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RE: When Kidnapped Children Get Adopted (FamilyProtection Series -- Tammy's Story)

Well said WWF
"Please know that if that paperwork is signed, the parents are turning over legal title of their baby over to the state. That is why the state can take them. If parents would stop giving legal title over to the state, then the state cannot keep taking them."

Sadly no one cares about learning their rights, they would rather disbelieve and just bitch?
Contact me and I can help.

God bless you all!

I am also able to help as well. I've been walking this path for nearly 15 years! Lots of stories to tell. I just wrote a post this morning about this topic. Visit my blog if you are interested in my take on it all. May Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

I just read it and your new post has very valuable information contained in it.
Thank-you so much for what you are doing to prepare and help out families and children!

If people are really interested in digging deeper, my whole blog is setup to step people through this whole process. It is like a heavy duty course on freedom free for those with the will to do the work. Thank you for all the work you are doing as well. It is wonderful to have like minded people pooling together to make a difference in how we govern ourselves and treat one another. May Creator bless you my friend.

Anna (who told the story in this post) is EXHILARATED to hear your thought processes on how to withdraw from the system. She has heard bits and pieces before, but never pulled together the way that you have done, and it resonates very deeply with her.

I must say that it really resonates with me too. I have heard some of those things before, but never really considered taking the plunge away from the system as it seemed too extreme and I didn't want to be a rebel just for the sake of being a rebel.

Somehow reading your thought processes on the few posts of yours that I have now reviewed, makes it seem doable and with purpose.

Anna would probably love to talk to you on the phone one of these days too, but I'll give her a chance to review some of your writing here first and watch that Youtube video about you.

We can always chat privately on Discord or

I am honoured. Yes, I would recommend that she review my blog before making any decisions. I have two individuals who are studying my work right now and working their way to freedom. I've had a hand full of serious students in the past as well. The story I told being one of them. It is a huge commitment and some would view it as extreme. I do feel that we need some extreme measure in order to confront what is unfolding before our eyes. I am open to a phone call as well and would be honoured to speak with her. I am not on discord or yet. So if she is interested let me know and I'll endeavor to get connected through one of those two channels or she can call me directly. But I'll need to find a private way to share contact info as I don't want that to be public. <3

I recommend that people start at the beginning of my blog and work their way up! I've set it up like a course so that people are eased into the ideas that I am sharing. A lot of the content I share now are details from my workshops.

Is your course for Canadians only?

No. But it has some Canadian content. However, it applies to anybody as it is a spiritual journey, not a legalistic one. The implications though can have legal consequences.

I will definitely dig into your blog, because I am very interested in what you have to say. With my youngest son I contemplated about not registering him. With the other three, I had just never heard of it. However, there are a few problems with this that the system created to make it so much harder for people to do so. One being child benefit. I am not 100% sure how this works in countries like the US or in Canada, but these payments are often essential for a lot of families. When my son was born 3 years ago, I had just left my then partner the month before and on my own again with now four instead of three mouths to feed would have been impossible at the time. In Ireland the child benefit payments are quite high and in our case, I just wouldn't have been able to pay the bills without it. BUT: no registration, no child benefit. And then, there is of course the issue of passports. While there are some people who are quite content to never leave where they live, a lot are not. Just looking at myself: I live in Ireland but I am from Holland. Not being able to travel would mean never to see family and some friends again. Of course, for my children I would make the sacrifice, but that would then mean to be 'stuck' in a country and not being able to leave in the case of any issues (in our case, a move in the near future is becoming reality, for reasons concerning my experiences with CPS here...). But I think this has all been done on purpose. In Ireland alone, unemployment rates are very high. So people either have to rely on their social welfare payments and the child benefit each month, or move to another country for jobs. They KNOW that this is the case for a lot of families, and therefore they have them where they want them. Also, I have a friend in California who's sister decided to not register her child. When the child was 8 months old, CPS came and the child was removed from their home with force. There were no problems, but they made everything into a problem. Eventually, the reasons they gave were as follows: child was removed to give it a better chance to a normal life, as enrolling in school, hospital visits etc. would not be possible or harder in the case of non registration. This is 1 year ago, and she is only allowed supervised visits once every two weeks....Anyway, I enjoyed reading your comment and am looking forward to read more.

You are right, there are costs associated with this path. However, once the fraud of the state is exposed, we will be able to move or travel across the face of this planet without restriction from a feudal overlord. Walking this path also requires a lot of work to provide for oneself without receiving any benefits or privileges from the state. It takes time to get established so that one does not need the state to provide the basic necessities of life.

Please go through my blog as it will outline what it takes to stand up to the state and make sure you are willing to pay that price for freedom.

I definitely will read everything there. Already started. Fortunately for us, we are no longer in need of any assistance from the state. And I have been in the process of waking people up to what is really going on in the world (instead of what the media is telling us) for a long time. For years, people (even some friends and family) would declare me crazy, but now there are more and more who tell me that I was right. Borders is something invented by people in power to make it easier to contain us, literally. This power play has been going on for such a long time but if you tell people that they look at you as if you have two heads. Too many people still believe the history books...

Yes, I agree. I have ten heads! lol. I applaud your efforts to bring awareness. Peace to you.

ten heads...that's funny :)