The story about how the CPS nearly destroyed the family of a disabled woman

Hello my dear friends!

Today I would like to share with you a story that happened a long time but really touched my heart. It is a story about how representatives of CPS separate close people making them very unhappy.

This story happened in Voronezh city in Russia. For 20 years, a resident of Voronezh, Lyudmila Buganova, dreamed of her own child. Lyudmila's husband Viktor, with whom she lived for more than 10 years, was unable to fulfill the dream of a woman and make her a mother. Secretly from her husband Lyudmila managed to get pregnant from another man, but when he found out that Lyudmila was pregnant, Victor left her. Lyudmila gave birth to her long-awaited daughter Larisa at 39 years old...

The mother raised her daughter in love and care, but some of Lyudmila's neighbors considered that the child lived in poverty, and reported this to the guardianship authorities. The court decided to take the child from her mother and give the 6-year-old Larissa to a shelter.

45-year-old Buganova - is a person with a moderate disability and is on welfare. But she lived happily, according to the words of her neighbors and human rights activists. She did not drink, did not smoke and took care of the child. But such "happiness" was not an argument for the court.

The bailiffs gave five days to the woman to voluntarily execute the court's decision and give away her six-year-old daughter to guardianship authorities. But the woman hid her daughter.

Lyudmila Buganova: "I will not give my child to anyone. I'll stand until the end and hide my child until the end."

The woman did not understand what her fault was and why the CPS wanted to take her favourite daughter away from her. When the CPS came with a check to the woman`s house, they also looked into her fridge.

Lyudmila Buganova: "They did not like that I had half a kilogram of cheese, two sausages and a packet of butter. For them this is not enough. " Of course, it is not enough but the woman is handicapped, so it is natural that she suffered privations. The state gave her just a small amount of money and she tried to survive on it as she could. 

It was noted in the guardianship agency that  the main reason why the CPS were going to take away the woman`s daughter was Lyudmila`s mental illness. But Lyudmila said that the birth of her daughter helped her cope with neurosis, and for 6 years she did not need any medical help. The court did not appoint a forensic psychiatric examination. Mother does not understand why they decided that she was dangerous for the child.

Lyudmila Buganova: "I was humiliated that I was going to collect empty bottles in the evening. Well, I collected them not for drinking. " 

The woman told that she had to collect bottles to earn extra money for bread and milk. Besides, the woman needed money because she took out a loan to repair an apartment - 50 thousand rubles. 

But fortunately this story got public so the representative of the rights of children under the President of the Russian Federation, Pavel Astakhov, and  the prosecutor of the Voronezh Region, Nikolai Shishkin, agreed to suspend the judicial decision on deprivation the woman of parental rights. 

Astakhov also said that the Buganovs' family would receive a "second chance": he promised to help Lyudmila with searches of a simple work at home that would allow a single mother to raise her material income at least a little. Astakhov also told that he would help the woman to make repairs at home. And many residents of Voronezh began to help the mother and daughter with clothes. On the 1-st of September little Larisa entered the first primary grade. A new uniform, a new bag and notebooks were also presented to her by people who worried about mother and daughter with all their heart. But this story has such a happy end only because it has got public. Publicity is a good way to protect your family from CPS and you should always remember it. 

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very cuit baby

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