I Use These 15 Questions to Get My Kids Talking

in #family7 years ago

. If you wrote a book, what would you name the main character and where would he go?

  1. What is your favorite thing to do?

  2. If you could design a t-shirt, what would you draw or write on it?

  3. What was your favorite part of your day/school/activity…?

  4. What is your favorite memory about being ___ years old?

  5. If the story of YOU became a movie, how would the movie end?

  6. Do you have any jokes to tell me?

  7. What's the funniest thing you saw today/this week?

  8. How would you describe a perfect day for you?

  9. If we had an airplane to take us on vacation right now, where would you want to go?

  10. If we could go to (insert name of favorite place) but couldn't use a car to get there, how do you think we could get there?

  11. If you could have any animal in the world as a pet, where would you go to get it and what would it be?

  12. If you could do something just like your friend (use name of friend) what would you do?

  13. If you could do something like your Dad/Mom do, what would you want to be able to do?

  14. If you could change anything about school what would it be?