Legal Kidnapping – Fight CPS

in #familyprotection7 years ago


In this article we will discuss how best to deal with CPS Child Protective Services and how to protect your family if you are been targeted by CPS. There are various dreadful stories about CPS. CPS ordeal throughout the United States has been documented by the media, family rights groups as well as private citizens.

This doesn’t mean that children don’t have right to be protected, and that all Social Workers are bad. This research shows, that children have been taken from their lovely families and put in foster care for bogus reports and unfounded allegations.

Don't think it can't happens to you!!

Just recently a family was attack by CPS after their daughter told her school counselor that her father had hit her on her leg. This was after the teenager wanted to leave the house at night to meet with a boy without the consent of the parent, which was not the first time. One week later, very early in the morning, they’d received a phone call from CPS.


CPS were at the school due to the report they had received from the school and needed to do a body check. They also wanted to meet that same day to speak with the parents. Dumbfounded for the moment, the parents agreed after the CPS Worker told the parents she wanted to see legs, arms, back and belly. They called back shortly after, to notify the school that they would like to be present for the body check. Unfortunately it was too late. Nothing was found during the body check. The CPS worker asked the daughter some funny personal questions such as:

Do your parents argue a lot?

Do you fight constantly with your sibling?

After a quick reflection, this family made some research online. This is why the freedom and use of the information on the internet is so important. The CPS case worker did not make mention to the parents what the allegations were, but stated the following:

  1. I NEED to speak with you now in your house.

  2. Make sure your other child are present because I will need to ask them some questions.

The mother told the case worker, (who made it seem like she wanted to inspect the home) that they will make use of their constitutional rights, and that nobody have the right to enter their home without a warrant. She also indicate to the CPS case worker that they will speak to their attorney first. The CPS case worker agreed.

After asking the CPS case worker some more questions on what more was needed, as the body check had been done and they’d spoke to their daughter already. The CPS Case worker stated that the mother was taking this into something it wasn’t. No “probable cause” was seen and there are no signs of any neglect. The mother asked why the need then for CPS to speak to the other child. The reply was... I only told you I wanted to come to your home for your own good..

It would not be neccesary to speak to the other child, but it would help your case..

They respectfully refused to have their other child interviewed. The CPS case worker then inform the mother they could meet at the office and she would need to speak to the father. After informing them they would need something in writing regarding the allegations, the case worker declined. The CPS case worker also inform them that they will not speak with an attorney. Since they have right to remain silent, this is what the family chose.

The CPS case worker stated, that if they would not call to schedule an interview she will not be able to close the case file and that she would make a note stating they were being uncooperative. That bring about end of the discussion. The next step to take was to consult with their attorney and schedule an appointment with their family doctor to get the children examined to make sure that they were healthy. The lawyer instruct the parents to not speak to CPS – Child Protective services, at all. Let them contact you. Anything more will go through the attorney.


If your family is targeted by Child Protective Services there are information and resource links in the internet. As a matter of fact, even if your family is not attacked, protect yourself, educate yourself and your children.

If you're truly passionate and cares about helping families and children worldwide facing CPS injustice, an healthy step is to JOIN the @familyprotection community.
