Life Lessons from a Geek: Batman Begins (Part 1)

in #family8 years ago

Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins is one of my favorite movies of all time. It is easily my favorite super hero origin story. When I first watched it, one line stood out. Even though it was before I had children, I distinctly remember thinking, "When I have a child, I am going to teach him or her that."

And I have. But I did it without showing my children where I got my inspiration.

After a long 12 1/2 years of waiting, my son is finally old enough to handle Batman Begins. Earlier this week, we sat down together to watch it.

Luckily I didn't have to wait very long as the first thirty minutes of the movie are packed with teachable moments.

My heart began to pound as my favorite scene approached.

And then it happened. A father lowered himself down a deep well in order to save his son. As he carries his son to safety he asks him...

"Why do we fall Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up."

Timmy yelled, "Pause! That is what you always say. You ripped it off from this!"

Yes. Yes I did and I'm proud of it.

It was a better reaction than I could have ever dreamed.

To me that is one of the most valuable lessons I have ever taught my children. Childhood (heck life in general) is filled with failures. My kids fail every day... just like everyone else in the world who takes any chances. They don't answer every single question at school correctly. They don't pass the soccer ball like an elite athlete. They don't hit every note perfectly on their French Horn or Violin. They aren't always nice to their brother or sister. They don't always put away their Lego (and then I step on it and scream like I was just shot).

You know what else they don't do?

They don't give up. They keep answering questions (and asking them). They keep passing, playing, interacting, and... leaving their damn Lego out!

But they get out of bed everyday knowing they aren't perfect... and it doesn't crush them. It makes them stronger.

Kids need to know that making mistakes doesn't mean they are "bad" or "worthless". Oh no. It is quite the contrary. Making mistakes means they are brave for taking a chance. It means they are learners and to me a learner is one of the greatest things in the world. They are also "doers".

One sure fire way to ensure one never fails is by simply never doing anything. You can't fail a test or miss a shot if you never take them. You can't blow a job interview if you don't apply for the job. You can't get shot down by a beautiful woman at a club if you never ask her out.

You also can't really live.

I want my kids to live. In order to make that wish a reality, my kids are going to have to be "doers". They are going to have to be failures. They are going to have to fall. I will be proud of them every time they do.

Why do we fall MJ and Timmy?

So we can learn to pick ourselves up.

Images 1, 2, 3

*I had intended to include at least 5 other life lessons from Batman Begins in this piece. But I failed. That is ok. Tomorrow I will pick myself back up and try again.

**I Understand that Batman Begins is not a movie for children. If you'd like to read my explanation of why I watched it with my son, please check this out.


The trilogy of Batman from Christopher Nolan in combination with Christian Bale is amazing. I enjoyed every movie. When I saw all those movies my reaction was the there wouldn't be a better one.

Even though Ben Affleck isn't that bad as anticipated, he can't be better than Christian Bale!

This post received a 2.1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @rkrijgsman! For more information, click here!

I remember when I saw the movie for the first, saying out loud "They finally got Batman right!"

Exactly. Perfect actually.

I personally take my life lessons from Superman, but Batman is a close second.

Also, I'm glad you didn't include 5 other lessons. I can only digest one at a time.

Nice recap/overview. Looking forward to Parts 2-5...And yes you are a geek ;)

I like spiderman because he is the most human with flaws like you and me.

Spider-Man is my favorite comic book character but the Nolan batman series are my favorite movies.

He did an amazing job re-launching the franchise, that's for sure. Dark Knight was indisputably top notch.

Cool my favourite batman was that guy who played in The Big Short who's yours?

Thanks! I will
Probably combine a few but felt this one needed to stand alone.

Ok, so first off, this is only my opinion, but.... Did anyone else think that Batman VS Superman and Ben Affleck having anything to do with Batman in any way is just asking for a disastrous flop? The Dark Knight Christopher Nolan movies were epic.... I could watch those and get lost in the movie, anxiously anticipating what would happen next... When I watch the Battfleck I feel like I'm watching a campy Buffy the Vampire Slayer tv show and I almost can't wait for it to be over... Very disappointed with Ben Assflake as Batman...

People may make fun of the way Christian Bale talked as Batman but at least he talked and didn't have a voice synthesizer in his mask....

That movie was an unwatchable mess. No one could have saved it. But Ben was a very poor choice. Superheroes are not his thing. See: daredevil.

Yeah people in interviews kept saying "Lots of people think you're a bad choice for this role..." and he would just laugh and say "This is going to be different..." yeah, my ass it was 'different....' It was Daredevil 2.0 just like everyone said it would be...

It's truly a life lesson. We have to fall in order to learn how to walk. Every successful person has failed many times, but they always learn from their mistakes.

Exactly! Must be the one thing they all have in common.

It was so well written. And then he realised that it's only the first part!!!

We fail everyday , but we learn from our failures to make each other stronger

I sure hope so. If people would learn from their mistakes the world would be a better place.

People just keep repeating their mistakes until they have forced to chance sadly

thanks for talking about my DAD

Lol well played!

This is absolutely AMAZING <3 I'll go watch the movie right now haha I upvoted and followed hope you do the same to me as I'm a newbie and I need some support <3 All love

Its a great movie! My favorite is still The Dark Knight though...Come to think of it "Why so serious" is a nice life lesson.

As long as it's not said by the joker! Lol