What to Do if CPS Are Behind Your Door

Hello my dear Steemit friends! 

I have not been blogging for a while but I decided to start doing it again when I found out about tag @familyprotection. My daughter told me about it and I decided to make a contribution to this tag too. I am a mother and also a grandmother and my family is the biggest treasure for me. And I think not only for me, it is the biggest treasure for most people and it is terrible when somebody tries to ruin it or have already ruined and separated children from their parents. A visit of CPS is always like it`s out of the blue but it is even much worse if you don`t know what to do in such situations. People mostly feel the big fear, completely lose track and make a lot of silly mistakes that only plays into the hands of CPS. It is much more difficult for them to struggle with people who know their rights and laws so let`s get ready for such an unpleasant surprise as a visit of CPS. I live in Ukraine and I will rely on Ukrainian and Russian laws (they are very similar) but I hope that people from other countries will find something useful for them too.

You should remember the main rule: 

The commission from the guardianship authorities can enter the apartment only in two cases:

a. By your voluntary consent

b. By decision of the prosecutor.

No other documents from the series "verbal order of the head of the commission, or certified by signatures of all instances with a large number of different caliber seals" do not fit and you can safely send representatives of the guardianship home, and in case of perseverance - call "02" (even if they are followed by a person, in the form of a policeman), on the phone you can say that unknown people want to enter your apartment.

What to do next.

They can go to the apartment, but only after preliminary negotiations at the staircase, where you need to find out the following:

- from whom the "signal" arrived. Say something like " I am not interested in unknown signals from the unknown persons, and I am afraid that our further conversation with you is pointless";

- ask the commission from the guardianship to show their IDs (and, preferably, passports - "how can I be sure that your application is not bought in the street and not printed on the printer?" While I am responsible for the safety of my child, I'm not going to let anyone to enter my apartment, "carefully study and rewrite all the data." You can also call in the guardianship from your mobile and find out whether they work there. Of course, they work there, but  such actions will show that you are ready to fight back and that you are well informed about rights and laws.

- to inform that without the prosecutor's decision they do not have the right to enter the apartment so that you are not going to turn such visits into a system.

From the very beginning it is better to record all conversations with the guardianship on a dictaphone,  video camera is even better, but it is problematic to use it when talking and checking documents. Note that at the moment, the use of hidden recording devices is prohibited by law and it is better to keep ready a normal dictaphone with charged batteries. Just keep in mind that the recorder can be withdrawn like an evidence, and it's not very convenient to part with the phone, that is why a dictaphone is the best choice.

After the "guests" stepped over the threshold of your apartment, let them know that they have to take off their shoes - this is an important psychological and strategic moment.

The motivation is simple: "I just washed the floor today and do not intend to wash it again", and "I teach the child to take off his shoes at the entrance to the house, and I do not think you should give him a bad example" (if the child is at home).

If there is a shelf for shoes, ask them to put the shoes on the shelf as "shoes should not be scattered along the corridor".

First, you demonstrate that the proper level of cleanliness is mantained in the house.

Secondly, the unshoed man is psychologically more vulnerable "sorry, but we do not have slippers for guests."

Thirdly, to run away with the child in the arms barefoot is quite difficult.

Fourth, they can simply refuse to enter the apartment in this case.

If they insist on going to the apartment in shoes, then you can tell them that "apparently, you will have to come another time, taking with you indoor shoes." Nobody will enter this apartment in street shoes. "

In the apartment it is important to prevent the "spreading" of the commission over the rooms. "Please follow me," "I did not invite you to that room," "I'll show you everything, but you do not need to walk around rooms without my permission," "Tell me, if a golden ring disappers from my room, will you be responsible for this? " and further in the same spirit.

Remember that your constitutional right to privacy was not canceled. And to shoot or photograph you without your consent are not allowed.

If you have a baby - don`t let anybody to hold it, keep the baby only in your arms. 

After the visit of the guardianship

- do not forget to write to the Director of the educational institution an application with the requirement not to give the child to anyone other than you and the spouse / grandmother / nanny (indicating name and passport details).

Of course, do not  take any "gifts" and material assistance. 

If you feel that you are not coping with the situation, change your residence. Urgently.

And don`t allow any visits at night. "My child  sleeps after 22(23), and I see no reason to break the established schedule of the day."

I really hope that these tips will help a lot of people to get ready for the visit of CPS and to protect their children.





Great tips! I loved the idea of making them take off shoes - very smart! When dealing with such people, parents need whatever advantage they can get.

Yes, I think all people should know these tips by heart to protect their family.

Are you sure that a hidden cam is forbidden by law in your own home? I dont think it is.. the law states (USA) that you cant record people in private areas such as bathroom. but you can record in your public spaces..


Will be good to get this clarified!

After your comment I got interested in it too. This information I found here http://www.semya-rastet.ru/razd/prishla_opeka__chto_delat/

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Of course on the territory of your private property you can videotape and record everything you wish.

But according to the law it is forbidden to use hidden camcorders camouflaged for household items and different bugs.
"Since January 1, 2010, the third part of Article 138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is stated as follows:" Illegal production, sale or acquisition of special technical means (including camcorders camouflaged for household items) intended for receiving information in a secret way- is punished with a fine in the amount of up to two hundred thousand rubles or imprisonment for up to three years ".

It means you can use at home just a usual cam or a dictaphone but not other hidden devices if you don`t want to get to prison, it is forbidden even to buy them.

https://masterok.livejournal.com/3426344.html Here is explained everything in details

Thanks for checking this out. I guess this is Russian law only, rather than usa etc.. but very good to know.. and incredibly hard to believe!

Some very good tips. Show an assertive face, even though it's not easy when you're feeling intimidated.

Good publication and good advice, for those who present at some point a situation like this have an idea of what they can do and how they could act.

Thanks for the collaboration.

This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @polyakovaevfimi for supporting @familyprotection

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