and unsafe conditions that often result in terrible tragedy. Close to 70,000 women a year die from unsafe abortion and numerous others suffer grave injuries, including infection, hemorrhaging, and infertility. This hurts women, their families, and whole communities, but it does very little to reduce abortion.
four ways to eliminate abortion

  1. When encountering a man, consider evaluating whether he is worth spending your time and energy on before you have sex with him.
  2. If you plan to have sex, use birth control.
  3. There are plenty of families who would happily take care of your child. If it is inconvenient for you to stop yourself from having an abortion, visit an adoption agency.
  4. If you plan on having sex with someone who makes you consider annihilating your own offspring, don’t have sex with them.

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Nice one abortion is not just a sin in the sight of God but injustice against humanity