how to stop the CPS guide. USA.

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)


I will cover the UK in a different post, this is for the USA only.

The CPS from the digging I have done, will aim for poor families, they target people who do not know their rights. I aim to change that.
I am going to have to do this in a compilation style post, so you know your rights, so here goes.
You are going to have to click the links to read up, and watch the videos, also sign the petitions, it does require effort.

Here's how to cope with the ordeal at the door.

1 Ask for identification. When someone shows up at your door asking about your kids, you're right to be a little suspicious. True CPS workers will not have a problem with showing you their identification card, and every CPS worker should carry one.

2 never allow them entry, and do not answer questions that can or will incriminate you.

link drop start.

This site is dedicated to those who have been falsely accused of some type of child abuse and for the attorneys who represent them.

Michael G. Brock MA, LLP, CSW

Allegations: Prevention and Survival:

*Open offer for you to help, sign this petition here, it is aimed at stopping the CPS.


You can only fight back if you know how, the links above help, and the petition is against the CPS, I hope you signed it.

Know your rights, I would like everyone to know their rights and be well informed also, here is a short video on that, it is only 3.39 minutes long.

Lets go further.

Even if this does not relate to you, please find the kindness to consider those it does effect, I have several friends in the UK and the USA going through this traumatising situation at the moment, of having children removed from their homes.


These are things you should have done BEFORE CPS invaded your life. The chances are, though, that until they knocked on the door, it had never crossed your mind to have to protect yourself and your kids from them. Sadly, this is WHY they have such success at destroying families and stealing kids.. the parents have no clue of the dangers. You are working to protect your kids from every danger you are aware of, and the most dangerous of all threats is one that you are paying to support every time you cash a paycheck. Think you have nothing to hide? You don't have to.. they will be happy to make some up FOR you.
Based on my personal experiences, these are the steps I deem absolutely necessary to self defence in this situation:

If you have not already- NEVER EVER let them into your home without seeing a
SIGNED Search warrant. Yes the refusal pisses them off, and they MAY just have
the cop with them force you out of the way. MAKE them. Don't make it easy for
them to violate your rights. Make them force you and get every word and step on


Know your enemy.

The Corruption of Child Protective Services (CPS)

I am trying to cover all states, I doubt I will due to my lack of knowledge of the USA, I will try my best though, now and in the future, once I get started on a project, I never give up.
Another petition =


We are team steem anti CPS.

This is a quote I found also, she sadly said you can not win, I believe we can, I refuse to accept defeat at anything I do, that is just the way I am.

For those of you first dealing with CPS, in my opinion, just don’t sign anything that gives them control of your children, don’t let them in your home without a warrant, and don’t talk to them. They are the enemy and they are not looking out for the children. They give judges false information to obtain warrants. Try and find out what information they said to get a warrant if they do.

If you don’t talk to them, they make threats. That’s all they are, threats. Don’t give them any information. They will twist it and rewrite it as they understood what you said, which is usually has nothing to do with what you were really saying. Don’t trust your lawyer. He is on their side too. Do the research and tell him what you want him to do, don’t let him talk you into something you don’t want to do, or would even be the worst things you could do.

Fight and make them prove everything they say. If there was real child abuse going on it would be a criminal matter. If they can’t charge you with a crime, then there is no child abuse taking place. Don’t be afraid and don’t let them wear you down. Best of luck.

Here is the link, discard the fact she said there is no way to win, there is, and that is knowing your rights


I spoke to some people today in the USA, that sent me in this direction below.
They said these people are knowledgable, and extremely helpful.

Please take a few moments to watch this video, it is only 3 minutes and 37 seconds long


They are incompetent.

If you would like to help, please consider delegating even a small amount of sp to @familyprotection, or doing a similar post, the more that join in, the wider the audience we all have, it takes us all to change the world, and in someone else's words .

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Source Margaret Mead

Deliberators verdict = It will take us all to change this situation

Have a superb week and weekend.




Images courtesy of pixabay

Thank-you @deliberator for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

You will indeed be getting both sp and sbd from me soon. Keep up the incredible work good people.

Thank you for posting those other links. I'll keep them as part of my resource library.

More than welcome, thanks for stopping by.

Think you have nothing to hide? You don't have to.. they will be happy to make some up FOR you.

Based on their "criteria," they would successfully find something on probably 85% of families and maybe more, based on the gray field of so called neglect.

Haven't given your kids a bath in a few days? Neglect. Your son skipped breakfast this morning? Neglect. Your 3 year old isn't potty trained? Neglect. Unschooling your kids? Educational neglect. Kids have cavities? Neglect again...

My husband wanted to cooperate. We let them in. They have been back 5 times in the last 8 days and they are trying to build a case against us.

Thanks for the article and the links.

That sounds horrendous, I am 100% with you, we all are, stay strong my friend.

nice research @deliberator. this will help victims of this agency be aware of their rights and the proper way of dealing with this situation when it arises .

Thanks my friend, being informed helps, knowledge is king.


It takes time to get you head around the method, but i used it to get felonies dropped to sign the paper and walk out misdemeanors.

Thank you for sharing this material @deliberator. Not something I ever expect to encounter but from the articles and stories I read, many of those terrorized by this agency never did either. We are exploring homeschooling/unschooling and, not surprisingly seem to need to be preemptive in our defense against these lawless people. Thank you for these resources.

They seem to target home schooling also. I am exploring the laws they use, and they are so complex it is unbelievable, it seems open to interpretation as to the home visitors perception, and these people have zero psychological checks done on them, which I find beyond belief for a person holding the power to remove children from families.

It's actually infuriating. And saddening at the same time. I can't imagine how my young children would react to (the attempt of) being taken from us. Again, thank you for sharing. Definitely resteemed. #carryon

Thank you for doing your part in this fight against CPS. I could not sign the petition as I am not an US citizen. I started my own petition. Will you please sign mine?

Of course I will, many thanks for the great effort you have put in.

Well all these publications dedicated to help at all times when it comes to social services. This system is capable of many things even use any strategy to win, and this help is very good.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

Most kind of you thank you.