in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

There are so many people you see on the road now that are abandoned. Do you know why? The enemy has already collected what he wants from their lifes and he does not want there empty carcasses again.

Even though the devil will like to see fathers go to hell, he is not fighting too much to have them. As far as he is concerned, he has already collected what he wanted. He has sifted them like wheat and left them with the empty chaff. They will most likely end up with him in hell anyway.

As i think about this, I remember again the story of my Pastor message at a professor's daughter's wedding.

When he was called to preach on that day, they started adjusting there spectacles saying, 'who is that? Where is he from?’ when my pastor asked them to stand up and sing, they started grumbling, 'why is he worrying us?Let him say what he wants to say and go and sit down.'

They were mostly old men and women. Not many things excite people who are already old, especially it it is coming from young man, as my pastor was then.

When my pastor notice there attitude was negative, he decided not to look at their faces again so that he would be able to speak to them boldly from the Word of God. As he started preaching and the word of God began to affect them, we started hearing some 'hmms' and some 'ahhs.'

This make me to observe that, when you preach to old people; fathers and mothers, their response quite different. The reason is that almost everything you say to them only reminds them of their past. Most of their years are already behind them they have not much to look forward to.

Whenever I remember the man who walked up to my pastor after the service... His lamentation and pastor said he would had wish to preached to him when he was young me.

This is because no matter how powerful the message he preached was, and no matter how much he wished to repent, he has made irretrievable and irreversible choices that even repentance cannot change!


Then I remember the woman and how she said, "For me it is too late."

Those things affected me a lot. It means that it is possible for the people to hear the Word of God too late! It means they could even repent too late! That does not mean that they were too late to converted and go to heaven. But it was too late for them to enjoy the correct life that the Word of God they were just hearing, could have brought them into.

When you face father's and elders and this that are old, most of what you talk about in their past. You simply remind them of where they are coming from and only help them to see where they can correct whatever remains before they go to sleep in death.

Even when the Holy Ghost will come on old men, the Bible says they will only dream dreams. Adrwam is often a recapturing of what happen to you before, which is being brought back to your consciousness às a drama in your thoughts.

But when the Holy Ghost comes on young people, the Bible tells us that they will see Visions; they will see things that are yet to happen.

Yes, that is a major difference.

Dreams are from the past. Visions are from the future. Old men are dreamers of what they could have done or some better, young men are men of the future! They see what is possible ahead for them in life.

It is very crucial, now that you are young , for something definite to happen to you that will make you see the invisible which will define your life in the days ahead.

This time of your youth us not a time to be cosmetic or plastic, floating through life as I'd you are in a dream but rather a time to be deliberately authentic and realistic with your choices.

This time of your youth is the most crucial part of your lifetime and choices made then will help determine your entire future.