RE: Update: Standing my ground against Child Protective Services - They're showing their true colours
Thank you @crosheille I'm sorry for the late response, I only just noticed your comment to my story. Thank you for the encouragement and well wishes. I have gotten stronger after they initially came at me with their fake authority. At first the only thing I could do was say yes and nod. They just have a way of doing that, kinda like the stern teacher in school. I hate that and it brings me off balance, but that's different now. I will not send my youngest to playschool and told them this. Legally there is nothing they can do about this since no one has to send their kids to school here at that age. I will also not send my two older kids to school. If they take me off the register, I will keep fighting for our rights. If all else fails, I will have a back-up plan ready.
Thank you again for your support and input. It means a lot.
You are absolutely welcome! No apologies. It gets really easy to overlook a reply after a few days. I am so happy to hear you are stronger and can see through their fake authority. I can only imagine what that felt like, it’s so horrible that they do this to families. That’s awesome that you have a back up plan.
I am a homeschool mom and we do not vaccinate our children. I am passionate about supporting others that are going through things like this. One day (Lord forbid) that could be our family in need of support. I will continue to follow you and prayers are being lifted for you and your family. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond back to me :)